Monday, January 23, 2017

Today's Blind Items - The Good Bad Guy

This permanent A list rock star has had a certain public image for years. He doesn't really try to dispute that image, but it's not entirely accurate in terms of who he really is as a private individual. The stories about this guy's excesses are legendary, but there are other stories about him that the average person may not be aware of. In spite of his hedonistic image, our rock star is actually a big romantic and on the scale of things, has had relatively few romantic partners.

Most his romances have been serious relationships. During his childhood, he grew up with a very unstable home situation and because of that, always has had a soft heart in spite of his tough guy image. Some people have also characterized this soft spot as being gullible and had trouble escaping bad relationships.

This pattern repeated itself and led to drug and alcohol abuse. Early in his career, he met and fell in love with a woman that everyone considered an unlikely pairing. This did not stop our rock star who carried on the relationship in secret for quite some time.

Because of schedules and other pressures and all those things publicists say are the demise of relationships, it ended, but our singer still carried a torch for her. Not a flame, because then you would think it was an eternal flame and this was somehow Bangles related. They remained friends.

At some point in time, the woman moved on to another relationship. A relationship where she was beaten and abused. When our rock star found out, he helped this woman get out of the situation by purchasing her a house and also helped her and her children financially and remain close to this day.

Our rock star did find someone else to love. The bad part for him is that she cheated on him with his business manager. The pain from that situation drove our rock star into a very dangerous period of hard drug use. He was very lonely and volatile during this period and eventually hit rock bottom. He realized he needed to get himself cleaned up before he ended up dead, which he was finally able to do.

Shortly after getting clean, he met a new woman and fell in love with her very quickly. She came from a very different background than him-- and her family was horrified when they found out who she was dating. Her father and brother were so alarmed that they made arrangements (not to be confused with the television program The Arrangement which wink wink has nothing to do with Tom and Katie) for the rock star to come over to meet them, with the intention of demanding that he stay away from her. These male family members were very protective of the girlfriend because her mother had left the family when she was young and her father and brother had raised her alone after that.

So, our rock star agreed to meet with the girlfriend's male family members and hoped he could show them what a great guy he was. The girlfriend's brother was a police officer and laid his gun on the kitchen table to make his point. In what seemed like a good idea at the time, booze was combined with weaponry and before you know it, everyone was old friends.

All that went out the window when the rock star said he wanted to marry the daughter. The dad, had an idea. The rock star could marry the daughter if one million dollars was deposited into a bank account. Our rock star agreed but told the family the daughter could never learn about it. The money was deposited and the marriage went ahead.

Not long after the marriage, the father of the girlfriend was diagnosed with a terminal illness and our rock singer spent a great deal of time and money making sure his final days were comfortable. To this day, the wife still has no idea that she was basically bought.


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