Monday, January 02, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #10 - Kindness

October 6, 2016

The wife of the guy in #4 (which is #9 today)  spends $100 every single day just on lunch for her three workers. She also pays for Uber rides to and from work every day along with gym memberships and full health insurance. Plus, she pays her staff more than just about any other celebrity I know. She wins the best employer award. You only get fired if you sleep with the husband.

Jennifer Garner


  1. sandybrook2:52 AM

    Her money being spent or Ben's? Do Capitol One commercials pay that much? Anyhow it's a nice job it seems if you can get it.

  2. Guesser3:18 AM

    Commercias pay a lot for almost no work. She has her Dad in one now. You have to pay help a lot when tabloids pay for people like them. She probably uses her own money to make sure they are on her side. She seems to know where they are every second.

  3. TiggyTea3:47 AM

    Am surprised. She doesn't come off as warm. It's a kind gesture...but a little big brother-ish. Does she pay for uber just so she can track them and ensure they're not boning Ben?

  4. Michelelala4:14 AM

    Cap one does give cash back.

  5. She wants to make sure those nannies are coming from their homes and going straight there. No more sneaking off and taking Ben champagne at his bungalow.

  6. Berta the sock7:03 AM

    In NYC lunch and Uber rides are a standard perk for execs. I think its lovely that she offers this as a nice gesture for her employees as well.

  7. Sadie7:55 AM

    Nice. No snark implied. Garner does a lot of charity work too and was honored recently for her work with Baby2Baby, a charity that provides things like diapers that food stamps don't cover for impoverished mothers.

  8. texasrose8:12 AM

    Nice but with her income and net worth that is like us buying someone a coffee every workday.

  9. Scandi Sanskrit9:27 AM

    Ha. I have low standards too when it comes to people I live/interact around, but there's also always one big deal-breaker that if you break, you're never coming back to being my friend. The 'friend' of mine (which is the I wrote about the comment on Blind Items Revealed #21 today—LOL) also broke that rule. I had a dream (which was really information I had stored in my subconscious after years of observing her behaviour—for example: stringing along/dating multiple men at a time, et cetera).

    I had a dream that she was flirting with my then-boyfriend (or whom I thought was my 'boyfriend' at the time) by using her own boyfriend (who's a doctor) as bait to get his attention. In hindsight, the biggest victim of this was her boyfriend, because she used him as bait to flirt with another man! But I never woke up from a dream so heartbroken in my life... I was devastated. And this was all based on real-life behaviour stored in my brain over the years. I can't even look at her now.

    Even the last time I met her, she was aggressive AF with the man who is my current crush.

    Just because someone's nice doesn't mean you can trample all over them to the point of sleeping with their SO.

  10. Malibuborebee10:55 AM

    If Saint Jen hires you to "get caught having an affair" with her husband, she may "fire" you but you'll be handsomely rewarded.
