Friday, January 20, 2017

Blind Item #7

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress from an acting family that will always have more money from something other than acting cheated on her boyfriend with one actor she met on set. She took the boyfriend back for a few weeks and then crushed him again when she started hooking up with an actor on a new movie who is one of the best friends of the first actor she hooked up with. Whispers of a threesome with both actors is also being talked about by crew from the latter movie.


  1. Tricia1312:35 AM

    Rooney Mara

  2. Tricia1312:37 AM

    And Joaquin Phoenix

  3. Tricia1312:40 AM

    Guess it's her and Phoenix/Casey Affleck who just shot a "secret" indie with her a couple mos ago I think

  4. sandybrook12:46 AM

    It seems as if Rooney has a bad habit of hooking up with her co-stars doesn't it?

  5. Chelle12:47 AM

    Is Phoenix supposed to be the first actor or second?

  6. Tricia1312:51 AM

    I think Casey was first (they shot a film together in 2013 (not a few months ago) and she and Joaquin shot Mary Magdalene last year I believe

  7. Rooney Mara was awful in Lion.
    I guess the CEOs at the studio decided they had to insert some kind love interest into the script. Why her I dont know

  8. Eww on both. Joaquin is basically an Affleck.

  9. Sandler Coll5:24 AM

    On what planet is Rooney Mara a good actress?
    I just don't get why producers use the same old mediocrities, half of whom are pains and needy, instead of cycling in different people.

  10. Guesser6:26 AM

    @Ah!Great discription. A couple of weeks ago, Rooney was the guess for being transgender.

  11. Lynne7:26 AM

    Rooney Mara is uniquely photograph-able.

  12. Being a female to male transgender doesn't prevent her (or him?) from being attracted to men.
