Sunday, January 01, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #12

September 19, 2016

Emmy Awards

This A- list mostly television actor who was a winner/nominee last night for a hit cable show was obviously on something. I asked AP about it and she said that when she saw him that he was one part of the night withdrawn and not talking to anyone and at other times was literally in the space of the person he was talking too within a couple of inches of their face. People were trying to back off when he was talking to them and he kept pushing forward. Not in a confrontational way, but she said it appeared he was on something too.

Rami Malek




Erika said...

That's just Rami. That's always how he's been.

Zilla1 said...

*off to google*

Hothotheat said...

He's cute in a weird way.

texasrose said...

That's a shocker!! Celeb 'on' something. Please don't tell me there were drunk people there too.

Jessica said...

had to google

Ashley said...

So, he needed to take something at an event, so would most people.

Rebecca said...

I mean he could have been on something but from all I've seen it is just his personality. Really sounds like any introvert forced into a big social situation(hide, hide, converse enthusiasticly, hide, hide)...maybe Hollywood isn't used to introverts???


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