Sunday, January 01, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #11

September 19, 2016

Emmy Awards

This always creepy A- list mostly television actor wasn’t nominated last night but he still was there. At a party after the show, he sent his wife trolling for threesome partners that he picked out. Apparently for the past couple of weeks they have been doing this almost every night because they had not had a chance in awhile.

Terrence Howard


sandybrook said...

He's not married, but he knocked her up anyhow.



texasrose said...

Women or men??

Long Island Girl said...

Are we talking men or women here?

Guesser said...

Does she have to ask about the baby wipes first?

Mooshki said...

But of course!

BeenHereBefore said...

Terrance baby Dick & herpes Howard. Enjoy!

Jessica said...

Thought they had to agree to be allow him to beat them up first, then use baby wipes.

Ashley said...

He got the role on Empire by going away for the weekend with Lee Daniels. Wesley Snipes had been the top choice before that, but he won't use the casting couch.


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