Saturday, January 07, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #7- Mr. X - Old Hollywood

December 29, 2016

This foreign born A list writer probably didn’t deserve the A list tag. There were lots of people who hated her. Our writer was a registered communist but was allowed to keep working as long as she named named of Hollywood writers who were communists. She named names just to name names whether it was true or not. Every name she named was blackballed.

Ayn Rand


  1. sandybrook2:34 AM

    Meanwhile Atlas just stood in a corner and shrugged.

  2. Hothotheat2:49 AM

    Speaking of blackballing communists, I highly recommend the film Trumbo. Watched it last night, really good film.

  3. Jennerationb2:56 AM

    Though she was born in communist Russia, Ayn Rand and her entire philosophy of Objectivism were completely ANTI-communism.

  4. Joe P2:57 AM


  5. Joe P2:58 AM

    By sandybrook, that is .

  6. KellyAnne C, Agent of P.U.T.I.N.2:58 AM

    This makes no sense. Ayn Rand was such a useless witness that HUAC (which is coming back so we can make Congress great again) told her to stop testifying. She "registered" as a Commie to keep the Bolsheviks from throwing her out of college, then escaped the USSR and wrote crappy antiCommunist propaganda. The only names she "named" were people who everybody already knew were in movies that other witnesses had already denounced as Red propaganda.

    She also boned Roy Cohn.

  7. AndrewBW3:24 AM

    Ayn Rand was a lot of terrible things, but a communist isn't one of them.

  8. AlmondJoy3:54 AM

    That was a really ugly time in American History, and a lot of people were more or less forced to name names whether they wanted to or not. I can see this happening again, in the near future, because someone about to take over the reins is a petty man with a Napoleon Complex and is drunk with power.

  9. A Limey Writes....4:03 AM

    Ayn Rand? Author of nigh unreadable pro capitalist anti statist propaganda? Was she fuck?
    Are you sure you aren't getting her mixed up with Emma Goldman or summat?

  10. Zilla14:23 AM

    I know I despised having to read tgat pretentious piece of drivel, "Anthem," in seventh grade English. It ensured I would never go near another one of her books again.

  11. GoTrollUrSelf4:52 AM

    Maybe we should link Enty to Wikipedia.

  12. I ate my own head6:55 AM

    I NAILED IT!!!!! I knew that fake ass bitch was guilty.

    Meanwhile Paul Ryan lives by her "principles"....

  13. I ate my own head6:57 AM

    Hollywood leftists are pro-social welfare but won't pay taxes to cover the expenditure.... hypocrisy is everywhere...

  14. sandybrook6:58 AM

    Thx Joe. I'm not sure too many people get it though.

  15. Hortensia7:19 AM

    Won't happen. The court system will be overwhelmed with lawsuits challenging anything and everything the coming dictator tries to do outside the law. Anybody else think Cheetoh sexually abused his daughter--the older one when she was younger?

  16. I ate my own head7:28 AM

    Not me. She admires her dad.

  17. Sherm8:12 AM

    Amber Heard follows her philosophy. Disgusting. Both of them.

  18. And this was the indoctrination of the United States of America. Where do you think the Liberals (the hippies of the 60s) and their grandchildren (the Progressives) got their ideology from? It was a subtle but steady infiltration of the universities and then they used the media in order to reach more people. Pretty slick.

  19. ^ What Jennerationb pointed out.

  20. Matthieu9:27 AM

    @sandybrook yah cuz it's SUCH an obscure ref the rest of us plebs wouldn't get it

  21. Side Piece9:29 AM

    No, Hortensia, I don't think he did that.

  22. Side Piece9:30 AM

    Yeah, we get it...Atlas Shrugged. Who doesn't know that title? Not obscure,

  23. That is funny.

  24. Yes. So much so she gifted us the orange one.

  25. She started as one absolutely, and her later drug, alcohol and sex addictions were all derived from that reference.

  26. And the decent people didn't. I hope your prediction is true in that they won't this time either.

  27. You don't math well.

  28. villagedianne9:53 AM

    Roy Cohn was gay.

  29. villagedianne10:02 AM

    Emma Goldman was an anarchist, not a communist. There is a big difference. Anarchists were staunchly against the state control that communism or socialism imposed. Goldman was deported to Russia around 1920 but she did not remain there long. She quickly became disenchanted with Lenin and Soviet Russia. The leaders lived like kings, and the poor were just as bad off as before.
    Goldman died in 1940, well before the McCarthy era. If she had lived and been allowed to stay in the US, I can't imagine that she would have ever named names.

  30. Malibuborebee11:50 AM

    Yep. She was a Communist and then became a huge hypocrite. Ms. Government Should Never Support Its Citizens and Let's Do Away With Social Security was a broke-ass bitch who filed for Social Security under her married name of Ann O'Connor trying to hide it. It's a matter of public record.

