Sunday, January 15, 2017

Blind Item #4

This A+ list mostly movie actor who is really close to an A+ list director comes from an acting family. He also has a substance abuse problem of which we are all aware. Apparently it has reached a new level. While visiting troops in Germany, our actor had a ten minute walk through a mall to a movie theatre and was waving to imaginary people and even bent down like he was talking to a child but there was no child there.


  1. Derek Harvey1:51 AM

    Ben Affleck

  2. Sunspirit1:57 AM

    For funsies I'll say Nicholas Cage.

  3. Hot Cola1:58 AM

    Wow Scary

  4. Ben Affleck Bad Dad2:05 AM

    That's the headline you don't want to read Ben. Let's be real instead of Hollywood yes men. Stop doing drugs before your children think you love being high more than you love being alive and with them.

  5. Twinkles2:09 AM

    Charlie Sheen

  6. GoTrollUrSelf2:10 AM

    Maybe he was rehearsing an imaginary crowd scene.

  7. Sadie2:15 AM

    Not the Afflecks. Wouldn't be caught dead talking to troops. And Casey's not A+ and Ben won't be soon with the flop of his new movie.

  8. Sadie2:16 AM

    Hmm, maybe Marky Mark? Maybe Enty considers him A+. The director he's close to? Peter Berg's A+ list? doubt it but Enty has peculiar rankings.

  9. snitty2:22 AM

    Yeah...I'm trying to think of actors who are close to A list directors....all I've got is Johnny Depp/Tim Burton...but Depp isn't from an acting family. Seems like this should be easy, but I got nothin'

  10. June Gordon2:31 AM

    Sean Penn?

  11. Zilla12:36 AM

    Ben Stiller is from an acting family and he directs.

  12. Zilla12:38 AM

    Or does it mean that the actor is really close friends with an A plus director, not that the actor himself directs?

  13. LOL. It's Ben. There are pics of him with the troops in Germany.

  14. Yep. Saw the pics. He is headed for a tragic end.

  15. addis3:21 AM

    Ben Affleck. He needs to be allowed to hit rock bottom. But I think his life is filled with enablers. Garner still lets him live in the family home, for example. He's never faced serious consequences for his addictions. If he were kicked out and had restricted visitation (and regular sobriety tests like Brad Pitt), he might clean himself up. He'll never get well until he is really on the verge of losing it all, IMO. I mean, just having three young kids who bear witness to all of his shenanigans *should* be enough of a reason for him to get serious treatment but that clearly isn't the case.

  16. Guesser3:28 AM

    @Sadie, Affleck has visited troops many times over the years

  17. Gypsy Trill3:28 AM

    I would go see Ben's new movie, except his newest hairpiece freaks me out. It is a total distraction. Maybe he should try Hair Club.

  18. Guesser3:36 AM

    Does anyone remember that the rumors were that he was a heroin or other opiate addict? It seemed to have disappeared from the sites, but with this being so common now it wouldn't surprise me. His behavior goes from normal, to zombie like, to totally crazed. Same with his appearance.

  19. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob3:41 AM

    I did not know until a few seconds ago that affleck's father was a theatre actor (and a janitor, electrician... too). I was going to dismiss his choice for the "comes from an acting family" part (his brother comes after/because of him, not the other way), but not anymore.

  20. Guesser3:42 AM

    Addis,he hasn't faced any consequences for any of his actions. Those kids don't need to see their father in that condition, and he clearly can get roles without drug testing.

  21. I don't remember that being on sites. I do recall a Lainey blind item about that, though.

  22. French girl4:15 AM

    Enty is saying that Ben Affleck is A+ list actor and almost A+ list director

  23. Lynne4:43 AM

    Actors and Directors as Friends:

    Bradley Cooper and (director) Brian Klugman

    Ben Affleck and (direcor) Kevin Smith

    (director) George Clooney and Brad Pitt

    Mel Gibson (director) and Jodie Foster

    Brad Pitt and (director) David Fincher

  24. Wendy4:44 AM

    I read this as someone who is an actor and friends with an A+ list director, but who knows with Enty speak.

  25. addis4:50 AM

    It's not the clearest writing but it's one person who is A+ for acting and close to A+ for directing.

