Friday, January 27, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 23, 2017

I don’t think anyone expected either of these two female A+ list singers to attend the Women’s March and they didn’t. Record sales are number one in their books. Our favorite rehab singer wasn’t there either because, you know, using was way more important.

Beyonce/Taylor Swiftt/Selena Gomez


  1. GoTrollUrSelf1:47 AM

    How about this one?
    Pissing off the smart kids is a daring strategy, I must say.

  2. Michael Jordan said it best on why he is so non-political: "I have fans on both sides of the political aisle."

    Now, if only I was as smart as him. (Hey, I can dream!)


  3. So the march isn't good for sales?

  4. Katie1:56 AM

    Just because they weren't there doesn't mean they don't support the cause?

    I don't understand why make a big deal out of these things.

    Specially Selena if she is struggling with an addiction.

  5. GoTrollUrSelf1:57 AM

    It's disturbing that so many fans think they can and should dictate any celebrity's political positions. These people are performers - they didn't sell anyone their soul with that download or movie ticket. I find people who insist celebrities align with a specific viewpoint to be extremely creepy.

  6. GoTrollUrSelf1:57 AM

    Me neither. Being a fan doesn't entitle someone to dictate the celebrity's life. It's creepy.

  7. longtimereader2:11 AM

    He was right as well. Don't f*** with your money. Well played all three. You can give to causes you believe in privately.

  8. Good on them. The march was an embarrassment.

  9. syvyn112:30 AM

    With the risk of potentially losing 1/2 of your audience? Not worth it.

  10. Laura Ramona2:32 AM

    Taylor and Beyo wanted both sides of the market covered. Pro and cons Trump and his party to sell their concerts ecc to everybody from both sides. Understandable marketing

  11. syvyn112:32 AM

    I would have disagreed if they talked about the hell women under Islam and ISIS have it. Female Genital Mutation or Honor Killings aren't myths.

  12. hollah2:36 AM

    I think what MJ said was: Republicans buy shoes, too.

  13. hollah2:37 AM

    i'm thinking you're the embarrassment.

  14. hollah2:38 AM

    BUT Beyonce has been very outspoken on some issues, such as cop violence. I give her props over TS.

  15. No, that would be you. Read what syvyn11 posted and also educate yourself on Linda Sarsour who was the co-chair of the Women's March who sings the praises of Saudi Arabia, Sharia Law and has ties to Hamas.

  16. Who says they have to attend a march?

  17. Camal193:09 AM

    Bravo Lena!!!

  18. hollah6:09 AM

    You're scary and stupid. Sorry about that.

  19. SnarkIsFun6:23 AM

    Lena and syvn11 are both 100% correct. That's why I couldn't support the Women's March. What rights have women in the US been denied? - except maybe having taxpayers fund their birth control, & maybe their abortions?

  20. And clearly you're dumb and ignorant.

  21. That so called praise was fake news started by zionist trolls as Linda is palestinian and supports the palestinian cause. She has no ties to hamas any person who speaks up for paelstine ends up being branded as anti-semite and pro hamas even though Linda has never mention any support to hamas. This fake news has been debunked by snopes. So fuck of right wing trash hillibilly atleast muslim women support women rights for anyone. Unlike you trashes who bomb middle eastern women everyday and yet claim to give a damn about them because sharia law? Your bombs has killed more women and even the donald says america funded ISIS. I wonder how the muslim refugee ban is supposed to help women who are suffering under US intervention wars.

  22. So your okay with a rapist being your president? Jesus man just because american women are not being bombed does not mean they don't face domestic violence, rape, and religious nuts that bomb abortion centers. Whats wrong with birth control being funded by the tax payers? The rest of the developed world does it.

  23. Do Tell8:18 AM

    The "rape lawsuit" was dropped twice, unless you are referring to Juanita Broaddrick's accusations against Bill Clinton. In either case, neither Bill nor Don are proven rapists.

  24. "zionist trolls" Yeeesh.

    "atleast muslim women support women rights for anyone".

    Lol, yeah, I mean we've all seen those huge rallies and passionate marches by Muslim women the world over to free the thousands of Yazidi women and children that and bought and sold as sex slaves by ISIS...right?

