Sunday, January 01, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #13

July 15, 2016

Apparently when your boss lets you know that he finds a woman attractive, then it is in your best interest to not let your boss catch you sleeping with the woman he finds attractive. Here is the deal. You have this former A list network reality star. A+ list name recognition. Seriously, your grandmother knows who this guy is. No tabloid reading necessary. Anyway, our former reality star has a bit of an ego problem. OK, a big ego problem. He likes surrounding himself with attractive women. Our former reality star is married. Now, a little thing like marriage is not going to stop him from visiting other ports if you get my drift. It never has in the past. Ever and he has been down the marriage road a few times. Anyway, even if he is not planning on sleeping with someone who works for him, he might end up sleeping with them. He likes to keep all his options open. He also likes to consider himself the very top of the food chain. So, if one of his lesser employees sleeps with a woman he has on standby or maybe in the future would sleep with, he thinks it makes him look bad. They should only want to sleep with the boss and no one else.
He has a very clear rule. Don’t sleep with any of the women that work for him if you also work for him. They are off limits. Even if he never has sex with them, he might and doesn’t want them to have had anyone else in the company other than him. Why? Ego. All of his top female employees are single and attractive just in case.

So, what happens when he finds out one of the women he is keeping on standby is having sex with someone he feels is his inferior? He fires the guy. Just out and out fires him and the guy knows why he was fired. He crossed a no go. The guy wanted the woman to come with him. To leave the employ of our former reality star.She said no. She might get fired, but she is not going to quit. What will happen with her is she will get pushed out. In the eyes of the former reality star, she is damaged goods. Yep, goods. That is how he thinks of women who work for him. It won’t be right away and he will probably get her another job, but because she dared have sex with someone other than the boss, she is gone. Even if she never was going to have sex with the boss, he believes they should stay ready. He thinks every woman lusts after him and they are simply waiting for him to point in their direction and they will come running. She violated that.

Donald Trump


  1. Sunspirit4:13 AM

    I'm not even surprised by this. KellyAnne Conway is kept close to him...

  2. Xorena4:14 AM

    Lmao please! Nice way of wording this...sounds exactly like him.

  3. Bpadge4:18 AM

    Ugh! He's so nasty.....

  4. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the woman was Ivanka.

  5. sandybrook4:18 AM

    He's gonna have to share his wife with his buddy Vlad, whether he likes it or not.

  6. Ex-Football Fan4:25 AM

    His wife is a Vlad plant.

  7. Sd auntie4:25 AM

    I just threw up in my mouth. Omarosa and the Donald too.

  8. Endora4:29 AM

    This creep will NEVER be my president. Those who voted for him have gone mad.

  9. KellyAnne C, Agent of P.U.T.I.N.4:36 AM

    Chris Christie/Sarah Palin

  10. Long Island Girl4:57 AM

    Donald has always been a greedy, selfish, lying little pig.
    Now he a dangerous, greedy, selfish, lying little pig.

    This should be a fun thread!

  11. Long Island Girl4:58 AM

    Nah, she still works for him. (LMAO!)

  12. TheCreatorLovesYou5:00 AM

    I'm sure men in the corporate world that look like him do the same thing in that environment as well!

  13. LOLOLOL5:02 AM

    Your tears quench my thirst.

  14. Simon5:22 AM

    This is referring to the Corey lewandowski affair with hope hicks. Blind came out right after Corey was fired.

  15. Marianne5:25 AM

    Good one @KellyAnne-Agent of Putin..I absolutely concur

  16. How does Donald get away with these affairs? And, why doesn't someone out him?
    CA's are only as good as the paper their written on.
    He may think he's smart; but only dumb people think they are smart.
    I blame the non-college educated (The politically correct way to say stupid) white voter.

  17. Mooshki5:29 AM

    Vlad already had her, and passed her on to Dumptrump.

  18. Now I am interested in WHO the guy is? and WHO the woman is?


  19. GhettoAristocrat5:49 AM

    Orange dumpling makes my skin crawl.

  20. I hate Trump and not surprised. He's a misogynist who only gets women because he is rich (or claim to be).

  21. shakey6:20 AM

    I give KellyAnne Conway much respect. Her job must be so exhausting because she always comes up with a spin on a moment's notice. He's lucky he has her.

  22. Jazzes6:50 AM

    It's pretty obviously Corey L. and Hope Hicks.

  23. texasrose7:07 AM

    Remember folks, this blind appeared during the campaign. Not all the fake news was from the right.

  24. Gracehatter7:32 AM

    Frankly, I think KellyAnne Conway is exhausted because she has to constantly pull inane bullshit out of her ass to defend her equally crazy boss.

  25. And if there were any truth to it, surely we would have heard other things that apply the Donald is not all that Christian in his morality.

