Sunday, January 01, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #22

July 6, 2016

This actress is looked at fondly and everyone loves her. All they remember is classic television show everyone loved and the tragic life event. They have forgotten what a holy terror she was and how everyone hated working with her. Hell, they still hate working with her, but the general public doesn’t know that because we have her riding unicorns under rainbows because of what she went through. It was not that long ago that she was getting trashed by tabloids and other actors. When they talk about the actors on the show being awful to work with, they ten to shout out the name of a different actress on the show. The fact is, she might seem aloof now, but back in the day, she wasn’t the troublemaker, the subject of our blind was.

There is no doubting she can be a very good actress. She is a multiple Academy Award nominee. I’m not going to say winner because she has never won. No one wants to vote for her. People are shocked she even got enough votes to be nominated. You will notice that her reputation for trouble has caused her to lose out on some very good roles the past five or six years. Why work with her when someone else will come in and be refreshing and positive. She thinks acting is beneath her except when she wants the perks from it.

She used to be in three or four projects a year until people finally caught on. She had to go the humble pie route in the past few years to get any work after coming up dry for years at a time. As soon as someone does give her a job, they regret it but if you talk to the tabloids they all give her a pass. Everyone else would be called out about it, but not her.

Michelle Williams/Katie Holmes




Guesser said...

Entry, were you invited to the Jamie Foxx/Katie Holmes wedding?

Jasmine said...

I can see this being true. I have more respect for people being who they are and not hide under a facade. Like we all talk about Goop, but she isn't hiding who she is. She's the pretentious & egotistical woman we all love.

snitty said...

Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx were married? Whaa???

Guesser said...

@ snitty, still just a rumor, but stay tuned! Notice he has been nicer to her though.

sandybrook said...

Maybe Michelle is the answer to the BI the other day about pissing off fans and taking advice from a $hitheaded director.

French girl said...

She is not A list

Jessica said...

Katie gets dragged because she was going back and forth between Dawson and Pacey in real life and the show. She's been so sheltered she doesn't seem to know how to make real friends now. Michelle actually is a b*tch, neither of them are good actresses, but Michelle has a nasty attitude about it, she does like the salary and the freedom the salary gives her.

snitty said...

hmmmm...interesting. It seems like Jamie doesn't want to be linked to her...maybe because of crazed scientologists? I feel bad for Katie. It seems like she hasn't been happy since before she married Tom.

Mooshki said...

I've been sayin' it for a decade. Back in the day she sued and got all of her fan sites shut down. Such a dick thing to do!!

Vix said...

I don't like Michelle Williams. The one and only movie I like Michelle in is "Dick" with Kirsten Dunst.

Hothotheat said...

Michelle Williams is the difficult actress? I'm not understanding the blind....

ava said...

can someone explain the katie holmes connection?

Suz said...

I read it twice and still not sure. Probably Michelle getting a pass for the tragic death of Heath. But I never heard either was difficult to work with.

K said...

Dawson's creek

texasrose said...

I think that was JLaw.

texasrose said...

She is the one from the show they were both on that most would have thought was the trouble maker but really wasn't.

Sadie said...

Michelle Williams gets so much sympathy because of Heath Ledger like she was his widow or something. They'd split up and who knows if she wasn't a contributing factor?

Jac said...

What a terrible thing to say, Sadie. She was just the mother of his child, NBD.

Hothotheat said...

@sadie She left him, took the kid with her.

SindlerColl said...

Michelle Williams is competent. She's not hot by any stretch, but she's got that lower-middle class look (enhanced by the way she dies her roots) that has a certain appeal and which fits a lot of roles. I've read that she's a pain to deal with, but she also handles her business, which puts her ahead of scores of others.
Most of these star actors/actresses are nothing special re acting skill. They are competent, act in a movie that makes a ton of money, and studios hire them over and over to keep cashing in.

nancer said...

wow. why all the hate for her? michelle williams is a very, very good actress. i've never seen her in anything she wasn't great in. bitch or not, she can act. 'blue valentine', 'take this waltz'. ACTING.

Rafe said...

Lower middle class looks? What world do you live in? Michelle Williams looks like elite snob wealth. Her nose couldn't be more upturned at the rest of us.

June Gordon said...

I always heard that Van Der Beek was the pain in the ass on the Dawson's Creek set.

And even back then, it was clear that Williams was in a totally different league as an actor than any of her costars, who were competent.

GidfreyDaniel said...

DAWSON'S CRACK was a television "classic?" That term sure doesn't mean what it used to!

GodfreyDaniel said...

That should read GodfreyDaniel, dammit!

JD said...

Anyone who thinks Williams isn't a good actress hasn’t been paying attention. There's a scene in "Manchester by the Sea" that's one of the great displays of film acting you'll ever see, and it's due in no small part to her ability.

Penelope2 said...

She wasn't even with Ledger when he passed, they were broken up and he was at the home of one of the Olsen twins (which is utterly bizarre to me). She lost her ex and father of her child, but really it was her daughter's loss, since they weren't a couple anymore and both had moved on.

Penelope2 said...

Agree Sadie, sort of like how Lea Michelle gets so much sympathy when her boyfriend OD'ed, but really, it was more his family's loss. He was out partying without her, they were on and off, and she definitely milked it. His parents probably were devastated (and Lea Michele was part of his drug life, so as his mother I would have HATED her guts).

I always felt like Michelle hoped they'd reunite, so I feel more for her (and I don't think she wanted the break up, but he cheated a lot), but she lost an ex. Her daughter lost a father.


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