Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Blind Item #11

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actor with a side job who is also an Academy Award winner/nominee is trying to reach a settlement with a young teen he impregnated in Europe late last year. Apparently she just turned 15, but when they had sex she was 14.


  1. sandybrook3:32 AM


  2. Tricia133:37 AM

    + ick factor add infinity
    He's like 44 ffs(looks younger)but he is

  3. sandybrook3:42 AM

    Mick Jagger is 73 and has bebehs still with 29 yr olds. Not as bad as being a pedo but Leto's 44 and this is a 44 year age difference ?

  4. Tricia133:47 AM

    I know -like that'll last

  5. lalalla3:52 AM

    Leto. probably a girl form Budapest where he was filming Blade Runner last summer

  6. CheeseFries3:55 AM

    Leto is a good guess. Academy Award winner, side job (30 seconds to mars). Any adult impregnating a 14 year old is gross. Like you've all mentioned, he's 44 and she's barely a teenager! Not sure who else this could be?

  7. desk hack4:00 AM

    BIIIIIG difference between a 14 year old and a 23 year old. Jesus.
    Read on a groupie forum that Leto not only likes them way underage but is also sexually violent.

  8. marlo4:04 AM

    sandy you dumb vile pedo-defending cnut, a 29 year old is grown ass WOMAN, a 14 year is a CHILD!

  9. Tricia134:21 AM

    I totally agree there is no comparison-age difference maybe problematic,but they are adult issues/problems... not the same as an impressionable teen being taken advantage of by a "movie star"/effon weirdo with certain -derelict tendencies.... but I don't think sandy meant that it was justified--(hope not dude?)

  10. Neither of them is pedo, it's really difficult to understand that pedophilia is having the sexual attraction to someone before the age of puberty, so in the girl's case until to 11-12 years old.

  11. RenShaw4:36 AM

    I always find this topic stomach churning because there is no set standard. In my worldview, an adult with a 14 year old of either sex is just criminal. Not in some parts of Europe if you look it up. So what country in Europe did he slither into. The parents may not be able to go after him for statutory rape and the only legal settlement would be child support. If I was ruler of the world I would make AOC 18 regardless of where you are standing.

  12. Donald J. Trump4:48 AM

    If there's grass on the wicket..

  13. Guesser4:53 AM

    A 29 year old woman is well aware that she can get pregnant, and probably did so intentionally. She's well past being an adult, the age difference is not much of a problem.

  14. Jared Leto can't even have kids.

  15. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:59 AM

    The idea of an adult boning a 14 y/o is disgusting, although salon.com, vox.com and other liberal websites say otherwise, but that kid has probably had more penises inside her before the 40sth than many 30sth females I know if she allows him to impregnate her.

  16. Lurkette5:01 AM

    I meant +1 to Renshaw

  17. desk hack5:02 AM

    AL - there's still the power dynamic in play. There is a huge discrepancy in power between a 44-year-old and a 14-year-old. This guy gets off on being powerful and dominant to someone younger and weaker. It's sick. And nitpicking the difference between ebephilia(?) and pedophilia misses the point entirely.

  18. Sarah6:10 AM

    OMG that is disgusting/despicable. Please reveal this to be Leto if it is him because honestly he deserves to be dragged if that is his idea of acceptable behavior. He seems like a real piece of shit.

  19. To be different, Jamie Foxx

  20. Cricket6:41 AM

    If it is Jared Leto then it was probably while he was filming in Hungary last year. The legal age there is 14. Legal or not though, it's disgusting.

    I mean, the legal age of consent where I live is 16, but if a 44 year old slept with a 16 year old I'd still be horrified. I think people aged between 16 and 18 should be allowed to have sex with each other, and you know, add Romeo and Juliet laws or whatever, but an adult having sex with someone under the age of 18 should be criminal.

  21. honcho7:34 AM

    I could totally be Jared Leto but I really wish it was Casey Affleck just to finally drag this son of a bitch

  22. sandybrook7:35 AM

    Hey Milo I can call you that can't I you unemployed racist, fucking European troll? Go back, learn English and re-read it again. I said a 73 yr old and a 29 yr old isn't as bad as a pedo but it isnt good either. Fuck off

  23. Putzywutzy8:46 AM

    I saw a tall, beautiful lady in a movie lobby over the weekend who could easily be a professional model. Vogue pretty. We were waiting in line and I asked her if she was a model. The lady standing next to her turned out to be her mom. She replied, "Oh lord, no! She just turned 13 and I want her to have a childhood." I almost fainted on the spot. 13! Almost 6 feet tall and looked every year of 23! The kids today don't look like we did when we were 13. Must be the water.

  24. Casey Affleck, rumors on here have said he likes younger women

  25. Hijackin' Enty9:33 AM

    Looks like Enty has been lurking on LSA again. At least link the site so people can read where you get your tea from ffs

  26. Laura Palmer9:58 AM

    Brad? no...just still trying to figure out what blew his perfect marriage to kingdom come..russian hooker rumor? could this be the truth he doesn't want known? could this be a russian hooker?


    but he does have a side gig...

    naw...sorry Brad honey, I totally love you and know it can't be you. If it was you were blind drunk and the girl lied.

  27. Laura Palmer10:00 AM

    also Brad is permanent A+ right?

  28. marlo1:33 PM

    Oh sandycnut - it's amusing how you get all personal - but don't even get 1 of your hysterical accusations towards me correct.
    Not only am I employed, but I employ several people in my own run business.
    Not only do I speak english, but I also speak another 3 languages.
    Not only am I not 'Milo' , but I am a woman.
    Not only am I not racist (I don't care about anybody's skin colour), but I only despise Islam - I am honest and brave enough to admit so repeatedly, unlike your ilk, who's in bed with pedo-whorshippers and wife-beaters, and those who gas human beings (who did that again?) and call themselves 'progressives'.
    The truth is hate for those who hate truth, and you seem exactly to be what I accused you of.
    Now go fetch some coffee for some z-list pedo rapist, you inbred.

  29. Yeah, "probably."

    Knobjob, you are the very definition of a ©UNT.

  30. Isabella10:13 PM

    This is DISGUSTING.

    Especially if this is about Leto.

  31. Dave S.11:06 PM

    Can't believe no one's thrown in James Franco (nominated for 127 Hours). Side gig could refer to hosting or his well-known university teaching.

  32. sandybrook1:32 AM

    Like I said fuck off you useless troll. I know exactly who got gassed you piece of shit I'm Jewish and my father's family was from Austria. Cocksucking alt-right Eurotrash.

  33. Is she still pregnant or did she abort? We need these answers Enty!!!
