Blind Item #8
Looks like it could be the end of the road for this foreign born couple consisting of a former A list actor and a B list singer. He blew off her birthday party.
Looks like it could be the end of the road for this foreign born couple consisting of a former A list actor and a B list singer. He blew off her birthday party.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Rob Patterson/FKA twigs
ReplyDeleteWell, maybe this will give FKA some inspiration to put out some more good music.
ReplyDeleteFKA twigs is B List? I am not contesting this, i don't know enough about her, i am just surprised
ReplyDeleteYou contest FKA and I will contest Robby as A list. Divide and conquer
ReplyDeleteOrlando bloom and Katy perry
ReplyDeleteRatings make sense but timing is strange. Bloom did miss Perry's party in October due to shooting schedule but she just threw him a bday party over the weekend. Don't know why she would do that if it was all over because of something that happened months ago.
ReplyDeleteTwigs birthday was January 16 and he wasn't there, so I'd say it's them.
ReplyDeleteHow do we know he wasn't there? I'm with Katy and Orlando due to her awful hair lol
ReplyDeleteBut maybe it is
ReplyDeleteWe don't know if rob wasn't at twigs party. Stop making ASSumptions
ReplyDeleteAre the crazed twilight fans still sending this shit in? LMAO it's that mental twitter account saverobnow these fangirls get mighty serious. The damies are giving them a run for their money though.
ReplyDeleteThought they were over a while ago? Shows how much I (don't) pay attention to those two!
ReplyDeleteExcept Rob was at Twigs' party, sitting right next to her. There's a snapchat video showing her receiving her cake, and he reaches out to help her set it down, you can see his hands and arms, and you can hear his voice singing happy birthday to her. They have always been low key, they want their private life to be private. It's sad that Kristen Stewart's fans are so desperate for them to break up, cause it's not happening. The wedding is still on. Twigs followed 2 wedding sites on her IG last week, she's deep in wedding planning. You'll notice you never see them out with anyone else? That's because they're still together and it shouldn't even be a topic, since they don't have any issues.
ReplyDeleteSaverobnow and her bullshit lies. She needs the dog shit kicked out of her
ReplyDeleteWhat's with those bitter ass twilight fans starting breakup rumors and feeding them to blog host? Rob and twigs are a very private couple he was with her for her bday there's no proof that he wasn't. They were also seen together at a club dancing on Saturday the 14th.
ReplyDeleteTwigs announced that she's not putting out any new music this year and the thinking is that's because if you release new music, you have to tour. The label requires it. Since she knows she's getting married in a few months and wants to start a family, she doesn't want to tour. They've both said they want to be young parents, so the idea is that they'll begin their family on the honeymoon. They recently bought a house in London, they literally have no problems, this is just gossip fabricated by factions who hate that Rob's with a woman of color and not that white dish rag he dumped years ago.
ReplyDeleteI see the kS fandom has been busy.... yeah let's not focus on kristen girlfriend/bruises/ grassy hair/ man clothes/ how bad she looked in milan so let's create lies about RT
ReplyDeleteStan thinks she can recognize RPattz by his hands ok ok
ReplyDeleteThe KS fandom is always busy creating distractions from what a trainwreck she is. They don't want you to focus on the fact that she was unemployed for 10 months last year, only filmed one low budget horror movie in a supporting role as the maid to Chloe Sevigny. They don't want you to know she has nothing lined up for this year--and no buzz about her, either. She isn't even in the conversation for any franchise or anything else. She's had 4 flops, all Rotten on RT, with Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk being one of the biggest bombs of last year. She's box office poison and between her slovenly personal appearance and her long history of serial cheating, she's just about trashed her career. But let's talk about the non-existent problems of a man who dumped her 4 years ago and has avoided her like she has the plague instead. lmao
ReplyDeleteKaty is not foreign born and it says foreign born couple. So it must be rpats/twigs
ReplyDeleteRPatz is A list?
