Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Your Turn - A Resolution Idea

Several years ago, during the first week of a New Year, I wrote in this space I wanted to lose some weight. It actually worked for awhile, but like most diets it went by the wayside after a couple of months. It went well when I was talking about it on here which was the first month or so. I don't think my body can handle big yo yos any longer so I want to lose weight once and for all. I thought if I made something public here and made a resolution to not only lose the weight but to also make the commitment to talk about it here every two weeks that it would reinforce the resolution and the weight loss. I need to lose 50 pounds this year. I have to for my health. Without giving up bacon or booze (although I will try to cut down), I am going to go for it. If you would like to make some resolution and then track it every two weeks in the comments, you can. Maybe you want to write a book or learn a language or save enough for a trip. Make a goal and then lets all check in every two weeks on our progress. I will read all your goals and your ups and downs and will talk about them here along with my own.


  1. mariaj2:04 AM

    If you want a more permanent change, you have to go really slow, get your body used to less and less calories.Sorry, but it's the only way You may even keep on eating everything like you do now.

  2. sandybrook2:07 AM

    Enty if you can't make it to a gym to workout to lose weight, try walking for an hour 4 or 5 days a week. As fast as you can--for me that's about 3 miles, but I walk fast.

  3. Jillian Michaels, Carpet Muncher2:10 AM

    You can eat whatever you want if you cut out booze and walk. Seriously, take 30 days of alcohol and you''ll lose 15 in the first month

  4. trainrides2:16 AM

    All this time, I thought Enty is Jeff Cohen, so I don't know what to do with this resolution confession. But I'm with you, enty, on the goal of losing weight. I need to lose 20 pounds this year.

  5. Hothotheat2:18 AM

    Finally get my short film done, get my cholesterol down, get better at Spanish.

  6. I would like to make 2 permanent changes to achieve a healthier lifestyle. 1- Eat clean. 2- Exercise 3-4 times per week.

  7. Words to Google. RS3 starch. Microbiotica mix for gut health. Warrior's diet. Identifying variables that control appetite that you didn't know existed. You might find that identifying all the variables before you begin worth your time.

  8. HeathenGoddess2:34 AM

    I resolve to lose 25 lbs by summer. I plan on eating less bread, drinking more water, and cutting down on the empty alcohol calories by smoking more weed. (which might kick me in my enlarged ass with the munchies). Good luck Enty, let's do this one day at a time. Happy New Year.

  9. majik8bong2:36 AM

    Go Keto.

  10. Udsctb2:38 AM

    With the diet, get your metabolic rate tested and consistently--and honestly!--measure portions and take in less than what you burn. I lost 50 lbs last year this way. This year, I plan to finish writing my novel (I'm up to 55000 words!), reach my goal weight, and get my job situation under control. Good luck, everyone!

  11. Pink Escada2:48 AM

    I lost 50 pounds last year. I eat turkey and chicken, eggs and low fat cheese and green vegetables like broccoli....but no bread, pasta or rice. No alcohol. No sweets or chips (my downfall). I'll eat a protein bar (like Quest or Pure Protein) before I go to the gym. I drink tons of Crystal Lite and water. I snack on turkey jerky, turkey pepperoni, a few nuts and dill pickles. I really had to change the way I eat.

  12. Pink Escada2:49 AM

    Oh, and my goal is to declutter my house.

  13. Enty: i feel like I am your best friend for this situation.

    I lost 35 lbs in 18 months using: www.myfitnesspal.com.
    I added the phone App 'Pacer' to count my daily steps which aid in helping you lose weight. (The Apps are owned by UnderArmour.)

    Now, over the holidays, I added a few lbs back on because people kept shoving food at me.

    Oh, well, I survived and will get back on track.

    When I last saw my doctor, when she saw my weight loss, she asked, 'What pill are you taking?'
    I said none. I was merely counting calories with the www.myfitnesspal.com. She asked, 'What's that?' I said a computer program which is also a phone App to help lose weight.

    And, I haven't given up bacon, either.

    Happy New Year.

    (Too keep you healthy, the App limits you to a max 2 lbs per week of weight loss. This is so you don't drop weight too fast and become unhealthy!)

  14. TaBuHax3:05 AM

    Suggest gym workouts - some of the hour long cross training ones are fantastiC. I lost 20lbs in one year and went from a size 8 to 4. It's fun - social and the music is good. Men have dropped the 50lbs easily. First three weeks are hell, but then you get into the endorphin rush. Me - planning on learning a language and have three trips planned.

  15. Laura Ramona3:13 AM

    Husband number 3 :) hope last one .

