Sunday, January 01, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 6, 2016

For just about three decades this permanent A list musician got away with molesting young boys before being caught. By stringing together the stories from bands he played with and helped produce, the total was in the thousands. The thing is, everyone he worked with knew he did it and did nothing about it. In fact, they enabled it by providing him with boys in return for his help with songs or producing a record or having him play with their group. His usual fee was part money, part drugs and at least one boy. There was one time that was especially heinous. It happened at Apple studios back in the day. A Greek band wanted his help with the production of a record. Knowing his price, the group brought along a French tween boy and offered him up to our A lister. Apparently before he would agree to work on their record he wanted to see that the boy would have sex so they had sex right there on an organ. There must have been a dozen people in the studio and none of them said or did anything. The band worked on the record for several weeks and the French tween spent the entire time with the musician. When the band left town, they took the tween with him and he was replaced by another when the next band came to town to have the musician work on their record.

Billy Preston


  1. information desk2:05 AM

    Happy New year

  2. Sarah2:05 AM

    If you just look at who he has worked with, it sickens you. I read a headline that said Lennon wanted to make him a full time Beatle. :(

  3. sandybrook2:06 AM

    We seem to be highlighting fu©ked up musicians early in today's program



  5. He worked w/ The Beatles, Eric Clapton, Little Richard, Sam Cooke, Ray Charles, Rolling Stones, Joe Cocker, and many more. He also signed w/ Motown....and according to wiki, Stephen Stills requested to use one of his phrases in his solo song.

    ....I have no words. O_o

  6. An ugly, disgusting pig.

  7. Salaam2:44 AM

    He was arrested in 1991 and charged with sexually assaulting a 16 year old. He only did 9 months in a rehab as his sentence, but it killed his career. He was addicted to crack for his remaining years (he died in 2006).

  8. Marianne2:52 AM

    Wtf? Shame on all these other people that stood around knowingly that this pedofile was going to assault that young boy. Their asses should have been sitting in prison!! IDGAF what music they were producing, nothing is worth that poor child's life being throw away...damn it's a sick twisted world be live in! I'd like to know how the eff they sleep at night, that's if even if they're alive today..sickos!!

  9. S.D.AUNTIE2:57 AM

    Did he ever meet Michael Jackson? Hmmm

  10. Goodness

  11. Hothotheat5:37 AM

    That was my first thought, SD. He was around when MJ was a kid. What if Michael was the sacrifice for Preston working on an album?

  12. Erica J7:41 AM

    The rape of a child should not be entertainment or basis for lazy celebrity guessing. Jesus. You need to report anything you hear about anybody to the police. Otherwise you are a complicit part in their continued abuse, no better than the people who stand there and watch.

  13. Chica7:45 AM

    I agree, but it's not gonna happen, it would clear out half of Hollywood.

  14. Why are you using my email address Erica J

  15. Jessica12:45 PM

    He got busted finally for insurance fraud and kidnapping a teen mexican day laborer. Ringo and Clapton both still hired him and toured with him, which makes me sick.

  16. Sd Auntie3:28 PM

    Yes! @ hot heat Michael being molested by monster Billy Preston makes sense!

  17. parkdove10:40 PM

    The entertainment industry should clean up their pedophile problem before they tell the members of the electoral college who to vote for.

  18. I have never heard of Billy Preston before.

  19. Bella1:46 AM

    OMG as someone who knew Billy personally ( We attended the same church for the last decade before his death), I have to say that I am truly disgusted by this blind. I had no idea. I thought he was the sweet old man who sang and played the piano and organ every Sunday. I went to a very high-profile church, that went under because if it's own dirty dealings. Now it makes sense why all these people were connect (The people I speak of being my pastor and a few of my church members, the church was very Hollywood to be in the hood. We had big celebrity concerts there all the time. It was one of the politicians favorite stops on their campaign trails. We even filmed a rap music video there?). We talked everything a week and even read scriptures together. This was a very good and close relationship for at least five years. I loved Billy, he was like an uncle to me. (I didn't even know he was famous, until I found out my grandmother knew who he was and I looked them up and found out he was considered the fifth Beatle?). And our relationship remain that way till his death. He died on 06-06-06 from complications from a kidney transplant that he was not very honest or loyal to the person who gave it to him. Kind of makes sense now. God doesn't like ugly. Wow sometimes you're truly not ready for some of the things you read?

  20. Sd auntie8:56 AM

    @bella. WOW. Until he got busted his fans did not know. It was different in the 70's and i'm glad times have changed for regular people. Now if only the rich directors and producers would be meet the same ugly fate. That would be justice .

  21. Malibuborebee9:46 AM

    All this "EVIL HOLLYWOOD PEDOPHILES" hysteria is pure bullshit. There are just as many sick fucks in the Catholic Church, the born-again fundamentalist churches and in any town, anywhere.

    Pedophilia has nothing to do with one's occupation. Every day, more children are preyed upon by average men in your state than get molested in Hollywood. This attitude about entertainment and the people in the industry is appalling and, obviously, completely ignorant.

  22. Bubbles12:00 PM

    Would that be Faithful Central? Are they not still around?

  23. Bella4:34 PM

    Hi Bubbles! actually the church was called Brookins Community AME. I began attending the church back in 98. The church is self is still standing, but it's now a Catholic Church

  24. Bella4:36 PM

    So true Sd Auntie. To think that so many people get away with these things because of their position of power. Just disgusting
