Saturday, January 14, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 5, 2016

She won’t replace her celebrity boyfriend until she has a new drug supply, but that doesn’t mean this A- list singer known to be annoying isn’t willing to continue yachting. It is one of her favorite money making activities and much more lucrative than the gig she performed in the same town. She always says yes to this town, no matter how obscure the performance or how low the pay.

Ariana Grande


  1. Let's call a spade a spade: She's a prostitute.

  2. And-so-on..2:07 AM

    Time will take care of this horrible mess she's drowning in..

  3. nursermk2:11 AM

    Grande is clearly an ironic moniker. It should be Ariana Small and Inconsequential.

  4. Barbara RiceHand2:32 AM

    And how she's mad about some guys saying she was hot and was like 'I'm not a piece of meat, we love each other' pfft.

  5. she didnt say that. she said that just because someone dressis scantily it does not give right to anyone to denigrate her or have a demand for her body.

    big difference.

    and shes right.

    and if otherwise shes a whore, she makes money for herself. whats the problem w/that. there always has been a need for hookers, and will always be.

  6. Surly4:35 AM

    That's sad. Mac Miller is talented, and is supposed to be clean & sober .

  7. Hot Cola4:43 AM

    Another sex toy...

  8. & the name of the town is....?????????

  9. Blankonit6:25 AM

    She definitely has the babyish underage look they are going for...

  10. She still has Disney money from when she was on tv. Why would she need to go ya grind? And what does she see in Mac Miller?

  11. I meant why does Ariana have to go yachting?

  12. I ate my own head3:16 PM

    I love how these dingbats go yachting, make porn, sleep around then proclaim themselves "feminists" It's feminism to be a whore?

  13. lilphantomravioli11:55 PM

    How is believing that women are men's equals in every way, and have a right to be treated as such (aka feminism), inconsistent with participating in sex work or even casual promiscuity? SMH.

  14. TopperMadison12:29 AM

    I seriously doubt she's (and most of the people who are implied here) are hooking. Yachting is for up-and-comers and down-and-outers--not for successful artists at the top of their game.

  15. Bmoviegirl4:21 AM

    She must really enjoy the scat play. So freaking nasty for any price. At least she gets paid more than the instahoes they keep on multiple hotel floors.

  16. I ate my own head9:05 AM

    What are you stupid? Men and women are not equal and never will be but if you want to buy into that fantasy how is being used up by the porn industry some kind of feminism? That world leads to nothing but a battered body, drug addiction, suicide ect.

  17. Velma1:00 AM

    So prostitot is a fitting moniker. Young girls absolutely idolize her, how incredibly sad.

  18. longtimereader2:24 AM

    You mean trained and nurtured by disney producers.