ReplyDeleteWhen will those old Twilight hags learn? They put out these fake break up rumors every few months like clockwork and they are always proven wrong. They must be masochists, they enjoy disappointment. Rob and Twigs have no problems, they're on the same page. She's putting her career on the back burner so they can get married and start a family. They bought a house with a yard so they can start having kids. I guess they have a hard time dealing with Kristen choosing to plow her way through 5 lesbian lovers in the past year, so they have to create problems that don't exist for Rob. I hope all these lies end after the wedding in just a few months, but these Twi hags are so mentally-challenged, I'm not sure anything will get through to them.
ReplyDeleteThat not true. Get your Fact straight. She has done 15 films since 2013. Cafe Society is a hit. Over 60 million now She the lead actress. Tomorrow she at Sundance to Premiere her Short Come Swim. She will has 6 Chanel Campaign, which are Successful. She has Personal Shopper, and Lizzie Borden. Stop hating on Kristen. She doesn't give a damn about Rob. Hasn't since they broke up. It not like he been doing anything with his life. He basically been in Limbo. Living the Sex, Drugs, Drugs, and more Drugs Lifestyle. Personally I don't give a shit about him. Kristen has been successful without him. Directors now wait for her to do their film. She now the critics favorite, Certain Women, Clouds of Silas Maria, Still Alice, Camp XRay, Personal Shopper 2017 Lizzie Borden 2017, Cafe Society. Yeah we can tell who been working their ass off and don't forget Personal Shopper won best Director at Cannes and it will be released in 2017 It has great reviews from people in the US. So don't worry about Kristen. She well on her way to great things.
ReplyDeleteCafe Society went straight to Amazon Prime, I'd hardly call that a hit. KStew isn't doing anything anyone but stans who are up her ass like you are are noticing. Kstans have been saying this same crap about her for years and nothing changes, you all can stop acting like she's the second coming already.
ReplyDeleteFrom the look of things Twigs has bypassed and outgrown him and no longer needs his name attached to hers to succeed.
Yes, Kristen has been failing badly since 2015. She peaked with that foreign award that Chanel bought for her, and it's been downhill ever since. Cafe Society never showed a dime of profit. It was Woody Allen's (the pedophile) biggest budget film ever, and it would have needed to make more than $60 million to SHOW A PROFIT. KS fans are so dumb, they don't understand how profit for a film is calculated. It isn't simply double the production budget. That doesn't take into account any of the millions spent on advertising and promotion. None of her films have shown a profit -- American Ultra was a huge bomb and Equals was so bad it premiered on DirectTV. She's box office poison & producers know it. She was out of work for 10 months last year & she has NOTHING LINED UP. All your protests won't change those facts. And if she doesn't need him, why does she keep bringing him up in her interviews? She knows she's irrelevant without him and so does everyone else but the handful of fans she has left.
ReplyDeleteLet me know when Twigs' is starring in one of the "Best Films of 2017," the way Rob is. The Lost City of Z was the hit of the New York Film Festival and the critics are raving about it. Rob will have 2 other films premiering this year, and 3 more in development. He and Twigs have never been in competition and they never will be, since she's not an actor -- they will never be up for the same roles. She also has never needed him to get where she is, she did it on her own. Nike hired her because she can direct, produce, come up with the concept, cast the dancers, choose the crew, sing, compose the music and lyrics, dance, and act as spokesperson for their NikeWoman line. She's not only a triple-threat, I can't even count how multi-talented she is. They compliment each other, not compete with each other. I'm sure he's as proud of her as she is of him. Since he's still the face of Dior Homme, you sound even more ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteWho cares how many films Stewie has done? Since when is quantity better than quality? She's made flop after flop, that's nothing to brag about. Even the critics are starting to turn on her. Guy Lodge warned that she's becoming a one note actress in his Variety review, and PlayList has made similar comments about her playing the same angsty character in every film. Her talent is limited and her shelf life is about over. So Personal Shopper is coming out this year? So what? It had walkouts at Cannes and at the NYFF -- audiences were bored. It will flop at the box office the way ALL her other films do. As for her pretentious POS short, it will come and go at Sundance and be forgotten. She's not going to get offers to direct a feature film based on some shitty 15 minute short based on one of her poems. We all remember the wiffle ball/freedom pole shit that she forced on that magazine reporter. We're still laughing about that.
