Sunday, January 08, 2017

Blind Item #4

This much hatted former A+list singer turned A-/B+ lister has regularly started taking PCP. He is also one of the few I know who has ever tried to mix it with sizzurp. Wouldn't be surprised if he kills someone with that combination.


sandybrook said...

Chris Brown the other much hated Bieber is still A+

Laura Ramona said...

Brown . I read some sh**t stuff about the real assaults on Rihanna. Dude is psicho

John said...

So true. So sad.

longtimereader said...


Krab said...


Krab said...

Oh for heaven's sake, of course it's "hated," not "hatted." Ha.

rtsew said...

When I first read "hatted", my first thought was: "Does Slash still wear his hat?" and "Does Slash sing now?"

Sd auntie said...

And he still has primary custody of his beautiful daughter! Courts really need to drag him in for pee test

AndrewBW said...

@rtstew I started thinking beret? fedora? top hat? homburg? porkpie?

OKay said...

Ohhhhh. HATED! Okay, that makes SO much more sense. I thought Enty was just saying (in an incredibly awkward way) that he does other things. *L*

Ipoopalot said...

Isn't Pharrell known for wearing odd hats? Maybe it's a clue

I ate my own head said...

It's Chris Brown. No one is more hated then that piece of shit.

Hortensia said...

If it's about hats, it's Pharrel.

TiggyTea said...

i read it as someone who wears multiple hats as in has many jobs (actor, director, producer,etc).


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