Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Blind Item #6

Just like her mother, this B list mostly television actress seems to be trying very hard to get pregnant by this gay actor, at least according to a pap who had a clear shot into one of the bedrooms.


  1. Billie Lourd & Taylor Lautner.

  2. trainrides12:05 AM

    Billie Lourd

  3. Guesser12:20 AM

    I. Notice that a lot of women with gay,Fathers are attracted to gay men. Too soon for this thoughthough,real or not.

  4. MontanaMarriott12:34 AM

    I had no idea that CF's baby father was gay. Interesting how history repeats itself if it's true, Judy with Vincent, Liza with (insert any and all of her ex'es)

  5. GoTrollUrSelf12:49 AM

    It's probably just the genes they're after

  6. GoTrollUrSelf12:49 AM

    Too soon

  7. Hamster1:00 AM


  8. GroovieMann1:35 AM

    Wow. This blind is so rude. There's a big difference - Carrie didn't know he was gay and was devastated when he left her.

    This blind is beyond poor taste. Give the girl some time to grieve, FFS! Who cares who she's fucking right now, even if he's allegedly gay - ever heard of bisexuality?

    Fuck you, Enty

  9. Enquiring Minds2:03 AM

    Not so, @Groovie--there are indications that Lourd being gay was known (but not talked about) by many, including Carrie prior to her involvement with him. So before spouting off, make sure you know what you're talking about

  10. Bryan Lourd is openly bisexual. Married to a man.

  11. George2:13 AM

    Really poor taste if this is about Carrie/Billie.

    Forget whatever they (the couple) were doing, or not, let's talk about the "pap had a clear shot into one of the bedrooms" really?! And his or her stalking skills are that good that they have decided, judging by what they saw (by being such a skilled stalker/peeping tom, I mean pap), that she is trying to get pregnant?!

    I know this is a blind gossip site, but come on.

  12. RenShaw2:46 AM

    These 'fluid sexuality' blinds are just boring.

  13. Zsa zsa3:14 AM

    Maybe she's a lesbian? And he's gay? Lavender relationship sort of deal?

  14. Tara114:18 AM

    So disrespectful. Her mom and grandma just died. She's finding comfort in a guy she obviously cares about. Let them live. The fact that a pap is bragging about being near their bedroom window is sick. And the constant questions about her boyfriend's sexuality , and now her's , is bordering on cyber bullying. And who would think either of them would try to play games with the public or media , at a time like this. I doubt they give two craps. They are a couple trying to find some joy after this tragedy. I personally hope she does get pregnant. The baby would be gorgeous.

  15. Wendy5:28 AM

    So, you're tellin me that a pap saw them having sex and that means she wants a baby?

    Maybe he's bi and they are having sex because....gasp....they wanted to....

    I know there have been rumors about Lautner for years, but maybe he is just bi and usually dates guys, but changed it up this time.

  16. LOL So indignant! You seem a bit delicate for this site. You might be happier over on Gossip Cop, or People magazine's website.

  17. Hortensia8:01 AM

    Well, hey about the genes. We need more class in this country, guys with style, who are clean, take care of themselves, and are interested in lots of things. We don't need more neanderthals with fat bellies, belching, acting like they know everything, dress like slobs, and wouldn't know a good restaurant from Burger King. Let the gays make babies with the ladies. More gay genes!!!

  18. Dcgal8:34 AM

    When my father died I cried for 8 weeks .my heart broke in 2 .I can't imagine even eating or functioning if my mother grandmother died on same day
    She needs to just breathe or pray not be screwing up her life
    Her father should be there for her not Hollywood trolls

  19. S.D.AUNTIE12:18 PM

    @hortensia. That is a wonderful idea. Taylor and Billie will make beautiful babies.

  20. blahblah1:07 PM

    Carrie fisher tried to get pregnant by Taylor Lautner too? Now that is weird.

  21. I ate my own head1:14 PM

    I don't get it. Every gay man I know is horrified at the thought of sex with a woman. Isn't that what being gay is all about???

  22. IKilledJennySchecter3:00 PM

    @ head eater, who are you to say what being gay is about? Just because you think you know a few, you suddenly know all? I identify as a gay male. I haven't been with a woman since I was 22 (long time ago), but I still check out women and (gasp!) even miss performing cunnilingus sometimes. So, no, even though some self-identifying heterosexual men feel the need, for whatever allusive reason, to profess disgust/discomfort (rather than total indifference which would seem less dramatic) at homosexuality not all people feel the need to be so hyperbolic when faced with something different than themselves

  23. Billy Moore6:15 AM

    Prehaps they found a turkey baster in one of the rooms. Or ovulation sticks or baby books.

  24. Oh please with the fake concern this is a GOSSIP site meant for our entertainment purposes. Stop being a Debbie Downer and take a chill pill. Thanks for the blind Enty. Most of us appreciate your work.