    Other than that, Rand was a schlock writer, infantile "moral philosopher," an appallingly bad neighbor and an all around vile person. She named names to HUAC. Americans of principle and integrity refused and paid a huge price for it. Don't insult them by excusing the cowards and scumbags who testified. People who named names will carry the shame of it forever and rightly so.

  31. I ate my own head12:24 PM

    100% true and what's scary is that most of the GOP supports her point of view. She's the patron saint of not giving a shit about anyone but yourself. Screw Paul Ryan. Trump should shitcan his ass.

  32. Long Island Girl1:16 PM

    You are one massive dichotomy.

  33. Whywhywhy???=6:04 PM

    I think so. I remember I couldn't put Fountainhead down for a weekend. Lol

  34. Yeah, you mean like the current Hollywood mob of lefties who blacklist you if you're a conservative or a Republican? You liberals need to get over your sanctimonious bullshit.

    Barack Hussein Obama -- nothing more than an inexperienced, Marxist Community Organizer -- set the bar on "pettiness" with comments like "the election is over Eric (Cantor) and I won. Elections have consequences." Or, when he scolded his opponent John McCain -- who bent over backwards to kiss Obama's precious ass with additional comments about his "win". "The election is over John, and I won. Republicans need to get in the back of the bus because the Democrats are in control now."

    Well how did that work out for everyone? Record numbers of un- and under- employed; record numbers of workers not included in the work force (hence making "unemployment" numbers seem so low); record numbers on welfare. Or better yet, how about that "awesome" ObamaCare that does NOT allow you to keep your health plan or your doctor, and certainly didn't save families $2500 a year. And then there's the record number of homeland terrorist attacks (or according to Obama, "work place violence" like Ft. Hood, New York, San Bernardino, Orlando and now Ft. Lauderdale. By the way, where is Omar Mateen's wife these days? And should we even bother addressing his monumental foreign policy deeds? We are weaker, poorer and more hated than ever throughout the world by our current knee-bending, drone-dropping Commander in Chief who thought our enemy was nothing more than a "J.V." team.

    Sorry but I will take a successful businessman and America loving president any day of the week over that weakling Obama. Obama will go down as THE WORST PRESIDENT in U.S. HISTORY!

  35. Crazy Tweets At 3:00 AM5:51 AM

    Yep. Rand's "ideas" and responsible government are mutually exclusive.

    A president can't actually fire the Speaker of the House and Generalissimo Cheeto is just as bad as Ryan, if not worse, he's just dumber than Ryan. Ryan came from nothing and built his success with assistance from the US government. Fuckface von Clownstick inherited a fortune, has also received a ton of assistance from the US government and is so fucking incompetent that he's gone bankrupt four times anyway. How fucking stupid does someone have to be to manage that?

    If he could fire Ryan and the others, he wouldn't. He needs people to do his dirty work so that he can pretend it was their fault when it blows up in his fat face. All he cares about, all he has ever cared about, is ratings. He's like an insecure jr. high-school girl desperately chasing popularity.

    As his numbers drop so low they hit floors that no US POTUS has ever seen, he's going to need people to throw under the bus.

    Because he's a whiny little bitch.

  36. Scandi Sanskrit10:41 AM

    LMAO. "Eh."

    Oh, Enty. Now you're just messing with us...

  37. Malibuborebee12:48 PM

    @JChesney, you're a few sandwiches short of a picnic, you dumb bitch. These next few years are going to be very hard on you.

    As President Obama's stature continues to grow, Fuckface von Clownstick's reputation will slide further and further into the sewer where it belongs and rightly so.

  38. Ah, Malibuborebee, like all good lefties your M.O. is to sling personal insults when the truth hits a little too close to home.

    Sorry to tell you, but your little, soon to be former, Marxist in Chief, Obama, WILL go down as the WORST President in U.S. history! Not one single accomplishment worth a damn -- either foreign or domestic -- but he was a cool black dude that spouted your liberal schlop so eloquently, so I guess that's what is important to you. But then again, it looks like you live in Kalifornia, so what can I say? Your state is a broke, liberal nirvana that more and more people are moving out of, while the druggies, homeless and illegals are pouring in to. Good luck with that.

  39. Oh JChesney... that's a hell of an alternate reality. Record lows of unemployment on his watch and no record of any of those statements by obama in any recorded tome. You all just use the same language "community organizer" as if that's not the best way to start a political career and using his middle name as if it's anything to be afraid of, what else does Fox News say? Oh the terrorist attacks that are committed by "illegals? Yeah we have more white male supremecist domestic terrorists than "illegal" terrorist attacks. Angry, weirdos like you who gobble up alt-facts like candy and believe psychotic, unqualified fake businessmen who have no political experience and are barely literate when they tell you they will somehow cut taxes, purge the country of certain people they have made you afraid of without evidence and alienate the rest of the globe and somehow make you rich. I know you have no civics education but that's not how money and economies and governments become successful. It's how dictators become rich. Keep being afraid you sad sheep. You are going to regret this.
