Sunday, January 01, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #6

September 22, 2016

There is an almost network show that has been on forever. The lead actor on the show was out to dinner with some members of his church. Apparently the discussion was mainly about the upcoming election and if there was any hope of getting rid of gay marriages. The actor then went on a rant about how he is sick of questions about whether his character is gay and that he would never be supportive of his character being gay because our actor does not want kids to think being gay is normal. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, but the fandom is basically based on this, so probably not something they wanted to hear.

Jensen Ackles/Supernatural


Sunspirit said...

What a tit.

sandybrook said...

Typical Southern Christian.

The Very Idea said...

Shut up, troll. You don't know typical nothing.

Boo said...

Thank you new CW laywer/PR team.

Sandra said...

This is bullshit. Jensen''s aunt is gay and married to her longterm partner; Jensen has met my wife and had no problem with either of us, either then or at later meetings. Jensen doesn't like questions about his character being gay, because the character ISN'T GAY, a fact that has been stated repeatedly in the show and by members of the cast and crew.

sandybrook said...

Fu©k off I live in the goddamn Bible Belt asshole.

S.D.AUNTIE said...

Lits of people accept gay people but do not support Marriage for gays. So it may be true. They just would not say it to your face.

Tammy said...

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs
The Democratic Party have become like Stalin or Castro - nobody allowed to say something other than what they are told
It's America - read your history books!
You can believe in gay not believe in gay and speak your mind freely!
Free Speech is what it's called! America based on it
We are not Marxists

D.R.B said...

Give me more tea about CW cast.

Tori said...

Yeah sorry I don't believe this one for a second. He might be sick of people asking about his characters' sexuality, but I don't think he's homophobic. He is very supportive of anti-bullying campaigns and I can't see him supporting things like that so strongly if he himself had those beliefs.

Siva said...

I believe it.

Oobejabbawonka said...

This! No way is this true about Jensen, NO WAY.

PKendall said...

He's basically said at a convention he's cool if his daughter marries a guy or girl. This is more BS from the crowd who are pissed because they think Jensen is cockblocking their ship and want to spread enough rumors so Jensen will have to speak out and defend his name and make the ship canon to save face. It's sick how far they've taken their agenda against him. Some 'source' overheard this convo? sure.

david said...

i love this silly show -- because they "pull it off."

But, it never, ever occurred to me that Jenson's 'Dean Character' was gay.

Starrey said...

Some stan spread the lie that Jensen refused a photo op with 2 gay guys at COMIC CON and asked that they were given their money back but they didn't do their research on that lie or they would know there are no photo ops paid or otherwise with Supernatural actors at comic con and there are hundreds of Jensen photo ops with LGBT fans at Supernatural conventions where he's friendly and clearly has no problem. Some fans hate Jensen because he's flatly stated Dean is straight and won't budge but they are going too far with this now. I hope karma goes to town on them.

fairmont1955 said...

Good grief, you are misusing Marxism, honey, and clearing don't understand the suject.

Think of this this way: yes, you have free speech meaning the GOVERNMENT can't come after you (did ya ever notice that part of the first amendment?) however that does not give you a pass from blow back for speaking your mind.

Don't like gays? Fine, no one is saying you have to. But we are saying you don't get to legislate their rights away because of your personal bigotry. That you can't pretend they don't exist because of your bigoted beliefs. That's how it works.

Here's an example that may hit closer to home. Given your name is Tammy, I will assume you are female. Because women (and some men) got together and wouldn't accept women being treated like second class citizens - even though many want them to be - women can vote, own property, work outside the home, etc. = that's an example of how this works.

There's still plenty of misogynists out there who don't like it but they don't get to tell women what to do like they used to be able to. So, if you want to rant about being entitled to your beliefs, be prepared for others to rant about theirs, which may be at direct conflict w yours

You're welcome :)

LucidDreams said...

If this is false, does this guy Enty get his rocks off by lying about people?

Ashley said...

@Tammy, Jesus troll, go back to Strom Front. This is a gossip site, don't like it leave.

Mrs.K said...

Who cares. Everyone is entitled to their opinion so stop being 'offended' when someone's opinion differs from yours.

Malibuborebee said...

Oh, so they're cowards AND assholes, great combo.

Malibuborebee said...

Jesus fucking christ - it's a trifecta. You don't understand the US Constitution, you don't understand history and you don't understand human behavior. You must be such a joy to hang out with.

Look, twat, this is about Civil Rights and citizenship. Either all Americans have the same rights and are equal citizens or we are not and "not" is unacceptable to any decent person.

If I have the right to marry, every other American has the right to marry. If my marriage is recognized in all 50 states, everyone else's marriage must be recognized in all 50 states. We don't have two-tiered citizenship here, bitch, and we don't want it.

About "Free Speech" which you clearly do not understand - you have the right to say whatever you like without the government preventing you from doing so (with the usual exceptions for shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, etc.) by law. Got that? "Free Speech" as you use it applies to the GOVERNMENT not making your speech illegal. That's it and that's all.

Your fellow citizens can (and should) tell you that you are a dithering dumbass who is fucked in the head all goddamn day and we are not in violation of any "Free Speech" provision of the US Constitution when we do so, you total fucking moron.

We're not Marxists - yeah, actually we're Democratic Socialists in this country, just as they are in every civilized industrial nation on earth whether they call themselves that or not. The fact that you don't know a basic thing like that speaks volumes about your intelligence and education (and the lack thereof).

Happily, most of us are not as provincial and ignorant as you. You are a weak, twisted and pathetic example of an American citizen. You shouldn't be allowed to vote, you're a disgrace the franchise.

Now fuck off.

Malibuborebee said...

Sorry "fairmont" I went off on a similar (and much meaner) rant at this ridiculous Tammy cow before I read further down and saw your reply.

You're absolutely right in every respect.

Sd auntie said...

@Malibu. Yes people are nice to your face and then say shit once u leave. I personally love my gay friends and am quite protective of them. I am for gay marriage .

ruth said...

I am a Christian I don't hate homosexuals but I hate the act of homosexuality.I don't believe in gay marriage.Also as a christian it bugs me when the name of Jesus gets're not a christian fine don't disrespect the name.Jesus and f****g don't go together.let's please respect eachother views

Cowgirl said...

My opinion is that Jensen has religious parents who suffocated him with the whole college & career life, uppity attitudes and white picket fence dreams. When he turned 18 he left for Hollyweird and cut loose as only a young beautiful boy would rebelling against what his parents wanted. He's married a woman his parents look down their noses at, he loved that 'Ten Inch Hero' sex scene she did. His wife is very pro-gay. I so no don't believe it.

Megan said...

Complete and total fucking bullshit. No wonder everyone says your a lying sack of shit.

kat said...

yes he likes to ruin nice celebrities reputation. it sucks some ppl fall for it.


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