Saturday, January 21, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 13, 2017

This former A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner must love her boyfriend a bunch. She just wrote her second mid five figure check in the past six months to her boyfriend’s ex.

Renee Zellweger


  1. Spectator2:39 AM

    Hope her relationship goes well and her boyfriend doesn't cheat on her.

    Now where can I find a woman like that?

  2. Barbara RiceHand2:46 AM

    Sad. When her money stops, he will move on. So we are talking like $50-60,000..

  3. Cherry2:47 AM

    Who is the boyfriend?

  4. sandybrook3:17 AM

    Doyle Bramhall II

  5. Guesser4:37 AM

    I can see doing once, to keep him out of trouble and cut the legal costs, but now she's being taken by him. If he wasn't making money they would cut back on the support.

  6. texasrose5:41 AM

    Is he behind on child support or something?? Why is the ex getting paid?

  7. melissa6:18 AM

    A fool and her money are soon parted.
    Wake up Renee.

  8. Zilla16:47 AM

    Reminds me of that lottery winner who has spent millions bailing and re-bailing her idiot boyfriend out of jail.

  9. S.D.AUNTIE8:34 AM

    Renee has lost her mind. Kick that deadbeat to the curb. Sh can do much bettet.

  10. S.D.AUNTIE8:35 AM

    She can do much better. Sorry. Visually challenged today

  11. Theodora9:34 AM

    Say wha?! @Melissa I don't know if she will ever regain the "fully awake" look?

  12. Why???12:14 PM

    I don't have a lot of hope. She was once engaged to Jim Carey and I can't imagine that doesn't take a toll on you

  13. Why???12:26 PM

    I don't hold a lot of hope for Renee since she once chose Jim Carey as her fiancé.

  14. Why???12:27 PM

    Damn! That comment froze my screen. Entry this site takes a toll on me
