Sunday, February 26, 2017

Blind Item #6 - Academy Awards

This Director nominee/winner from last night and his significant other ran into a seat filler and had an awkward conversation about how the significant other failed to forward a fee the seat filler had earned for sleeping with a producer. Apparently she was the carrot to get the producer to agree to work with our director.


  1. Tricia1311:47 PM

    Mel Gibson

  2. Lurky McLurkster12:46 AM

    Aren't producers a dime a dozen?

  3. In Hollywood, toss a stick up in the sir and it will land on a "producer."

  4. Toppermadison12:51 AM unknown slept with a producer to secure a film for someone else? People do this?

  5. Lurky McLurkster1:00 AM

    and it supposedly wasn't even Mel that arranged it. It was Rosalind that did. Very convoluted

  6. Putzywutzy1:28 AM

    Good grief! You have to have a Masters Degree from M.I.T. now to understand half the blinds! In English, please! And type slowly.

  7. David Brown1:33 AM

    Not an expert but I thought that hooking was strictly a cash in advance business?

  8. makersmark6:09 AM

    wow enty. you're bad at writing. most of these dont make any sense. hangover much?

  9. Scandi Sanskrit11:35 AM

    I wish more people knew about this "seat-filler" thing (too many people pretending to be big shots, bragging about "being invited" to the Oscars when they're just seat-fillers). Someone please make this mainstream.

  10. Camal1911:47 PM

    Such a confusing blind, but I think it was Mel's wife who slept with a producer to get him to work with Mel. Either way...this is a dumb blind. He could have been telling the truth...or could have been joking. People take everything so seriously an actor says, just to make a buck.



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