Friday, February 10, 2017

Blind Item #10

With his popularity waning because he is not on television each week, this A list mogul is threatening to pull his production deal with the parent company unless he gets back on the air now. Thirsty f**ker. Always likes you to think he prefers being behind the scenes. Nope. His ego is HUUUUUUGE. So, now the company is going to overpay for a worn out franchise from a different network.


  1. Tricia133:01 AM

    Seacrest "not "out"

  2. Tricia133:02 AM

    And American Idol reboot---- noooooooo!!

  3. sandybrook3:08 AM


  4. GoTrollUrSelf3:16 AM

    I'm so disgusted that this knock-off Ken doll is a bloody mogul. He must have fallen onto the right lap at the right time.

  5. sandybrook3:20 AM

    Dick Clark is his guy.

  6. austin3:26 AM

    He was taken under the wing of pre-cable TV mogul Merv Griffin.

  7. bean àlainn rua3:31 AM

    yep, check out this photo of the two of them:


  8. austin3:33 AM

    Talk about a picture being worth 1000 words... LOL.. and awesome, thanks for posting that :)

  9. sandybrook3:35 AM

    Bwahaha a man's man

  10. AMartel3:37 AM

    When AI first started there were 2 hosts. The other guy - who seemed like the nicer, goofier one - got run over by the Seacrest bus.

  11. Tracy3:53 AM

    Mogul: Tyler Perry
    Parent: Oprah's Network
    Reboot: House of Payne

  12. lake calm3:58 AM

    ryan seacrest & the american idol reboot just announced

  13. Guesser4:15 AM

    @sandybrook, RyanS modeled his career after Dick Clark,but he and Merv were very close, possibly a real couple,albeit one with a gigantic age difference. He was more than just a conquest though.

  14. Lapsed Lurker4:21 AM

    Brian Dunkleman. If by 'nicer, goofier' you mean pervy fratboy then yes. When a female contestant declined to sit for an interview because she was afraid the high slit dress she was wearing would 'flash the world' he immediately suggested it would help with votes. And it didn't come across as goofy just creepy and inappropriate.
    Don't let loathing of Seacrest cloud your memory, he was a terrible host.

  15. AI is being shopped around by Fremantle productions. I am not sure, but I do not believe Ryan Seacrest is part of that production company. If Simon Cowell still is part of that company the answer to this blind could be him. He has America's Got Talent on NBC, but that is only on the air during the Summer. He's not on the air for the normal TV season. He could be threatening to take America's Got Talent somewhere else or he is threatening to leave that show to get them to buy AI.

  16. Guesser5:12 AM

    @Yep,I think you are right, Ryan is on TV occasionally,and with all his shows he could possibly insert himself in one.

  17. shakey6:35 AM

    Ryan's had work done - his nose doesn't look like that anymore.

    Funny, he doesn't fit into Merv's theory of successful people - large head on a small body.

  18. information desk7:19 AM

    Seacrest lived in merv griffin guest house for years before he made it

  19. Laura Palmer11:07 AM

    I love American Idol ..its totally fun mindless entertainment..bring back Simon, add an overly medicated Paula in a neck brace and a cast..and you've got A plus TV people! ..prob be Jlo tho and Urban..still love it ..Jlo has great outfits..bring it..Tuesday nights sucked it all I love the whole's as American as apple pie..I hate the Voice and the others...ugh but American Idol is the last season they really added some great things, spent more money and licensed some good music.

  20. Farrah12:06 AM

    It's Ryan Seacrest/American Idol. Definitely. RSP (Ryan Seacrest Productions) has an overall production deal with NBC. It is, right now, most notorious for producing the JLo starring Shades of Blue. (JLo is a big selling point to advertisers for NBC.) If he pulls the contract, not only do they lose the show but it also impacts the Bye Bye Birdie special which stars JLo. FOX rejected Idol because of the price tag and Ryan's ego. However, NBC was not in a position to decline due to their further involved business relationship.

  21. information desk6:11 AM

    Not to mention Kardashian channel E
