Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Blind Item #6

Our favorite closeted former B+ list mostly television actor acted like he was the biggest star in the world when he guest starred on a show this week instead of the grateful to actually get a job on television again.


  1. elle b12:03 AM

    Nathan Fillion?

  2. Tricia1312:09 AM

    Darren Criss was on the Flash i think

  3. I like the Darren guess.

  4. RandomGuy12:30 AM

    +1 he is guest starring on the musical episode as the villain (the cartoon role was done by NPH)

  5. mariaj12:56 AM

    Darren Fake Criss, of course...he also used the occasion to put in scene once again the beard charade...with one pap that, oh, look, was on set to take pics of the couple AND of the beard the photographer would be interested in a former B List and his attention seeking nobodydonothing " gf"

  6. You forgot to mention he took this opportunity to pose with his fake girlfriend on set. Interesting how he was the only one bringing up his SO on set. Bonus pap pictures of the "happy couple" and the beard individually, who isn't even famous. No way a pap would be interested in taking pics of a nobody and make a gallery, but Darren's management for sure know how to call paps and pay them to post stuff.

  7. SarahS1:18 AM

    Waiiiiiiiiiiit. Darren Criss is "supposed" to be straight?! It would NEVER cross my mind to ever think he was!

  8. Charity1:35 AM

    @sarahs I know. Bearding is so ridiculous. It's always over the top and documented in articles and social media ad nauseum so you will never forget just how straight these gay men are.

  9. gabbydiamond1:47 AM

    i know right

  10. longtimereader2:06 AM

    Set for life with all that castle money.

  11. and barely a word from either cast. It seemed to be going well until the beard showed up then it all went downhill.

  12. SarahS2:39 AM

    You know---I MIGHT actually be able to get a little gossip on this. I forgot I had a friend that worked with him very closely on a project. I guess I would have to change my screen name though....

  13. He looked he was having fun on that show. That show isn't great, but I would think that cast has fun making TV.

  14. So Curious6:33 AM

    Oh SarahS, I'd love to hear some more gossip about Darren. I love him, but have been finding his career moves pretty weird lately. The whole thing with having his "girlfriend" show up to the outdoor portion of the filming so that the paparazzi would just happen to catch them together pushed me over the edge. Would love to know some info from people who've worked with him.

  15. D.R.B9:20 PM

    Even if I hate Darren “attention whore” Criss, I understood the Blind differently. I mean, I think Enty is talking about an episode that aired. CrossOver hasn't been aired yet. They're filming. However, if it's really about someone who was announced to guest star, I believe it's Nathan Fillion. If you search on google, will you find his name on top. And by the way, Darren is not B+ he is at least C-.
