Sunday, January 08, 2017

Golden Globe Photos Part Three

The daughters Stallone.
Chris Hemsworth
Sarah Jessica Parker
Evan Rachel Wood
Jessica Chastain
Chris Pine
Hailee Steinfeld


Tricia13 said...

Yes to SJP
That's about it.ERW is just dreadful-when she presented-i literally thought-the seat fillers must have more charisma...

Lurky McLurkster said...

SJP scared the crap out of me. She looks like a demon right out of hell with those dark eyes and her hair looks like flames.

Guesser said...

Agree with @Lurky, the makeup she does lately is very aging, and the overdone hair and makeup with a simple white dress,no. She looks best with a little quirk, even older.

Ay said...

I love that shade of purple

Laura Ramona said...

Why are the stallone daughters there? There s nothing about them .. zero

CrazyDawn said...

The Stallone sisters, not quite the Willis sisters, but a close second.

#Facts said...

Did Evan Rachel Wood go in fancy dress as Ellen Degeneres?

Liam said...

Why the tough face, Thor? YOU'RE the one married to the insufferable fame whore.

Sly said...

They were Miss Golden Globe x 3.

Just Saying... said...

I suspect that 95% of the GG dress designers were in "revenge" mode, and vying for the most hideous dress of the evening. Inside joke or bribes gone bad, perhaps?

Hortensia said...

There won't be enough pages at the end of "Us" for the fashion police.

ryan said...

I sooo agree. She needs to lay off the bronzer and also get rid of the long ombre hair... shorter hair with her letting a little grey come in would look so much better.

ryan said...

I wrote this before but I found it hilariously ironic that the Stallone girls were the GG girls and their Dad was presenting after he spent NYE schmoozing with Trump. Did all those outraged celebs miss that when Sly walked out to present and they all cheered him like Rocky?

Hot Cola said...

The Stalone girls look fabulous,

Chris H looks like he's auditioning to theJames Bond ( or a watch commercial),

Chris Pine looks like a gay, James bond parody, from an alternating universe,

SJP looks like a hippi bride's maid, ( but still not the worst dress of the evening),

Jessica C. dress looks like a sofa fabric you'd find at a senior's home.

ab said...

I keep thinking SJPs get up was an homage to Princess Leia

Malibuborebee said...

Nobody cares about Sly Stallone, ya big freak.

Malibuborebee said...

Aaaaaand still not a decent dress in the bunch.


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