Monday, February 20, 2017

Blind Item #3

This one named a-hole of a speaker who is foreign born and did I mention he is an a-hole was openly doing coke before a television appearance late last week. Probably makes him even more of an a-hole than he already he is. Want to make sure I mentioned that he is an a-hole.


  1. sandybrook1:32 AM

    Milo y

  2. sandybrook1:33 AM

    Can't really call him a speaker though. ( I got away with Stephanopoulos yesterday wasn't gonna try Milo's last name today)

  3. GoTrollUrSelf1:37 AM

    Milo calls himself a journalist, as well. Twitter was on FIRE last night over him & the CPAC. I wonder how the Christian Right will justify its alliance with this absolute shitbag.

  4. GoTrollUrSelf1:39 AM

    I commend your restraint, Enty.

  5. Riven1:41 AM

    LOL his fanboys are so pathetic.

  6. sandybrook1:44 AM

    Show off!
    The Christian right has a lot of questions they need to answer.

  7. GoTrollUrSelf1:50 AM

    copy/paste :-)

  8. How is Milo Yiannopoulos one named though?

  9. Sd. Auntie1:58 AM

    well that explains a lot. He probably uses poppers too. So who are his boyfriends of color? I really think that is a big ol lie....too.

  10. austin2:03 AM

    +1. Milo is truly contemptible. Shocked at Bill Maher for providing him a platform, and handling him with kid gloves. He jumped the shark imo.

  11. Hothotheat2:08 AM

    The christian right has a lot of shitbags amongst their ranks, one more won't make a difference.

  12. Vexed3:16 AM

    There's a new video of him defending pedophila. It's so disgusting just like him.

  13. SarahS3:31 AM

    Should I know who that is? I listen to CNN Live and NPR every day and have no idea!

  14. Wait I thought the Christian Right hated gays... isn't milo out and proud?

  15. They have no integrity. This asshole says what they want t hear and they quickly drop their morals.

  16. AndrewBW5:07 AM

    They've finally disinvited him. But so long as he was willing to bash liberals they didn't mind that he was gay. Even when the man-boy-love stories started getting around they stood by him. It was only when it started getting too much publicity that they finally cut him loose. But they would have been only too glad to have him if they could have swept that stuff under the rug.

  17. BETTY BOTOX5:39 AM

    The late night talk show hosts and other interviewers are really playing up the fact his mother is Jewish. I have seen this happen three times in the last two weeks. Haven't the poor Jews suffered enough?!

  18. Sarah6:21 AM

    Anti-semitism is on the rise everywhere, unfortunately, particularly on college campuses. It has to do with Zionism and the idea of Israel as a state, which people immediately associate with all Jews/Judaism. It's sad, but it's reality. Whenever a vile, hate-mongering person enters office it immediately gives alt-right assholes a platform to start crapping on all minorities, including Jews in this case.

  19. austin7:17 AM

    Update - Milo's still feeling the fallout..

    "Publishing company Simon & Schuster has cancelled a book deal for alt-right personality Milo Yiannopoulos.. The company had previously defended its decision to offer Yiannopoulos a $250,000 book deal, saying that the book would not contain the hate speech for which Yiannopoulos is famous."

  20. Except that Milo is half Jewish on his maternal side(makes him Jewish) and has never railed on them whatsoever .Nor has President Trump. Who are you talking about then?

  21. austin7:24 AM

    Milo the white supremacist (and major a-hole).

  22. He's a white supremacist who prefers black men, is of mixed cultural ethnicity and has never been on record using WS slander?
    Oh. Okay then- got it.

  23. austin7:31 AM

    And there's more..

    "Meanwhile, The Hill reports employees at Breitbart News “are reportedly prepared to leave the company if controversial senior editor Milo Yiannopoulos is not fired.”

  24. austin7:35 AM

    Clearly you are not familiar enough with his history to be commenting, or else you're a troll. This just in:

    The Hill reports employees at Breitbart News “are reportedly prepared to leave the company if controversial senior editor Milo Yiannopoulos is not fired.”

  25. poopmeister9:47 AM

    N Y Times will be publishing his Obit in 3, 2, 1 .... from suicide.

  26. Hortensia10:17 AM

    Yeah, Jake, you creepy trolll Trump supporter. Get your mental illness under control before you become public.

  27. Cygnus11:08 AM

    Well, there you go then!

  28. I merely made one comment which was factual (and not about President Trump by the way), and you resort to name calling and talking about mental health issues? Wow.
    Says far more about your kind,than me now doesn't it?
    I'd say get your intolerant political/partisan bent under control before you go public- but too late unfortunately.

