Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Award Season Marriage

You can always tell when it is award season and our actress is nominated for something or will be nominated for something. You don't see her for a year or two and then she pops up in online tabloids on a daily basis. Oh, and as a side note, yes she is paying the pap to take the photos. Not much though. The pap gets good money for her photos because she does only come out every couple of years. Plus, she is a name. A list this year for sure. Oh, and she has a bonus. She lets him know where she will be and he shows up and snaps a couple of photos. She wants to be in front of those voters all the time. She wants to win. She will do anything to win. She will even stay married to her husband who she dislikes more each day. A divorce announcement would crush her chances. It is the wrong kind of publicity during award season. Everything needs to be positive and friendly and if you can throw in a new wedding or a baby or the fact you just found a cure for some disease, that is always looked on favorable by voters. Cheating, divorce or admitting you watch television are all things film voters frown upon. Our actress knows how the game has played and has played it to win before. She knew this role would be a winner and she planned ahead. Way ahead to award season and how she would look. She knew she needed to pull out an extra card or two to have a chance. Some kind of hook. The last time around she hadn't really needed the hook. This time she does. Anyway, when she found out about her husband cheating and being a general all around a-hole, it put a crimp in her plans. She kicked him out to the guest house. Not hotel stays for him. No rumors. No chance for him to hookup with one of his girlfriends where he could be spotted. He stays in place. The only way he is going to get a check from her in the divorce and to cover many of his financial losses is if he stays put. Oh, except on red carpets where he will act like the perfect accessory to her Oscar dreams.


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