Sunday, February 26, 2017

Blind Item #4 - Academy Awards

According to the driver it took about 35 minutes to get from the home of this permanent A list mostly movie actor who is a multiple Academy Award winner/nominee to the drop off area. In that time, the actor drank most of the 12 bottles of beer he brought into the car with him. He told his wife when they arrived that it was going to be the fastest red carpet in history unless he found a bathroom first.


  1. mariaj11:17 PM

    Well...ahe got a good joke out of that

  2. Lurky McLurkster11:20 PM

    Awesome!!! Wonder why he didn't just use the empty bottles????

  3. Vanilla Chocolate11:57 PM

    Bull shit. You can't drink 12 bottles of beer in 35 minutes. You'd throw up from the gas.

    Try doing a shot of beer on the minute for 100 minutes. You'll throw up around the hour mark.

  4. Ryan you slut1:21 AM

    What the hell are you talking about. Ever heard of the Century Club? I did it tons of times in college with other guys who also did it. No one every threw up.

  5. longtimereader2:27 AM

    Piss weak american beer? you bet i could as well.

  6. shakey2:53 AM

    Jeff Bridges.

  7. Lurky McLurkster2:58 AM

    It said most of the 12 so I would peg that around 9 beers



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