  16. ThisIsSomethingWeCanDo3:13 AM

    not sure of my own goals... but Enty, you go for it. 200% support. people give you crap, but honestly, your blog is one of the few that i have to read every single day... so it's important for me that you get healthy. :) honestly, my food goal this year is to get iceberg lettuce out of my 'thinks it's good for you cuz it's called lettuce' mindset. i've been eating 'fun' leaves... arugula and such... without dressing...so i actually taste each individual type and judge them. :) in November, i decided i'd grow some in the house... so now we're actually eating healthy salad grown right here. i guess it's my way of owning it. and i'm really enjoying the change. i do need to lose weight. but the numbers are overwhelming to me. but i can plant a seed and start there. i believe in you.

  17. StewMcG3:34 AM

    Good for you, Enty! I'm a lifetime member of Weight Watchers. I lost 54 lbs. and have kept it off for almost 3 years now. Portion control and moderate exercise is what worked for me.

    For the first month or two, measure everything you eat. I kept a set of measuring spoons and cups in my laptop bag, so I could measure while away from home. It sucks but I learned really quick what I used to think was a "normal" portion of pasta was actually closer to 2 serving sizes. Yikes!

    WW let me keep eating the stuff I like. For example: my "go to" breakfast is now a toasted English muffin with 2 slices of bacon, 3 scrambled egg whites, and a splash of Tabasco sauce. This totals 7 WW points (I'm allowed 36 points a day) and add in a mug of hot tea (black, no sugar) and a piece of fruit (0 WW points), and I'm good until lunchtime. Also, don't skip meals. 3 small meals and 3 substantial snacks will help you lose weight and keep it off better than starving yourself.

    I hated the idea of exercising... at first. We adopted a rescue dog right after I started my weight loss journey and walking the dog every day gave me a great start. Although I now run 5k's for fun and go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. (Never thought I'd ever say anything like these things in my life!)

    Slow and steady gets the job done. Good luck!!

    Oh, my resolution is to start finding the joy and happiness in life. I need to force myself to see the good out there. Cheers!

  18. SarahS3:57 AM

    I want a BIG weight loss this year--at least 80 pounds. If I go back to my strictly monitored eating and 5 times a week minimum exercise, I really don't think that its nothing I CAN'T accomplish. I just need to really buckle down like I did a couple years ago. Today, I started back on tracking using My Fitness Pal. I haven't did my weight recently, but I am assuming how high I think it is based on how my clothing fits/how bloated my face is. And boy do I have a LOT of work to do!!!

  19. SarahS3:59 AM

    oops---I meant "I really don't think that is ANYTHING that I can't accomplish."

  20. AndrewBW4:02 AM

    Stay away from the carbs!

  21. GoTrollUrSelf4:19 AM

    But carbs are delicious.

  22. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:34 AM

    January 3, 2017 at 10:07 am
    Enty if you can’t make it to a gym to workout to lose weight, try walking for an hour 4 or 5 days a week. As fast as you can–for me that’s about 3 miles, but I walk fast."

    Only an American would call walking 3 miles an hour to be fast.
    For example, today I have gone to some mall in my town walking, stopped by in order to buy something, , gone to another shop, queued some time in order to buy some other things, gone back home. All in 40 minutes. According to a phone app, I have walked 5.6 Kilometres (3.47 miles according to google).

  23. saras5:29 AM

    Hey Enty good luck this year. The only way I found to lose weight is fun exercise (dance, walk with friends, kayak ect) and what I call the one big meal diet. Like you know when you eat brunch and you are full the rest of the day? Kinda like that except eat a nice big healthy meal so you are satisfied and full with a snack on either side. It does not feel like a diet and you don't have to nibble this and that counting stuff all day. Feel like a burger well have one! Maybe just make it a single with big salad and a few fries instead. Don't deprive yourself! Have whatever you crave just a better version and have fun moving!

  24. TopperMadison5:40 AM

    You may have longer legs. (Imagine a Chihauha walking alongside a Great Dane. The little one takes a shitload more steps for the same distance, and is walking much faster to keep up.)

  25. TopperMadison5:42 AM

    Walk an hour constitutional every day. You'll lose 10 pounds without even knowing it.

  26. Jooles7:14 AM

    Bravo Enty! I'm pulling for you and your success. I've recently lost nearly 30 pounds, now I need to a) keep it off and b)get fit and build muscle. I'm starting an intense boot camp Monday morning. I hope I can do this! I know you can.

  27. Lalalady8:14 AM

    I am also planning to declutter my house among other things: walk, hike more, finally take up yoga, read books, meditate, and manage my finances better.

    I am going to use the konmari method - if you haven't heard of it it is worth checking out for your decluttering efforts. Good luck!

  28. Hello Enty you live in Hollywood surely you can get a fitness trainer? You have celebrity pals right? I heard in LA you can get healthy food delivered to your home is this true? My suggestion get a journal record your feelings on paper. You got to take one day at a time. You also need to be serious. The key to losing weight is consistency. You will skip up BUT if you keep at it you will lose weight. You need a good fitness trainer though to keep motivation up.

