Sunday, January 29, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 23, 2017

This pay cable talk show host is being called out for living in a glass house and forgetting about all the women he groped and grabbed over the years and many things he made them do just so they could have a chance at being with him.

Bill Maher


  1. Spectator2:39 AM

    What a horrible person. I hate man like him. Why can't men just love women instead of doing that. Sad.

  2. Paige2:49 AM

    Not defending him, but are we now supposed to hold our comedians to the same standards as our politicians?

  3. RenShaw3:03 AM

    No but he's a public figure that rails on other public figures for doing what he does. I bet he supported the women's march, publicly yet look at his actions. I'm so contemptuous of many entertainers that it would be preferable they stay out of politics, they don't help causes.

  4. He used to date Superhead. Nuff' said.

  5. Kathy3:21 AM

    No, but people whose behavior is as bad if not worse that those they accuse should keep their traps shut.

  6. Cherry4:00 AM

    Who is Superhead?

  7. Color Me Confused4:33 AM

    This behavior started Day 1 with him and, over the decades, has not ceased. He is on a very long list of ugly, untalented men who hate themselves and want to punish everyone else for their (chuckle) shortcomings.

  8. Sadie4:54 AM

    LOL! Bill's a sleazebag but I doubt he has committed half the offenses Donald Trump has!

  9. I remember the time he got the luxury-car back from his girlfriend after they broke up.


  10. Frank5:09 AM

    Please don't forget he lives in Hollywood where people throw themselves at others to get ahead. Some of these women are not innocent.

  11. The white man's Bill O'Reilly. Oh wait...

  12. Notable video hoe. She wrote a book detailing all the celebs she slept with.

  13. Why was this even a blind? Maher is a hypocritical dirtbag. You don't think he wasn't doing blow and fucking the "models" at Drumpffs parties

  14. Jennifer6:51 AM

    Same with the Trump accusers. I mean a porn star complaining about him kissing her on the cheek? Really? Did she think she was invited to his pad to discuss Global warming? Women who trade on their sexuality to get ahead invite this kind of attention.

  15. fairmont19557:16 AM

    Nope; doesn't grant a man permission just because of the woman's history (or vice versa), Ever.

  16. texasrose7:49 AM

    Called out by whom?? I haven't seem anything calling him out except for here. I wish he would get called out publicly.

  17. Mr. X8:07 AM

    When they're being hypocritical absolutely.

  18. This blind was based entirely on a Jenna Jameson tweet. LMFAO:

  19. numoon611:51 AM

    as if that dude is a 'prize'? and the loser doesn't get humiliated/groped etc..gee..
    See?! I always knew that alternate universes exist and here's the proof!!!

  20. Long Island Girl1:47 PM

    He's never pretended to be anything other than who he is.
    And, I might ad, he's absolutely correct, politically.

  21. marlo2:55 PM

    Oh the outrage!!

    There is an entire religion that allows men to rape women, and even children. This religion allows the genital mutilation of little girls, their disfiguration with acid, the hanging of gays, the beatings of wives and women who do not subjugate. Dozens of countries with this religion give women no rights: to vote, to run for political office, to even have a job. They completely 100% dependant on men.

    The irony is that of course the brain-dead-brigade ALLIES itself with this religion in the name of women's rights - as if the rest of us can't see how hypocritical and retarded this is.

    When I see marches against that, then we can talk, until then, all you dumb american election-lowsers, goose-stepping followers, are being used by oil-money and muslims, to further their demographic jihad, and you're too dumb to realise, once there is a certain percentage of Islam in your country, your country will turn into a typical islamic one, and we all know what those look like. Women putting the stars and stripes as headscarves onto those who don't protest female genital mutilation, and morons applauding this shiite: you can't get any dumber than that. This appeasement would have fitted right in with the appeasement of Hitler and the Nazis.

  22. Nothing wrong with that.

  23. AyyyPapi12:55 AM

    Easy there, Marlo. Speaking the truth like that gets you branded as a racist/sexist/islampahobe these days.