ReplyDeleteThe twi-hards need to get a fucking life. So pathetic.
ReplyDeleteTwigs B list singer? She is rather D list. I don't think this blind is about RPatz and what's her name? Enty usually refers to that actor from that franchise, when talking about Rob. Wish it would be them though since I don't like RPatz GF.
ReplyDeleteOh, I so hope it's Robert Patterson and FKA Twigs. He is my celeb crush. He so does it for me.
ReplyDeleteLove this fanfiction! Very creative. So you can identify people just by looking at a shot of a blurry hand in 2 second clip? That's some talent.
ReplyDeleteHaving a brain also helps. They're engaged, we know they were both in London that night, it's only logical that he was sitting next to her, celebrating her birthday. Why do you think the video was shot from that angle? So you couldn't see his face, duh. You don't think Rob and Twigs know the backlash and hate from Kristen's bitter fans every time they're seen together? He's always tried to protect her from that, they try to keep their private life as low key as possible. Only an idiot thinks he wasn't with her, but you idiots never learn. Taking her to the GQ party & the LA Dance benefit a month ago should have been enough to convince you that they have no issues, but you don't let reality intrude on your fantasy of them breaking up. Keep in mind you've been wrong every single time for the past 3 years and you're wrong now. I hope you drown in your own tears at their wedding pics.
ReplyDeleteWho remembers the ABK club? Anybody but Kristen? Yeah, that's right. A whole bunch of Twilight fans never liked her. They knew she was a fake and a user from the start. It didn't really take that long for her to out herself as the low life serial cheater and scum that she is. It's still ABK for us -- and we love how much it irritates you that Rob chose Twigs. Stay pressed.
ReplyDeleteFucking robsten twilight bitches make me sick always trying to start some shit rumors about rob and twigs breaking up, then you see it on some pretend know it all blog. Rob and twigs are extremely private and that's how they like it. To think he didn't attend her bday party is fucking ridiculous esp when they were sighted dancing together in a club a couple days b4
ReplyDeleteKsscrew is soo butch and cannot see her with any man . She needs a good shower, deoderant and washed clothes. Boring as hell too.
ReplyDeleteYou losers never learn. You send these stupid blinds here and then when they're online, you get people commenting on how lucky Rob no longer has any connection to your hygienically-challenged lesbian bed-hopper. She's been running around with her flavor of the month, looking like a meth addict--dark circles under her eyes, bad skin, greasy hair--and what about those cuts and scrapes when she was down in Savannah? Drunk and falling on the cobblestones down there or all for effect to try and get St Vincent back? Didn't work, tho, Annie would rather be single that spend another minute with KSpew. There have always been rumors about how she was injuring herself during the Twilight years in order to get attention. She loves playing the victim. Sundance should be fun, what with her and St Vincent both there. That won't be awkward at all. I look forward to seeing how twitchy she is in her interviews, and how bad she looks on the red carpet. She has no fashion sense whatsoever, a true fashion victim. Those horrible Met Gala disasters will go down in history (like the Titanic).
