Sunday, January 01, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #8

July 21, 2016

For those of you who read the site yesterday I said I had some stories to share about a certain person. This is one of those stories. This probably happened two or three months after the Vegas trip I wrote about a long time ago. That might have been first year stuff on the site. Certainly close to it. Anyway, it was late summer or early fall. It was hot. The kind of hot that LA seems to sear into you in September and October. If you like visiting Phoenix or Palm Springs in July then LA in the early fall is your kind of place.

I know she was married at that point in time but I don’t think they ever saw each other. He was too busy cruising through West Hollywood and she was too busy partying with a little work thrown in. Anyway, she had met this actress at an upfront for the new season. Lets call the actress AW. Like the root beer. Apparently they got to talking and had a lot in common, including a boss. Plus, AW liked to party. Our friend invited me along. I thought we were going to go to a house or a restaurant or something. Nope. We went out deep into the valley. To an industrial park in the middle of nowhere that also contained studios. I remember the security guard at the gate tried to stop our friend from coming into the lot and she said something very creepy about his manhood and the guy let us in. It was strange. No yelling or screaming or do you know who I am, just something about his manhood and a razor and voila, entrance granted.

We didn’t know exactly where we were going and finally parked and started wandering around. Did I mention how hot it was? How little shade there was? I literally was bathed in sweat. I feel like that happens to me frequently. After asking around we found the stage we wanted. Shortly thereafter we found AW who invited us to her trailer for a drink or six. While AW and our friend did a little nose candy, I stuck to booze. Always booze for me. I don’t make enough money to get addicted to something else. Our friend asked about AW’s husband which led to AW getting completely naked and showing off a wide variety of bruises and marks all over her body left by her husband. AW had just started on the show she was filming and honestly go back and look at old episodes and I’m not sure how they managed to cover all the bruises. Apparently she got beat all the time and finally was in the process of leaving the guy. It was just too much. While doing some nose candy, she was also popping pills and drinking booze. Numb the pain she said. I wasn’t sure if she was talking about physical, emotional or both. When AW started asking some questions of her own to our friend I found out that our friend had sex with one of her bosses which led to some serious fighting with a couple of her co-stars. Apparently it only happened once, but our friend told some people who told others and it got back to the co-stars. Most didn’t care, but a couple did.

At some point we were joined by some of the other cast and a couple of the crew members. It was turning into quite the party and someone suggested we go sneak into an area of an amusement park across the street that was under construction. It was going to be a water park and apparently one of the pools had been filled as a test of some of the systems. A couple of the crew members had discovered a way in and so we all went. A group of 20 people all sneaking in through a delivery entrance for construction crews who were still building the place. At this point it was probably 7 or 8pm. You could hear the roller coasters and screams of guests at the other part of the park but it was super quiet and spooky by this pool. No lights. Everyone got in the pool. All stages of dressed and undressed. Did I tell you that crew members have the greatest ability to procure ice chests and ice from out of nowhere. And beer. There was so much beer. We must have all stayed until right at midnight. There was a security patrol that I guess started working at midnight so we left quickly. I remember all of us crossing the street back to the studio and people carrying clothes and a few towels and helping those who were drunk cross safely. Our friend was wasted out of her mind so I had to drive us back. She had on a t-shirt some guy had given her of the show where AW worked. I have no idea what happened to the clothes she had been wearing earlier. She literally was only wearing a t-shirt. Good times.

Shannen Doherty/Ashley Hamilton/Heather Locklear/Tommy Lee


glue said...

I got confused. Is AW Shannon? or is AW Heather? At first I thought it was Shannon, but then i got confused as to who the friend is and who the actress is. Was it Ashley who liked roaming west hollywood? or tommy lee? Can anyone explain please? I'm lost.....

No said...

That sounds awesome. Poor Shannon Doherty. I never heard that shitstain beat her.

sandybrook said...

Back then seeing Heather naked had to be interesting.

sandybrook said...

Shannen is the friend.



glue said...

Thanks. I take it Ashley then is the West Hollywood cruiser and it was Tommy who beat Heather.
Please don't tell me it was Aaron Spelling who was the boss they had in common.... Shannen slept w/ him? Dear me..... it can't be. That's just ... I can't even fathom that right now.

Tammy said...

Was tommy Lee the abuser of hl?

zero said...

AW - for Heather's character on Melrose Place, Amada Woodward.

S.D.AUNTIE said...

Heather had the bruises and Ashley was cruzin in WeHo. Shannen slept with Spelling? Ewww

S.D.AUNTIE said...

Heather had the bruises and Ashley was cruzin in WeHo. Shannen slept with Spelling? Ewww.

S.D.AUNTIE said...

Heather had the bruise. Ashley was cruzin WeHo and Shannen slept with Spelling. Ohh Shannen!

Audrey said...

Heather was always known to be a sweetheart. I feel bad for her.

Alabama said...

AW= locklear. Not a secret Tommy is an abusive a-hole.

Audrey said...

Heather was always known to be a sweetheart. I feel bad for her. Doherty? Not so much. :(

KCK said...

Heather played Amanda Woodward (AW) on Melrose Place. Finally - an acronym I could figure out!

Xmasbaby said...

AW is Heather. Her character on Melrose Place was Amanda Woodward

Derek's Anal Beads said...

Oy, the original is when Derek got her "job" and came back harassing everyone because she was having issues. Girl, I hope you work thru them this year.

Zilla1 said...

A rerun reveal! Fun.

Mooshki said...

I'd guess it was Darren Star she slept with rather than Spelling. At least, I hope.

david said...

I'm as confused as everyone here, too.

.. said...

AW = Amanda Woodward in Melrose Place = Heather.

.. said...

Heather was the one who was beaten. There were rumors about that for years.

Steve said...

I don't think Shannen slept with Darren Star because he's gay.

Jessica said...

There were multiple producers of 90210, most likely Shannon told Tori who couldn't keep her big mouth shut and told everyone else.

Enty was friends with Shannon, Shannon & Heather were friends, Heather stripped and showed the bruises from Tommy.

AppleThief4Elliot said...

Guess she took her eye off her clothes

Just Saying... said...

Maybe (hopefully) it was another of the "Charmed" producers, and not Aaron Spelling?

Emily said...

Shannen Doherty is the friend, Ashley Hamilton was her husband who cruised w Hollywood, AW is Heather Locklear (her Melrose Place character was Amanda Woodward) who was beaten by Tommy Lee. This had to have taken place in the early 90s

Willow said...

And Shannen slept with Aaron Spelling, and the cast member who "minded" was his daughter Tori. Can you blame her? Euw!

Bubbles said...

Heather was on Dynasty, TJ Hooker and Melrose Place. It would seem that she probably slept with Spelling too.


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