Thursday, January 12, 2017

Blind Item #7 - What Am I Missing

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This could all be nothing, but I can't really figure the whole thing out. It could be because I am still sick, so thought I would turn it over to you as is and see if you can figure it out. Here is the e-mail tip. The tip doesn't mention which photo to look at in the link, so they are all above.

Subject: From the shadows

Message Body:
Amateur heists with sloppy DNA, forfeited earnings, sudden sycophancy. That fish you’re smelling is real.

But it’s not just a matter of bookkeeping. Look very, very closely at the edge of the frame.

Interesting “placement.”

Armenia is a small, poor country that depends on another, bigger country to defend a sensitive region.

That country’s “minders” would be fired if they weren’t all over a visit like this.

When it comes to loans and leverage from abroad, we’ve learned what happens to insolvent narcissists.

P.S. Attire to the Christmas show.


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