  26. *imply. Just woke up from a New Year's nap.

  27. ellie8:25 AM

    lololol sorry texasrose, but I don't think an unrevealed blind is the same caliber of "fake news" as 100% fabricated stories posted under the guise of actual news. Besides that, this is entirely likely and plausible. This isn't "Clintons killed someone who dared to question them"; this is "Trump is a disgusting, cheating egomaniac", which falls into the "no shit" news category.

  28. NoseyNeighbor8:59 AM

    @SD: Omarosa doesn't count. She must be thanking her lucky stars every day.

  29. While there's no proof that the Clintons had anyone killed, there's certainly a plethora of irrefutable evidence that Bill Clinton raped women, that Hillary Clinton deliberately withheld assistance to our Embassy in Benghazi so it wouldn't be revealed that the Obama administration had supplied weapons to ISIS in order to overthrow the Syrian government, then lied about the cause to the families of those who were killed; that the Clinton Foundation sold access and influence with the Obama administration in exchange for monetary contributions, that Hillary made up story after story in order to embellish her anemic public service record - dodging sniper fire in Bosnia, and being in NYC during 9/11 - , that Hillary is the one tied to Putin by the sale of weapons-grade uranium in exchange for - you guessed it - a contribution to the Clinton Foundation. Meanwhile, you can YouTube scores of vidoes from past and present female employees of Trump who state that the story above, and others like it, are hogwash. Is Donald Trump a loud mouth? Sure. Does he prefer to associate with good-looking women? Most hetrosexual men do. What he isn't is a crinimal, a traitor, and a pathological liar, unlike Hillary Clinton. Honestly, I have no idea why so many left leaning special snowflakes are freaking out over his election. If they would stop having a tantrum from 5 minutes and do a little research, they would disover that Trump had the first open membership country club in Florida, he's pro gay marriage, and historically, is actually rather liberal; so relax. Trump wasn't my first choice, but he won - without any help from Russia - and it's ludicrous, not to mention self defeating, to not give him a chance to set some things to right. I'll take a loud mouth patriot over a criminal and a traitor any day.

  30. Apparently your thirst is for lunacy.

  31. Who in their right mind would eff that tub of lard? Really anyone? Cheetoh most likely can't get it up, much less find it under the layer of lard. And, Conway. Ug. Ga. Ly.

  32. Sorry, the site wouldn't take my first comment. So, yeah, Hortensia is Sam.

  33. Sydney10:55 AM

    He's a class act. Well done for voting for him.

  34. Jessica12:33 PM

    Hillary may be up the ass of the establishment, but Trump IS the establishment. The only one he cares about is himself and his legacy, and to hell with everything and everyone else.

  35. Long Island Girl1:41 PM

    Only people who have integrity get my respect. May she burn in the evil she's offering up on a gilded platter.
    Plus, she scares the living shit out of me.

  36. Sd Auntie3:18 PM

    @Ellie+1000000. Excellent response!

  37. Long Island Girl7:20 PM

    Yes, they are many, unfortunately, but they're not the goddamned president of the United States elect. This sick bastard is.

  38. Long Island Girl7:23 PM

    Hillary knows how to work the establishment. That's a whole hell of lot different that being up their collective ass.
    You are absolutely correct with the rest of your response.

  39. Ashley10:08 PM

    Working with the establishment and being up their ass is pretty much the same.

  40. longtimereader1:20 AM

    There is no difference between dems claiming Russia hacked the election and repubs claiming global warming doesn't exist. Both pathetic excuses for reality.

  41. Scootypuffjr1:45 AM

    I'm just baffled by the thought that anyone considers the Donald an example of "good Christian morals".

  42. And the stupid uneducated masses and white men who share his mentality voted for him

  43. Long Island Girl12:12 PM

    That's where you're wrong. You HAVE to work with the establishment, meaning the congress, to get things done.

  44. Long Island Girl12:14 PM

    Let's not forget their wives. Disgusting.

  45. Imogen9:59 PM

    My theory is that all of this is happening because the baby boomers are starting to get dementia. As they decline mentally, they revert to the racism they were raised with and lose their filters as well, so they're more likely to voice it.

    Think about all the social changes that have happened because of that one generation doing things en masse. Now they're ageing en masse and mentally deteriorating en masse, and we're suddenly seeing a massive resurgence in racism, sexism and other obnoxious views, such as victim blaming.

  46. Willow5:37 AM

    I doubt he'd sleep with a black woman, racist that he is.

  47. trumpisafatcocksuckingpig6:21 AM

    Except the Russians did hack and more importantly conducted a misinformation campaign with intentions to directly affect the outcome of our election, whereas climate denial is just insanely stupid bullshit, so HUGE difference, actually.