  29. now i understand ur body shaming : 'too thin','too bony', 'an anorexia'...
    good luck, love & bacon...

  30. AndrewBW9:50 AM

    @GoTroll I know. That's why you have to stay away from them.

  31. Scandi Sanskrit10:13 AM

    Enty, have you tried writing things down? Like putting them on paper to keep track of things? It works. Maybe you can get one of those "fitness/wellness planners" (look it up on YouTube). Don't be discouraged if you find a bunch of girly things, this planner thing really works (yesterday, I got sick but managed to do some other things that required less energy/focus and had a productive day because I listed some smaller things I could do too—it can be very satisfying because it can give you a sense of accomplishment when you make progress). Keeping track of things gives you an overview of your progress and that can really help. I believe some companies publish good templates for fitness stuff. And always have your notes visible/near you.

    As for the bacon, maybe you can try some of that synthetic bacon they sell at the hippy store. I went through a phase when I was in grad school—they'e not that terrible tasting, those veggie-based meat products.

  32. Scandi Sanskrit10:14 AM

    Agreed. Journaling works.

  33. Scandi Sanskrit10:17 AM

    I have mixed feewings about the Konmari method because it involves throwing things out. Just like that. It's such a First World approch to decluttering. I've decided to just reorganise by category, donate what I can, and start actually using things (maximising what I already own, while thinking of the moment I bought and spent on it). Instead of just throwing it out. I feel like I'm on the verge of snapping and might just go nuts and throw everything out, tho.

  34. Lalalady10:25 AM

    I feel that - and to be honest I do more of a hybrid konmari/minimalism/wastefree approach. I don't throw much out but give it away or sell it. Things I have too much of I make an effort to use up or repurpose. I was raised by a hoarder and have tried almost every method out there and this is the only one that has truly helped me make progress, with specific categories and really considering if the items bring me joy. Her book made it easier for me to let go of things I don't really want in my house. I have started and stopped a few times already but want to complete the process this year (or hopefully even this month)! Just a suggestion! Good luck everyone.

  35. Scandi Sanskrit10:41 AM

    Good luck to you too, Lalalady!

  36. Morose12:24 PM

    Best of luck with your weight loss endeavor.

    I resolve to complete my Ph.D. this year.

  37. Candyland4:37 PM

    Enty- I'm in! Let's make it happen. I need to lose 25 lbs. Committing formally right now!

  38. WickedBitch7:29 PM

    I have to do some postpartum toning up.
    While I've lost the weight, I'm still not in the best "naked shape" that I desire.
    In the fall, I went back to my yoga studio and recently made drastic changes to my diet. No added sugar, no processed food.
    I find exercise that doesn't feel like work keeps me motivated. Gardening, dancing, hiking with the boys.
    Best of luck to each and everyone! We can DO it.
    Thanks, Enty!

  39. Michelelala7:40 PM

    I am on board with the 50lbs too. And decluttering. And paying off my credit cards. So far, I've lost 3 lbs, cleaned under the bed and opened up a "budget" account with $200 every payday for food and fun. Here's to resolutions. Oh, and to post more on CDAN. ?

  40. Sappy8:51 PM

    Good for u, ENTY! Just want to support your efforts. Like others, I also need to declutter my home. I have a lot of my mom's things here since she died and they are really in way. Been almost two years, would be nice to have my home back. Good luck to all of you. :)

  41. Everybody means well with their answers, but most are just unrealistic. Enty has stated he does NOT want to give up booze or bacon.

    The only times I had to lose a lot of weight, was after pregnancies.
    I also don't like cutting out certain things, and I am too a bit lazy.
    So here's my advice:

    Get yourself a very good personal trainer. It will change your life. Cause once you have to pay somebody, you will not dare to cancel, or slack off, you will force yourself. At their hourly rates, you'd be stupid not to work hard. That's my point of view.

    Foodwise, no carbs whatsoever after breakfast. Only carbs at breakfast, that's it. No refined sugar at all. This way you can treat yourself to booze a few times a week.

    And remember: beer is terrible, wine is better, but the least calories are found in clear liquor, like vodka for example. A little also goes a long way.

    Good luck.

  42. Chello2:27 AM

    Good for you, Enty! I want you to live a long time and keep giving us your juicy stories, haha! I'm there with you. My doctor recommended I read Eat To Live, a book that provides a lot of research and nutritional science to back up its 80% fruits and veggies/15% legumes/ 5% everything else plan. I started it in the fall and restarted after Christmas. I'll let you know how it goes. I want to just feel better in my body - and quell the eating of emotions I find myself doing.