  25. Twiggt11:26 AM

    Womens march organized by George soros who treated his girlfriends like crap
    Organized with Muslim extremist group wants all women in bhurka so with sharia law
    and laraza illegal terrorist and anti American communist group
    But funny part these women gave all personal information and now really scary anarchist communist group has all their info
    Haha stupid elites women didn't even know what they are protesting

  26. Sheepie12:33 PM

    I think Twiggt is right. Someone told me it was thought up by a Muslim woman- whose agenda may be .......

  27. marlo3:04 PM

    Lena - of course you are right.

    Nora suffers from serious mental retardation!!

    That Palestinian......LMAO, marching for "women's fucking right's"?
    Coming from an ideology that slices little girls' genitals, disfigures girl with acid for going to school , legally marries them off to pedophiles, rapes them, beats them, kills them, burns them, this list is so long and so horrific, people such as Nora, should be banned to fucking Gaza or Pakistan.
    Have you seen that palestinians' Twitter feed? Please, go check that shit out. And btw, just because inbred turds such as mentally retarded Nora don't know shit: Under Israeli 'occupation' the Palestinian territories had over 20% of Christians, living there. Since it's under P.A. control, that number went down to 1.8% - anybody wonder what happened to all those chrstians, go check out your tube videos of muslims gassing human beings (like Nazis).
    How can anybody, with half a brain, not see how ridiculous, retarded and upside down this entire march was?

    Nora, just so you know: thanks to unhinged losers and retards such as yourself, and your reluctance to shut the fuck up, Trump will win in 2020. The more violently you cockroaches vomit your bile into the world, the more people are turning against you.

    And finally, just for you, since you seem to be such a pedo-worshipping defender: NOBODY SLAUGHTERS MORE MUSLIMS, THAN OTHER MUSLIMS! Praise Allah.

  28. Lainey5:02 PM

    Nora, don't even bother arguing with ppl who are clearly mentally disturbed.
    As for Beyoncé and Taylor Swift, they're into social justice when it's convenient for them. No one is dictating they go to a march but it becomes clear that money and mainstream popularity is more important than they're 'beliefs'. So now they come across as inauthentic and opportunistic.

  29. lurker10:12 PM

    Hello Nora, did also dance in the streets and hand out candies to kids after 9/11 like your Palestinian friends?
    Or maybe you like burning American flags while foaming at your mouth and chanting “death to america”?
    Fucking traitor c-u-n-t. Fuck off to be with those cockroaches, if you like them so much, why the fuck are you in evil America, you coward? Go where YOUR people are.
    Whoever agrees with that c-u-n-t, should follow, you clearly don’t belong here.

  30. Nora's parents are probably closely related, folks. Cousins, or even brother and sister. Inbreeding is a huge problem amongst muslims.

  31. lurker10:18 PM

    Only 813,000 videos of Nora's friends celebrating 9/11:

  32. Jenny from the Cock10:48 PM

    You go Nora! Don't stop showing your true colours!

    Trump 2020!!! Yaaay!!!

  33. Thank God5:53 AM

    Glad there's someone else on this site that knows what's going on.

  34. Thank God5:54 AM

    When was the last abortion clinic bombing, Nora? How many were killed?

  35. Nevermindthat4:32 AM

    I agree with Hollah, you're the embarrasment.

  36. The Koch brothers have a billion dollar plan to buy all the power in America and rape the earth while making themselves richer.1:51 PM

    All of these are Marlo 's alter egos. She's posting under different names because she's mentally unstable. Many faces of Marlo, time for your meds. You shitfaced mess.

  37. Penelope27:10 AM

    This... why would two SUCCESSFUL women support a group that was organized by a violently pro-Sharia activist and funded by Soros?

  38. Penelope27:12 AM

    Wow... when Sharia law comes to imprison you, remember "You’re scary and stupid. Sorry about that." and think about who this actually refers to. And do your freaking homework... there were men at the march putting burkhas on women to "show their support" while women around the world who are forced to wear it and don't want to are beheaded.

  39. Penelope27:16 AM

    Snopes is owned by Soros (unless you read the Snopes article debunking THAT and actually believe it). How do you think Snopes is able to "verify" hundreds upon hundreds of theories and rumors and news pieces without any money to pay a staff to research it? They can't. They make up the answers that suit their benefactor (Soros). They have no basis for guaranteed fact-checking.
