Sunday, January 08, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 27, 2016

Each year that passes brings his meal tickets closer to 18 when he won’t get any more meals or tickets and has made zero plans on how to live once he is forced to earn his own living. Maybe this C list celebrity with prolific sperm could try rapping again.

Kevin Federline


  1. He needs to hook up with David. Build a foundation for his kids.

  2. Bmoviegirl12:17 AM

    He tried rapping again, and DJing. He had high profile gigs in Vegas but he was awful. He could always go the way of Jon from Kate plus 8 and hit the strip club circuit.

  3. From what I remember, he's fat af. There's no way I'd want to see his belly become orbital.

  4. snitty1:05 AM

    Oh dear lord, please tell me you don't mean that Jon has been stripping??!!

  5. Jessica1:31 AM

    He should get back to dancing, cheoography.

  6. Bmoviegirl2:46 AM

    No, Jon is a strip club DJ. Thankfully he is not the one stripping

  7. Zilla13:26 AM

    He lost the weight. Fat, no more.

  8. And-so-on..3:39 AM

    Britney's father set up a place for Ferdrline to own and live, monthly payments apart from the grandsons needs.. an allotment to continue as a bonus for his own use and, if Fed doesn't go rogue and become evil...a retirement fund is always there him so he isn't ever poor.. Papa Spears and Britney's brother are a good guys and grateful to him for working with them and her to see she is back in shape, keeping occupied and in somewhat good mental health.. She is happy with their arrangement happy he is not selling her out to the tabloids.

  9. Wendy4:46 AM

    He'll probably just move in with his kids when they turn 18...they'll be supported by Britney for life so I'm sure he'll figure it out. He seems to be good at conniving his way into things.

  10. Erin B4:55 AM

    He does have primary custody, right? He should be getting support. Hopefully he figures it out since he has other kids to raise, but it's on his wife too. It's just not up to him to provide.

  11. hunter6:17 AM

    You can say shitty things about K-Fed but he has primary custody of those kids and was a stabilizing force when Britney hit the skids.

    He's been completely cooperative and hasn't ever sold out Britney to the tabloids and seems to be a nice enough person. "Conniving his way," REALLY?! he has probably put up with a ton of ridiculousness and has been incredibly flexible in order to play the game and be available in extraordinary circumstances.

    I don't know much about this arrangement they all have but I do think you're being unfair. You're probably one of those people who think Britney could responsibly survive in this world on her own without a conservatorship.

  12. Guesser7:02 AM

    I agree, as long as he lives up to the agreement, he will have an income. He's not perfect, but he could easily have sold out Britney, she sees her kids quite often, while Brad Pitt is treated like convicted child molester/serial killer.

  13. Sherm8:04 AM

    He still has over 6 kids by 3 different mothers. Not going to the tabloids doesn't make him a saint. He's lazy and got a free ride. Period.

  14. Mazoo8:07 AM

    She has primary custody now. I'm sure he keeps quiet because he still gets money and they are likely to keep paying even after the kids turn 18. It would be a small price to pay for the Spears.

  15. lol chill bro, it was a joke on a gossip site.

    And no, I'm not one of those people. If you don't want me judging him without knowing him, maybe do the same for me.

    Oh, and take a joke.

  16. "hunter" is clearly Kfed's lawyer or pr hump.

  17. hunter10:46 PM

    I doubt K-Fed has either a lawyer or a PR flack what does he do besides sit around, smoke weed and play with his kids?

    Just because I don't think he's a schmuck doesn't mean I'm on his payroll, it means I see a situation for what it is.

  18. Malibuborebee12:43 PM

    After the kids turn 18 Brit will continue to pay Kfed a comfortable pension for the rest of his life or for as long as he keeps his mouth shut.