ReplyDeleteTwigs was seen stumbling around streets without him on her birthday and RPatz was seen alone without her after that. Obviously them. I've seen the snapchat - the "mystery" hands don't look much like his. Even if they are, party was a different night. He wasn't there on her actual birthday. Hasn't been around much lately at all. She's been too busy following poledancers on instagram- must be contemplating a return to her former career. As for him, he's the one usually described as looking like a meth addict. KStew fans don't want him, and Rob fans certainly don't want her. They just want to see him working and with someone who'll support him instead of bleeding him dry like the current girlfriend. They don't care about his ex.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Kristen's bitter fans describe him as meth addict because it kills them that he cut her out of his life and is doing great without her. They have never had any room to talk. Funny you pick and choose which tweets you believe. How about the one where they were out dancing on Saturday night in Dalston? And yes, they were together on her birthday. The woman who saw him in the elevator said he had been with Twigs, she just wasn't in the elevator with him at that moment. As for the rest of your bull shit, you got nothin. Twigs was never a pole dancer, she had to take classes last year to learn. She was never a stripper. She sang in a burlesque club between acts. She didn't meet the requirements to work the pole, she wasn't tall or blonde, and that's all they hired. She also has her own income and you have zero evidence of her spending any of Rob's money. Her estimated worth before this Nike deal was $5 million, and she's lived in the same apartment for the past 7 years. Where is her mansion in Mayfair? Her villa in the south of France? Her limo and driver? LOL, she still takes the bus and the tube, she's never spent any of his money. You have nothing on her so you make up lies and never learn. Nothing you say will ever make any difference, Rob chose her and they're getting married. He's around her plenty, he sleeps in her bed every night and wakes up with her every morning. You are literally always wrong. You set yourself up for disappointment and then you're disappointed. How's it feel to slam your head against a brick wall for the past 3 years?
ReplyDeleteWhenever I see yet another big-name company promoting or a gullible person defending twix I despair at humanity. I have never watched Twilight, I do not find Rob neither particularly handsome nor talented. I think he is just another photogenic person who got unreasonably lucky by winning the jackpot in the global cult of physical attractiveness and is continually blowing his professional opportunities due to weakness of character. However, in spite of his implicitly self-confessed use I still find him a morally better person than twix. He most definitely deserves better than his manipulative, toxic, hopefully soon to be ex-girlfriend. Just a side note, there never was an actual engagement. The whole thing was just twix’ hoax, yet another of her numerous wicked self-serving PR games. Anyone deserves better than twix. On some level it is clear that she knows that she does not in the least deserve any of the attention and admiration she currently attracts. Her cold awareness of her own lack of worth is evident from her spectacularly over-acted, stiff arrogance that she so painstakingly strives to exude at every step. Yes, she does a million things, but to call her multi-talented would be a massive overstatement. I personally fail to detect any talent in her at all (even her greatest strength of all – dance - is most of the time just too cringe-worthy and painful to watch), on top of that I find her shockingly ill-educated, vapid, pretentious, ill-mannered, thirsty, immoral and vulgar. Talent presupposes performing to high standards of excellence, yet everything twix does looks completely amateurish, cheap, even downright trashy and vulgar aiming at one common lowest denominator only - sex. It looks like her principal life aspiration and core business plan is to earn as much money and celebrity as possible by becoming a glorified, overpaid human-sized sex toy. A glorified wannabe stripper, that is all she really is (and I take no issue with strippers or even sex workers as long as they are not deceptive and pretentious about what it is that they really do). In order to achieve her immoral, fiercely selfish ambitions she thoughtlessly and incessantly degrades women everywhere thanks to her consistently one-sided, vulgar and exploitative representations of womanhood. twix has never in her whole life thought a single original thought. Everything, virtually everything she puts out has been copied from someone else’s work and subsequently debased by being thrown into the revolting mental excrement she calls “art”. She is not only a destructive, toxic influence to her nearest environment, but to everyone who is directly or indirectly exposed to the pretentious filth she spews onto the world under the pretext of “creativity”. Whoever is responsible at Nike for twix’ involvement in their latest ad campaign should have their professional future at the company seriously reconsidered, because the whole thing is a massive and damaging PR fail for the company. The campaign looks more like Nike is actually promoting twix than the other way around. In many of the adverts it is barely clear at all that the aim would be to promote any of the Nike products, because all the focus is almost exclusively aimed at twix as a person. Literally, in their latest ad campaign, foxy twix duped Nike into promoting herself with the false pretense of advertising their branded running tights. I believe there should be no need for me to say this, but I consider her ethnic origin one of the few wholly unproblematic aspects of her (I love R&B, Soul and Hip-Hop), but I’ve noticed that racism is unfairly used as a ploy to deflect all legitimate criticism raised against the woman’s shamelessly immoral practices and behaviors.
