Sunday, January 01, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #14

July 18, 2016

In the decade of writing this site, I think I may have mentioned these two celebrities once or twice. Maybe. They have definitely never been a blind. Everyone on the outside looking in thinks they are super nice and fun and a joy. Nope. It is the complete opposite. It is one of those times that what you see on television is nothing like reality. That mild mannered pleasant thing they shoot for on television is just a show. In reality, they are money driven, do anything to get ahead and will ruin you if you cross them. They use their television power to make deals which are rarely fair to the other party and when they are called out on it, they do their best to ruin the other person. Here is how their little game works. They hear about a deal or someone comes to them with a deal. They lowball and lowball. If they get the deal, great. If they don’t get the deal, they wait. They bide their time until the person tries to make another deal and they strike. The two celebrities come in and drive everyone else out. When the others are gone, our celebrities then bail out leaving the person with nothing except a bunch of fees and the knowledge if they try to do it again, the celebrities will be there once again. Invariably, the person comes back to the celebrities who then cut a deal even worse than their first offer. They have done this countless times but everyone is too scared to stand up to their bullying tactics.

Tarek and Christina El Moussa


  1. Endora4:40 AM

    "In reality, they are money driven, do anything to get ahead and will ruin you if you cross them".

    Is there anyone out there in Hollyweird who DOESN'T qualify for thiscomment? They will cut each other's throats to come out on top, doesn't matter what the game is.

  2. Dear ppl of cdan, to a better year ahead, cheers!
    More fun & less bills (no medical bills: stay in a good health & great mood). XOXO.

  3. TheCreatorLovesYou4:56 AM

    I'm trying to get a better understanding of this deal situation. Can someone come up w/an example?



  5. Hey, Readers!
    Please take my advise as a CRE Broker: "Never buy a home being flipped!"
    The reason: Flippers cut corners and they will paint and carpet over "hidden" problems.
    Enough said?

  6. Guesser5:47 AM

    To those of you that don't really get this, this is the California couple that does Flip or Flop, HGTV. The timing of the blind is not long after the incident where Tarek allegedly run into the woods with a gun threatening to kill himself, but Enty had a blind that indicatd he pulled the gun on her and possibly the children. The network covered this up for months, promoting them as a perfect family when they had broken up months earlier. He is the one that always uses the cheapest product, using 99¢ laminate and cheapo tiles.

  7. BeenHereBefore5:49 AM

    Since when are they celebs?? Also- ther marriage is over. Shrek is dating the nanny and xtina is with the developer. karma, snitches.

  8. Jessica5:57 AM

    Never heard of them until all their cheating on each other got in the tabloids, they are the definition of nouveau riche trash. They will be broke as soon as the show is done.

  9. A couple of douchebags on HGTV. They need to get off television.

  10. Trish8:07 AM

    OMG I have never guessed one right!!!!! Nice!

  11. NoseyNeighbor9:20 AM

    @TheCreatorLovesYou, this is how I understand it. You have a property you want to sell to me. I think your asking price is too high. I lowball you and you walk away. Weeks later I heat that you're trying to sell that same property to someone else or some group of people. I come in (maybe under the guise of another company) and outbid everyone else. I make it clear to everyone that I'm buying the property. You get excited and start drafting paperwork to get the sale under way. Your time is effectively tied up with this sale. Days/weeks later, I back out of the deal.
    This scam sucks because it makes you look bad. It makes it seem like there is a problem with the property, even if it isn't true.

  12. Scared of what? Two low-rent reality stars? Pffft. I'd love to see 'em try to pull that shit with me.
