Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 16, 2017

His family will never say so, but this embattled, closeted, super popular religious figure died of complications related to HIV. At my last count he was paying a handful of young men for infecting them with the virus.

Bishop Eddie Long


  1. So, the money being received was more important to the parents than their child's health?
    Am I reading this correctly?

  2. Morning java1:30 AM

    The young men are over 18, I believe.But can you imagine. A religious hypocrite? Why I've never heard of such a phenomenon. (Extra sarcasm)

  3. poopmeister2:57 AM

    The president of the tenant association in my bldg. is a so-called Rev, too. He is a big ole velvet wearing closet queen who is fooling no one. He is 'counseling' all the neighborhood transsexuals in his apt. late at night. They are all HIV+ and he probably is too. He is fooling no one.

  4. No one is surprised by this reveal. Half my co workers attend his church, people closed their eyes, but everyone knew. If you can't or won't live the life of a religious leader, you should find a new line of work. So many lives destroyed

  5. It has been said the grooming began early. Some were under age.

  6. What a shame, I kind of figured this though. Money can't change what happened to those boys so I hope they have support system, now that the money train has ended. Sad.

  7. Zilla18:29 AM

    This guy, who knowingly gave his pattners HIV, should have been at least as much of a social pariah as Charlie Sheen. More so, because of the facade he was selling people.

  8. I remember when David Cross who is also from that area once said "very few people know, that Bishop Eddie Long is actually his porn name, not his real name.

    Still makes me smile.

  9. Knew it. So revolting. Another one preaching anti gay to cover what he despises in himself not least of which a pediphile. I've seen him interviewed disgusting so full of BS and himself. And those payments came from that flock that forked it over to the carnival barker. Makes sense payoff was so high for the HIV. Those poor boys.

  10. Pedophile type o

  11. Bubbles9:07 AM

    I don't know how much of a queen he is since queens aren't into to trans women. and just out of curiosity how would you know there health status unless you're all of their healthcare provider?