ReplyDeleteRpattz/Twigs. I wonder why people are so angry about a possibile break up. Relationships don't last forever, see Brad/Angelina and others. They are free to break up, they don't need the audience to approve it. It's their life. They are not dolls.
ReplyDeleteThe real marlo - hey 'marlo', please do not impersonate me. I might swear a lot , but whatever I write, makes actual sense and is not just a collection of slurs and unhinged outbursts by a psychotic troglodyte.
ReplyDeleteThank you, The Real Marlo
ABC is a pathological liar and raving lunatic. She has created a false narrative about Twigs out of thin air. Twigs won a scholarship to a private Catholic school and went on to college in London. That doesn't happen if you're stupid and lazy. She's not the one who's uneducated. Kristen Stewart dropped out of 7th grade and can barely count. She can't even do simple math. Twigs studied opera, ballet and she speaks fluent French. Her talent is beyond question--huge corporations like Apple, Google and Nike don't hire untalented people as their Creative Directors and give them the control of budgets to direct their commercials. Her images not only are not degrading to women, they are empowering, and she's a spectacular role model. She was never a stripper and she's never done anything approaching stripping in any of her videos or stage performances. The poster above seems obsessed with sex and thinks it's dirty. I feel sad for them. The massive success of the Nike campaign is too much for this insecure, ugly person to handle. No lie you tell about Twigs will ever effect her or Rob. All this venom simply because Rob chose a woman of color instead of your white, untalented hobo, Kristen Stewart. Talk about lucking into a career. She was cast as Bella because she was plain and ordinary, and she got famous for having one expression, a stone-face. No one needs to lie about her lack of character, she demonstrated that by fvcking her married director in public and then going on to cheat on everyone else she's ever been involved with. There is no scandal attached to either Rob or Twigs' name and they both are so far above the trashy confused-gender Kristen, it isn't up for debate.
ReplyDeleteWow, Twigs' successful Nike campaign seems to have driven Kristen's fans over the edge. It's far better than anything Chanel has ever done for Kristen, that must be what they can't swallow. Twigs' image is all over London, and that huge display at the Southbank is stunning. Denmark, Amsterdam, New York, etc, and such giant billboards. Can't remember ever seeing anything like that for Kristen. Guess she's not as special as they think she is. It's funny the way Kristen Stewart's bitter fans have to make up lies about Twigs, and they accuse her of being what Kristen actually is. I think that's called projection. Problem is, they can never back up any of their fake claims with evidence. They just pile lie upon lie and ignore reality. Another problem for them is the way Kristen has lived her messy personal life out in public for the paps. No one needs to lie about her, too much evidence to pretend she's not a walking, morally bankrupt disaster. Rob is so much better off without her and the best part is, he knows it. That's why he cut her out of his life and has avoided her for going on 4 years now. Too bad her fans can't let go of him and accept that he prefers Twigs.
ReplyDeleteIn case anyone needs to be reminded why Kristen Stewart is no role model, just read this. She has a long history of serial cheating, and has no idea what it means to be faithful to anyone.
ReplyDelete1. Kristen cheated on Rob with Rupert in July, 2012, then cheated with Alicia Cargile in Feb. 2013, which is the real reason he packed up his stuff and left her in May, 2013. Found out she couldn’t be trusted around men OR women. No man wants that.
2. Moved Alicia into her house in Oct. 2013, the moment Rob left for London. He’s never been seen with KS since then.
3. Cheated on Alicia with the French model, Agathe Mougin in October/Nov. 2015. Kicked Alicia out of her house in January, 2016, Alicia got her own apt.
4. Cheated on Agathe Mougin with her friend, Soko, in Feb. 2016. Agathe unfollowed Soko on IG, destroyed their friendship.
5. Kristen cheated on Soko in April, the second week of Coachella, with Alicia again.Soko ranted all over Twitter and IG about how she hates cheaters.