  26. Wendy4:53 AM

    Yeah, now that I read it again, it it's someone who will be A+ list in directing soon.

    But I really didn't think Affleck was A+ list in directing considering his new movie just opened really poorly.

  27. Affleck. And he is close to A+ because he directed an Oscar winning movie and got creative control of Batman.

  28. The Democrat5:08 AM

    Ben- All day, Errrry day. Yellow face puffy eyes- hot mess. Best o' luck to ya Ben's liver!

  29. He's had a lot more successes recently, though. Hollywood will allow him a few more failures.

  30. Hot Cola5:27 AM

    There was a blind device item on this site and ABC around 2years ago that the suggested guess to was Affleck. It said he got hooked on Heroine following a back injury doing a movie stunt (batman?)
    The studios made him sick it up and show up and when pain killers weren't working he started heroin. That was around the time his marriage to garner blow out.
    Just my memory

  31. Hot Cola5:30 AM

    *my new keyboard is misbehaving. Hence typos. *

  32. I've heard and read so many things about Affleck over the years, it's insane. Alcohol is his oldest and best friend of course, but he's partied (so to speak) with pills, coke and heroin. It's just insane that he hasn't even seriously bothered with rehab. Tells you what his personal life is like, right? Surrounded by yes people and enabled to his own detriment. He's near the top of my list of celebs who will OD and die. He'll never get real help, too selfish and narcissistic.

  33. Tonika Johnson6:09 AM

    Judd aPatow is pretty f***ked up

  34. TiggyTea6:56 AM

    Ben was a mess on the Graham Norton show. Sienna was as high as he was. If she keeps at it, she'll soon look like him.

  35. The Democrat7:44 AM

    Germany is really close to 3 of the best motherloads of drugs- Prague, Amsterdam and Afghanistan...where WILL Ben Aflecks liver enjoy next?

  36. sandybrook8:06 AM

    She may have a bebeh that looks like him too if she doesn't remember to put a Helmut on it.

  37. DippityDo12:24 PM

    Cage is NOT A+

  38. arkvard2:11 PM

    I don't think Ben and Kevin have been close for years. I'm pretty sure when Ben hit it big, he dropped his old friends.

  39. marlo5:45 PM

    Democrat - Germany is close to AFGHANISTAN????

    Have you clueless inbred ever seen a world map?

    To list Prague (1 hour car ride from Nurnberg), Amsterdam (1 hours car from Dusseldorf) and AFGHANISTAN (phacking 7 hours by plane!!) shows a level of stupidity and ignorance, that borders on disturbing. What a bloody loser you are.

  40. I'm sure she's trying. Paycheck for 18 years.

  41. SarahS10:44 PM

    Damn! Yeah I just watched it. He looks awful and is talking so fast! I love Sienna to pieces and she is just smiling and smiling and laughing. Looks like she's having a REAL good time ;)

  42. Didn't j-lo dump him because of a gambling addiction? Addictive personality, it seems.

  43. Guesser5:14 AM

    @Velma,he's addicted to everything, he was banned from Casinos became he counts cards. He used To go to the casinos with JLo's mother. But he also cheated with strippers.

  44. The Democrat7:28 AM

    Dearest Marlo Twatface,

    You make me giggle, however, you are so very correct. Geography is probably my worst subject.

  45. BeenHereBefore1:01 PM

    Matt! Come get your friend!!!

  46. marlo2:39 PM

    Dearest Democrat Emptybrains, - the worst thing about liberals, lefties , etc , is that they insist on talking about things they are totally clueless about. They are too arrogant and self important not to know when to STFU. It's because they think they're smarter than others, while they are usually dumber.
    It's the reason they get laughed at, and not taken seriously.

    I'm glad you seem self aware of your horrendous lack of geography at least. Good for you.

  47. maybe it's time to learn difference between "lefties" and "liberal" because you only repeat some slogans of your president.

  48. marlo9:31 PM

    AL - 1. oh please great political debater, enlighten me about the difference then.....I am on the edge of my seat

    2. I'm BRITISH - we don't have a president, maybe you should pay attention, when addressing others, otherwise there's the danger of you coming across as an imbecile, like right now
