Monday, February 06, 2017

Blind Item #10

A lot of panic with our creepy AF tween shows producer/molester who thinks today's news is going to somehow bring to light that he is the father of the at the time teenager's baby.


  1. Tricia134:03 AM

    Jamie Lynne Spears and the Nickoldeon douche

  2. Tricia134:04 AM

    Dan Schneider

  3. Suzanne4:11 AM

    I think so, Tricia. Sad all around.

  4. Brizz4:14 AM

    While I believe Dan Schneider is a Grossy McPedo, I'm not sure I buy that he fathered Maddie. She looks exactly like Casey. His family have active social media accounts and they include photos of Maddie with their other grandkids. There is a familial resemblance. Just saying.

    Praying hard for you, Maddie!!

  5. austin4:14 AM

    Hmm.. I dunno.. Jamie's daughter looks a lot like Casey Aldridge, the guy who's supposed to be her father. She looks more like him than Jamie imo.

  6. Tricia134:14 AM

    Agree 100%

  7. AyyyPapi4:22 AM

    Dan 'Hold her tighter, she's a fighter' Schneider.

  8. joe mama4:27 AM

    yeah, but he got to bang Victoria Justice. So jealous...

  9. Alice4:48 AM

    Jamie's daughter looks just like Casey aldridge - no way that Nickelodeon guy is the father

  10. GoTrollUrSelf5:07 AM

    I pulled up pics of McPedo and the injured child. It's not impossible, in my opinion. I looked at younger pics of him and paid most attention to nose, chin, eyebrows, stuff like that. It's possible.
    I hope the child doesn't need any more of his skeevy DNA if that's the case. What a dirtbag.

  11. GoTrollUrSelf5:09 AM

    But you are all correct! She definitely looks like Casey Aldridge.

  12. Guesser5:17 AM

    Hope he isn't the father, and it is pretty creepy to do a blind like this. For what it's worth , I think she may have intentionally gotten pregnant to get away from Mr creepy though.

  13. Grandma Police6:42 AM

    TIL all white kids look alike!!!

  14. Gerard7:58 AM

    'thinks' = sociopathic fiction

  15. Tara118:59 AM

    Why not actually report these abusers instead of just reporting on them?

  16. Bookjacket4:02 PM

    You think the cops never hear second-hand reports? What are they supposed to do? There's no evidence till a victim files a complaint.

  17. information desk5:32 PM

    Didn't he also get Amanda Bynes pregnant too as a young teenager and her parents forced her to terminate and stick with it bc they wanted her to support them forever

  18. Casey Aldridge has another kid with his current spouse and Maddie is its twin looks wise. The rumour just isn't true.
