Sunday, January 29, 2017

Blind Item #8 - SAG Awards

This A- list mostly movie actress is a celebrity offspring. According to AP, she also looks a decade older than she actually is. AP said you could smell the booze and cigarettes coming off her and that the actress looked like someone who had been up for days on end partying.


  1. Is Kate Hudson A-

  2. Tricia1311:49 PM

    Soapy-Yes since Deepwater Horizon I think--/ she looked awful imo too AP

  3. Guesser11:51 PM

    Kate is A-in her mind,she looked pretty bad, usually she looks younger than she is.

  4. Derek Harvey11:52 PM

    I don't like Amanda Peet and so what if someone was partying on a Saturday night???

  5. Disliked her dress and her underboob. Thirsty!

  6. Tricia1311:58 PM

    Make up she's her too-she looked hard,not edgy(which is what she was going for I think?)

  7. Tricia1311:59 PM

    *aged her

  8. S.D.AUNTIE12:04 AM

    Kate looked bloated. Saw a picture of her at kings of leon concert and she looked the same. It all takes a toll after a while

  9. Tricia1312:16 AM

    Maybe her pal Gwynnie Goop can give her an anti bloat pill that contains a very rare ingredient that grows on trees found in the Amazonian rain forest

  10. Color Me Confused1:19 AM

    Thank you, CDAN for brightening my day while the Yemeni deli owner across the street is hiding behind the counter weeping like a baby because he can't return to Yemen any time soon to bring much needed money to his starving tribe, thousands of Soros Sillies running amok downtown, a neighbor (very elderly) last seen in the lobby this morning screaming, "I told Donald Trump last week to keep all the Mexicans and send all the Dominicans back!" to the grandson of a Dominican elder in the bldg. Whew! I can't deal with the real world. That's why I have CDAN!

  11. I can't stand Kate Hudson.

  12. GoTrollUrSelf1:44 AM

    That was pretty self-righteous, even for Enty. Someone smelled like alcohol & smoke at a PARTY?! JFC, call the morality squad.

  13. Derek Harvey1:45 AM

    omg awful...fuck.

  14. Derek Harvey1:46 AM

    Maybe cause I tied one on Saturday myself haha -Cant believe I am defending HER.

  15. Derek Harvey1:46 AM

    and I liked her dress...smh *hides in shame*

  16. i can't stand kate hudson, but ap smells just like all paps - like a pos...

  17. Backupabit1:21 PM

    Star M said Kate H and Brad B are getting down...true? Also....doesn't she sort of remind you of someone. If it's true, he sure goes from one extreme to the next with partners/relationships

  18. Backupabit1:22 PM

    Sorry, got waaay off subject

  19. LucidDreams6:27 PM

    Who again is AP?

  20. texasrose6:45 AM

    I think Amanda Peete