6. Kristen moved Alicia back into her house in April and then cheated on her with St Vincent in August, breaking up St. Vincent and her longtime girlfriend, Cara Delivigne. Now both Cara and St. Vincent’s fans can’t stand Kristen, they call her a homewrecker, shades of Rupert and Liberty again. She’s such a mess.
7. In November St Vincent dumped Kristen for a change. Who knows why, but she could have found out that Kristen was cheating on her with a female crew member on the low budget horror flick she was filming in Savannah, or she could have found out that KS was hooking up with Stella Maxwell. Either way, SV dumped KS and it didn't take long for KS to import Stella down to Savannah to keep her bed warm. So many flavors of the month, girl is so unstable, she can't sustain any relationship.
For all the Robsessed here, because some don't like FKA twigs. it has nothing to do with Kristen Stewart. People just don't like Twigs. Get over it. It has more to do, that RPatz career is on the downway spiral since he is with her. He is seeing more than drunk, high... on several occasions, and those who are not blind notice it. He is just like Twigs a meth head now...... So leave KStew out of it, they were never a couple in the first place - it was only PR. While officially with R Kstew was with Scout......
ReplyDeleteYes, ABC11m Twigs did graduate, yes she passed her A levels and yes, she went to college in London. No level of bullshit you spew will change those facts. You literally sound insane.
ReplyDeleteTwigs has more talent, dignity and class than you ever will. She's one of the least insecure women in the world, but it's clear that you're so threatened by her, you're obsessed with her every move.
LOL, "forcibly inflicted." No one is forcing you to stalk her, watch her videos and hang on her every word. There is clearly something wrong with you, ABC11. Normal people do not become obsessed with someone they claim to disdain.
She is not starting to branch out, she has always produced and directed. She had 8 videos on Youtube that she had directed for herself and for other artists back in early 2014--she is multi-talented and she's more than proved that with the success of this new Nike campaigin (not to mention her efforts for Apple, Google and Calvin Klein).
Really, you need to seek some therapy for your strange obsession.
Sorry Molly, go back to L'Chat with your vicious fairy tales. Kristen is the one who stumbles around drunk in Savannah, falling on the cobblestones and ripping up her knees. The bartender said on FB she had been doing tequila shots, and it's not the first time. She looks like a meth head most of the time, with her rat's nest greasy hair, big dark circles under her eyes that even a professional make up job can't cover, and slovenly appearance.
ReplyDeleteRob is not the one who's been photographed using illegal drugs 4 times in two different countries, that would be your stoner princess. We've all seen the bongs on her coffee table, next to her dog. She's never even been able to quit smoking, she has addiction issues.
Rob's not the one who's career is in a downward spiral. He was in a film last year that won 2 Golden Lions at the Venice Film Festival and is up for 2 Independent Spirit awards right now. His film was the hit of the New York Film Festival and is already being put on the lists of the Best Films of 2017, plus he has 2 other films premiering this year, one of whom already has a 7 figure distribution deal, so he's doing great.
He's also attached to 3 film in development right now. Kristen? She was unemployed for 10 months last year and is unemployed now with nothing in development. Her unoriginal vanity project flopped at Sundance last night, The Wrap hated it. Said she lacked "subtlety." LMAO. She's never been subtle about anything in her life.
Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk was one of the biggest flops last year. Stank up the NYFF, it was so bad, audiences and critics hated it. That blew her painfully obvious thirst for an Oscar nomination out of the water. Another dream dead, and for the next two years. She will have nothing eligible in theaters this year, either, so thankfully we will be spared her ridiculous campaigning for an award she will never get.
Equals was so bad, it went straight to VOD. Rob has never had a film that premiered on VOD, so there's another example of how his career record is better than hers. He's also never stooped to work with an accused child molester, but she leaped at the chance to do so.
That film didn't make a dime at the box office either. It flopped, the way all of her films have since BD2, a film that made money because it starred Pattinson. He carried that franchise and she rode his coattails for as long as she could but thank god those days are over. He cut her out of his life and that's what her fans can't stand, which is why they lie about him.
