Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Blind Item #7

This frequent guest to this space over the past few weeks has even more people gunning for him. The A list musician from the now non existent group has had his marriage called into question. Apparently he struck a deal with his now wife to act married for tax reasons and to pay off a huge favor to her for information she is hiding.


  1. Tricia1312:32 AM

    Nikki Six

  2. elle b12:35 AM

    nikki sixx

  3. Barbara RiceHand12:46 AM

    Ewe is the something to do w getting into the shower w his daughter w the erect penis?

  4. Nikki shut off of twitter and fb last month too..

  5. longtimereader2:10 AM

    I'd still recommend the motley book 'the dirt', a great read. Not sure about the music though.

  6. I am a CPA. It is not possible to "act married for tax reasons." That is fraud.

  7. Hot Cola3:35 AM

    Maybe in England? Is this liam pine? I think he got married to chryle cole

  8. RenShaw6:26 AM

    I've always thought taxes was rough on marriage so why do this, unless the other is seeking citizenship.

  9. Whole Grain Goodness6:46 AM

    Me too. +1000
    Married for tax reasons? Um, because they wanted to pay even more tax?