  24. Jennifer2:27 AM

    Why did she show up? When you are a porn star and married billionaire calls you then you know EXACTLY what he wants. She was just mad about the price. Grow up.

  25. marlo2:53 AM

    AyyyPapi - I know, it's okay, and I don't mind. Always consider the source of the insults, amigo.

  26. Long Island Girl4:00 AM

    What fucking insults? Yours?

    Why don't you get yourself a blog, marlo. Or do you already have one? Red Nation Rising, perhaps?

  27. riven7:33 AM


    By God that is the stupidest fucking argument I've heard yet. And as someone who actually has advocated and protested on behalf of FGM sufferers since the fucking 90s, WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN BRO???

  28. Wake up8:02 AM

    So Marlo is the typical redneck, right wing nut job who fearmongers over Islam taking over the US when the reality is the MuslimBan barred 5 year old children and 85 year old women in wheelchairs.

    Trump and his henchmen are Nazis, plain and simple and the US that I live in will not roll over and play dead while he tries to rape and loot this country. Educate yourself Marlo, and stop spouting right wing propaganda you can't back up with facts or figures.

    A white, male Trump supporter killed more people in a terrorist attack in Montreal last night that all the muslims in the US combined in the past ten years. Muslims are not killing US citizens. Dylan Rooth and all the other mass shootings have been carried out by insane white men who hate anyone who doesn't look like them.

  29. Long Island Girl11:12 AM

    She/he/it is just plain nuts. She's got a few sock puppets, at least. I try to ignore it but it's irritating.
    I think this is the only place marlo can get away such manic drivel as comments aren't moderated.

  30. marlo4:48 PM

    LMAo - protesting against FGM since the 9-'s and what have you moron achieved?????

    Clueless sheeple.....bahhh bahhh bahhh keep appeasing the dregs of humanity, I will never shut up. Islam appeasers are the dregs of society, just like Nazi appeasers before them.

    As for 'rednecks': 1. I am not american 2. ghetto ass uneducated drug dealers, with 10 kids by 10 different baby mamas support hitlery, as do the racist black panthers, even ISIS supported Hillary, as did every islamist terrorist group, sponsored by your terrorist mongrel Obamination, who bombed 7 countries ... any comments about those type of supporters? Thought not, inbred useless turds that you are.

    The truth is hate for those who hate the truth.


  31. marlo5:38 PM

    Sorry about the 90's typo - I was laughing too hard

    Hey, did you also protest when Obama bombed Syria, Libya, Yemen and Somalia - that's 4 more countries than Bush!!

    He was the one responsible for hundreds of thousands, if not millions (Syria 500,000 alone) deaths of your beloved muslims, creating this refugee crisis in the first place! He is the one who destroyed Europe, and provoked war with Russia over Ukraine. Give the inbred another noble peace prize LOL

    As for Long Island girl - trying to shut me up like you liberal fascists like doing, with anybody who disagrees with your alliance with islam? No chance. I will keep telling the truth, and you keep defending pedophile worshippers.

  32. Diana5:07 AM

    If you chase celebrity and men with money then you're the perp NOT the victim. I feel no pity for women who eagerly demean themselves. Gross.

  33. nursermk9:03 AM

    Yeah Go Trump, the white guy with three different kids by three different women.The man who has insulted and made fun of the disabled, minorities, women and can't even maintain a friendly relationship with Australia. Or as my Italian relatives would say "Un "grande” imbecille rimane comunque un imbecille, non รจ vero?" (A great imbecile is still an imbecile, is he not?)

  34. Penelope27:02 AM

    Oh honey, you got that WAY backwards. Donald talks crap and buys women presents to get them into bed. Bill has had his secret service bring women to his hotel rooms to proposition them in front of his SS, was disbarred for lying during a sexual harassment case against him, was impeached for perjury, had to pay restitution to a minor he had sex with before she was a teen, and much more. That you would defend that joke of a "man" is baffling, or compare him to other men who talk crap and are inappropriate, but don't outright assault women with the protection and help of their secret service.

  35. Sadie8:37 AM

    Bill Maher has Secret Service protection? Who knew?

    P.S. Take your meds. The psychiatrist knows best.