  29. Ever Duchovny11:58 AM

    Someone will pick up Simon & Shusters sloppy seconds. There's a publisher for any agenda out there. I don't need the aggravation and don't care what he has to say so I simply have not listened to him in never. I can't stand an extremist on any level.

  30. oh they already started defending him, saying the video was edited.

    I heard he said that being with a 29 year old when he was 17 (heard it was actually 14 he just didn't want it to look as bad), taught him how to suck a do the conservatives spout so much about morals but completely forget about their morals when someone says something they want to hear?

    I get that the far left can get insane, but the far right are just as crazy.

  31. marlo1:04 PM

    LMAo - that naughty Milo and his questionable alliances....

    Better be like the liberal left: allied with a pedophile death cul,t who hurl gays off tall buildings, mass rape women everywhere, ethnically cleanse mini rites, war with everyone, including their own, and are responsible for 98% of all wars and armed conflicts in the world.

    Milo says exactly what hundreds of millions of people in Europe are thinking, and he's more of a journalists, than the actual journalists we have today, spreading propaganda and lies to brainwash useful iditos like you primitive chimps over here on cdan. That's why he went from nobody, to somebody in 5 minutes. That's also why Trump won.

    He's fearless, brave, doesn't give into threats and violence, he uses his words, instead of destroying property and calling for the deaths of people. Meanwhilel you inbreds chant 'Allah Akbar' together with your beloved inbreds at WOMEN'S RIGHT MARCHES, while a hijab wearing terrorist supporters, who advocated fro female genital mutilation, gives fucking speeches, in the freest country on earth. Meanwhile her sisters are getting beaten the shit out of themselves by those you defend, for showing a fringe or a wrist.

    How can anybody even get this level of retard, is beyond me - it must be innate.

    You libtards will never 'get it'. Until there's a knife at your throat, maybe then, but I'm not even sure about that.

  32. Sd auntie1:25 PM

    @vexed. I had mentioned that he may have skeletons in his closet about possibly being a pedo. mr Facts asked for proof and I reiterated that he gave off that vibe. And no it is not because he is gay. He gives me the creeps and I do not believe he bangs men of color

  33. Hot Cola1:33 PM

    Some none- entity on a non-entity talk show

  34. Anonymous1:35 PM

    If anyone is interested in the truth, Milo is a child abuse VICTIM whose "gallows humor" comments are being completely taken out of context, twisted, and misreported. It's a hit job plain and simple b/c the the left's head was exploding over the existence of a funny good-looking catholic-jewish gay libertarian (he's not even truly conservative) on the rise. You can read his statements here and here , they're pretty to the point.

  35. Druggie is racist? There's a surprise.

    What do you think is behind the white supremacist/alt-right/conspiracy theorist movement? They're mostly all suffering various degrees of drug damage.

    Good riddance to this one, hopefully the rest collapse soon as well.

  36. marlo5:20 PM

    Hey Ann, you wanna experience REAL racism and REAL supremacy?

    I will right now buy you a one-way ticket to either Iran, Pakistan, Somalia or Gaza, my liberal friend. I swear, I will, just say when.
    But once you get there, don't forget to tell your beloved friends that you are american and non muslim; see their type of tolerance and kindness.

    No return ticket necessary.
    Just say when.

  37. KaiserCheeto10:41 PM

    Because another country has WORSE racism makes the US racism okay?

    "Well, it's not as bad as Iran!" is not an excuse for people to be assholes.

  38. davedixter7:05 AM

    Not high on coke!

  39. +100000010:38 AM

    Marlo you are fabulous.
    Many agree with you and may not say it, but love your honesty and ACCURATE assessment of what's actually happening.
    misguided ,spineless blowhards who will sing a different tune when it's here in their faces currently turned Backwards
    "Lord knows when the cold wind blows it'll turn your head around"
    ~James Taylor

  40. marlo1:55 PM

    +1000000 - thanks for the flowers. I don't really expect them here, I usually expect poorly educated and brainwashed sheeple, to baaahhh at me angrily. I do realise that many Americans are smarter than your average PDiddy umbrella holder or Mariah's champagne-bottle carrier, but it's nice to get this confirmation too once in while. Greetings from London.

  41. looking closely11:05 AM

    Bulls@$t. Milo said he had sex with a priest when a teenager. IE he was the VICTIM of a paedophile. He never defended the practice, just said he didn't feel hurt by it. He also never claimed to have sex with minors either.

    So now you're blaming the paedophilia VICTIM. Good job.

  42. looking closely11:09 AM

    BTW, the blind is a deliberate smear.
    Milo didn't "openly do coke" anywhere, that's bull@#$t.

  43. looking closely11:11 AM

    Yiannopoulos has resigned Breitbart. Whether this story is true or not, its moot now.