No one needs to lie about Kristen, her fans are the ones who need to lie to themselves about how good she's doing. The rest of us have objectivity.
Since when's Twigs B list? Her performances consist of "sex sells" only and her voice is average at most. Without dropping Pattinsons name she's a nobody - not even a proper celeb.
ReplyDelete@stella Don't talk yourself into happiness that's old stuff. They've been recycling pics and vids for month now
Nike thinks Twigs is A list, and that's all that matters. She will make more money and get more recognition this year than you will in your whole life combined.
ReplyDeleteAs for being happy, new pics of Rob and Twigs having breakfast in Dalston today, close to where they went dancing last week. No one who lives in reality needs to "talk themselves into happiness." You ones who live in denial are the ones who need to lie to yourselves. Really sad for you.
There is no problem in Rob and Twigs' relationship and there never has been. They're engaged (as she confirmed in the Dec. issue of Vanity Fair last month), and they will be getting married in a few months. All of this static is just frustration from KS fans who hate that she's more into women than she ever was into Rob.
@Stella you have heard of staged encounters, faked pics and pr strategies, right? You are also aware that Vanity Fair will even print that they witnessed Trump shook hands with Jesus if you pay them enough? Girl, get some fresh air and come back to reality. Earth needs you.
ReplyDeleteLOL, Rob doesn't employ a PR rep, he has never sought attention. He doesn't need a "strategy" to live his life as he pleases.He doesn't need to stage photos, he avoids cameras as much as possible. And no, Vanity Fair has exposed Trump for the fraud he is, they aren't for sale. They aren't a tabloid.
ReplyDeleteYou KS fans never learn. She's the one who pays for hype and parades her random lesbian lovers for the paps. She would do anything for attention, she's desperate for it, like an addict.
Rob is happy to do his job, work on projects of his choosing, and disappear into a normal life with his fiancee the rest of the time. He's not the attention whore KS is and he never will be.
I'm not the one who's delusional.
jajajajajaaa sessed still crying why you. arena the mostrar bigger fans. that KRISTEN have. you. know. everything about her. life maybe. if you let. to stalk. her. maybe. the. movie. of your shitty. maybe be sucessfull. like. the big. flop. the rover. 7 mll. only. 2 mll. SO SUCESSFULL! !!!! OR MAYBE. LIFE OR TCOTL BIGGGGGGG SHITTY. BOXOFFICE. TALK ABOUT KRISTEN BUT TALK TOO ABOUT THE. FLOP THAT YOU SHITTY. IDOL IS. BTW CONGRATS TO EDDY REDMAYNE, ANDREW GARFIELD, MICHAEL FASSBENDER, JAMES MCVOY, IDRIS ELBA, COLIN FARELL, NICHOLAS HOULT, SAM CLAFINN (SO MANY AWARDS AND SUCESSFULL. MOVIES) EUROPEAN BOYS WITH AND SUCH POTENTIAL NO LIKE YOU FLOP IDOLS IS!!!!!!! CONGRATULATION
ReplyDeleteLOL, I love it when Kristen's piss ant little fans have meltdowns with shouty caps. Show your crazy for everyone to see.
ReplyDeleteShe's a whore, a no talent hack who pays a million dollars a year for PR to try and get attention for her lackluster career. She's a huge flop and she always will be.
Rob had the hit film coming out of the NYFF -- not her. Billy Lynn flopped hard, and Lost City of Z got almost perfect reviews. It's the film on the Best of 2017 lists, not any of her films.
2016 was very bad for her and she has nothing lined up, she's not in demand, in fact, she's box office poison. If people only knew what scum she is in her private life she would be an even bigger laughingstock than she is now. She will never be successful because she simply doesn't have what it takes. Money can buy you fame, but it can't make you likeable or talented. She's a loser, big time.
BTW, Fassbender, McAvoy, Elba, Farrell, etc are over 10 years older than Rob. Redmayne and Garfield are also older than him. If you want to compare him to men his age, he has no equal, he's still doing much better than any of them and much better than your krusty-assed idol.