Sunday, February 05, 2017

Blind Item #2

There is a leak through the boyfriend of a family member. Drunk at a party this week he was telling everyone about the ex-wife hooking up with the married now permanent A+ lister. Why would the ex agree to it? That settlement money is from ages ago. She has a certain lifestyle.


  1. sandybrook1:48 AM

    Trump and Brooke Mueller or Denise Richards?

  2. sandybrook1:50 AM

    Brooke because her parents know Trump

  3. Marla. Leak tiffanys boyfriend

  4. Heather Chandler1:59 AM

    That's how I read it.

  5. Heather Chandler1:59 AM


  6. Soon to be former bf lol.

  7. I don't even understand what this blind means, so props to you guys who managed to figure it out and hazard a guess

  8. information desk2:21 AM

    So Marla hooked up with trump to continue her lifestyle

  9. austin3:08 AM

    If this is about Trump and Marla, and if even Tiffany's boyfriend knows and is spreading it around, how could Melania possibly be kept in the dark about it? She's bound to find out too, so they must have some kind of understanding that he's allowed to cheat.

  10. nancer4:03 AM

    melania couldn't care less. i think she detests him. she's a prop for him, which he needs, and she likes all that $$$$$.

  11. Sd auntie4:11 AM

    Marla was writing a book and it was not approved by the Donald. Maybe he paid her off.

  12. information desk4:29 AM

    Yup the Donald loinel Richie her book

  13. Chandelierxo4:36 AM

    I don't think Melania gives 2 shits about what that fucktard does.

  14. Hot Cola5:46 AM

    Melania is not aloud to speak. She's beautiful and her position is of a prop.
    She new it walking in and he knew it.
    I can't blam her for being unhappy now. 13 years of being a prop will do that to you.

  15. mariaj5:59 AM

    I think one person like Melania, KNOWS that if she is married to someone like Trump the cheating is a sure thing. I just assume she doesn't care ( at least anymore ) too

  16. ~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~7:04 AM

    President Trump does not drunk alcohol...

  17. Hortensia8:01 AM

    No, but he likes peeing on women, and getting peed on.
    He's a Conservative, you know.

  18. GoTrollUrSelf12:08 PM

    Melania's probably glad for the hour off. Maybe she chipped in.

  19. Baby Doll, it's the blabbermouth boyfriend who was drunk, not the permanent A+ lister who hooked up with someone's ex. Everything before the word "about" is describing the story-teller, everything after it is describing the story.
