Blind Items Revealed #17
November 16, 2016
One of the questions asked most of me is which celebrities are horrible people. Coming in a close second is who is the nicest or the variation of someone seems nice, but are they nice. I know it might not seem like it from the blinds, but the vast majority of celebrities are really nice and understand fans make their fame and will stop what they are doing and interact with a fan. Eliminating celebrities who are friends of mine or who you would not guess, I will tell you who I think is the nicest celebrity I have met. Even though I have hung out with her multiple times, I wouldn’t say we are friends. We know each other and see each other from time to time.
She is A list. OK, maybe A- list. She is an Academy Award winner/nominee. One time we were walking through Beverly Center and if she stayed out in the main area she would literally get stopped every twenty feet. Then when she would stop, people would see what the commotion was and that would create a bigger crowd. When I say crowd, I am talking 5 or 6 people, but it was pretty constant. This was a few years ago when Beverly Center had their version of a dollar movie theatre. It took a good 30 minutes of walking from the middle of the mall to the end where the theatres were. The thing is, she never stopped smiling. Ever. Pictures, autographs as she slowly made her way to the theatre. When we got there and bought our tickets she could have bailed and waited inside a fairly darkened theatre and no one would have bothered her. But, she stuck it out in line for another ten minutes with a bunch of other people coming up to her and she just kept going and going. When we did get inside the theatre, she did acknowledge that it can be exhausting. She said that she loved the fans and would never say no to anyone, but that sometimes you just want to get from point A to point B and sometimes that was difficult.
There was another time we were in this open area in between some buildings. Apparently some celebrity had been to the same spot 2 minutes earlier and had called in paps. They were hanging out waiting for the celebrity to come back out to get some more shots when they saw us. They swarmed which she does not usually get. In the midst of their swarming two families were trying to cross through the area and she went out of her way to go to them and apologize for all the commotion and chaos. She didn’t have to do it. I don’t think the families knew who she was but she did it anyway.
I could go on and on about her, but she is the one celebrity I find to be the same all of the time. People perceive her to be sweet and kind and she is exactly those things and more.
Emma Stone