Today's Blind Items - This Week's Worst Celebrity Dad
I was going to title this the worst celebrity dad, but lets face it, in a world of Ryan O'Neals there are lots of horrible celebrity fathers. Instead, because I am sure, someone will pop up in a week or two, I kept it as world's worst for the week. However, this is pretty bad. This musician is probably permanently A list. I guess. The band is. They don't play together any longer. They will when one of the stupid f**ks runs out of money because he decided to invest in some get rich quick scheme and only discovers later that he is a ponzi victim and there are no such things as self-fertilizing llamas.
He is married for the umpteenth time. He was actually a blind and a reveal in the past year where he committed some other really horrible behavior to a girlfriend, so that he can be an a-hole shouldn't surprise anyone. That he should be an a-hole to his daughter is way worse. His daughter became pregnant. A teenage pregnancy. He berated her for her entire pregnancy for getting pregnant and showed no sympathy or empathy or provided any kind of support. Meanwhile, his celebrity wife was just as bad because heaven forbid the attention spotlight in her world ever stops glaring at her right in the face.
The daughter gave birth. The baby died shortly after being born. What would you expect from her dad? Love? Kindness? Some flowers? Nope. Instead he and the troll wife decided to post a bunch of photos of a baby shower for a friend of the wife they both attended. Posted that all up on social media for the world to see. Talk about a kick in the nuts. So, yes, he is the world's worst celebrity dad this week.