Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 19, 2017

This foreign born former boy bander has been cheating on his multi-hyphenated celebrity girlfriend. He is back hitting the booze hard again too.

Liam Payne/Cheryl Ann Tweedy-Cole-Fernandez-Versini


  1. Ettacettera1:46 AM

    Is the person with 6 names famous?

  2. Spectator1:48 AM

    Omg the school I applied told me they rejected me to study Arts/Law, they're now offering me to study Arts/Media. I feel like all my hopes and dreams are done now.

  3. longtimereader2:09 AM

    In the UK? A+ a cowell product just like the p.r. stunt boybander. If the pregnancy isn't fake then a turkeybaster was involved. Blind does say the gender of those he cheats with...

  4. longtimereader2:09 AM


  5. marlo3:12 AM

    I'm British. Cheryl Cole is a has been and nobody gives chit about her. I'm always surprised at seeing blinds about her.

    She's a very nasty and repulsive person, she once physically attacked a (black) night club bathroom attendant, screaming racist obscenities and pulling her hair. She's a girl from a council estate (projects) who got very lucky , thanks to her pretty face, and then used her opportunities and celebrity to attack people less fortunate than her.

    Please stop the blind about her, NO-FUCKING-BODY CARES!

  6. marlo3:14 AM

    Oh and before the inbreds start on me with ignorant snowflake hissy fits of "waaaaaycism": Islam is not a race. You can be white, asian, black, brown, or whatever, and be Muslim.

  7. Riven3:35 AM

    LOL inbreds are Republicans, snowflakes are Democrats. which are you referring to?
    yay hateful, dismissive, laughably inaccurate, and grossly over-simplistic stereotypes!!

  8. marlo3:45 AM

    Riven - you must be new here, welcome.

  9. Chris J4:02 AM

    Welcome back Riven!

  10. Riven4:09 AM

    Awww Marlo you must be an inbred. Good for you.

    Chris J - Thanks!

  11. marlo4:14 AM

    Awww, Riven, you keep repeating yourself, like inbreds do.

  12. Riven4:46 AM

    Wow. That insult was superb. Su. Perb. Especially given the obvious fact that I did not repeat anything.

    A+++ snowflake so hurt right now.

  13. GoTrollUrSelf9:52 AM

    The most delicate, easily-bruised snowflake in human history is in the Oval Office, not here. Elected by anti-snowflake voters, which is pretty damned funny.
    Don't even - I've been registered Independent for 30 years. I hate all shitbags equally.

  14. S.D.AUNTIE1:31 PM

    I did not know Cheryl was a jerk!! Lovely to look at but hard to understand when she speaks.

  15. Megan8:57 PM

    The charge of racism was dropped; only came up when the attendant spoke to the papers. Cheryl was 18; it was 10+years ago and people change... The only ones saying Cheryl is a racist has been and the navy is a stunt are the pathetic Larries Enty caters to for hits. Worse than the Cumberbitches who claim his baby's a doll and his wife's an addict or the 50 shades "fans" who say Jamie Dornan's marriage is a sham because he's screwing Dakota Johnson

  16. Megan, I have never met an 18 year old acting this way. What do you want me to say, Cheryl is popular? She's not, Britain kinda hates her, she's a has been and a loser.

    Riven - I - DON'T - CARE - YOU - ARE - IRRELEVANT

  17. Coconut1:25 AM

    Nobody knows Cheryl outside of England. And there she is a tabloid dwelling aging fame whore with big pageant hair and truckloads of makeup on.
