Monday, January 16, 2017

Blind Item #3

He made his fortune on the backs of people killed making his money, but this permanent A+ list singer didn't care and either did this foreign born A+ list singer who always look the other way when the check is big enough.


  1. elle b11:03 PM

    elton john and carey

  2. Tricia1311:04 PM

    Tony Bennett and Adele?

  3. parkdove11:19 PM

    Whoever it is they can turn a blind eye to human rights abuse but they won't perform at the inauguration.

  4. Guesser11:21 PM

    and Elton, at the wedding for the Russian billionaire's daughter in London. They will take a check from anyone, even though they don't need it. Yet if they performed for Trump, their careers would be over.

  5. McSchmid11:25 PM



  6. Guesser11:39 PM

    Valary Kogan, the Russian Billionaire, went from being just another millionaire to a billionaire very quickly, owns the largest airport in Russia.

  7. Fuck the inauguration. No one likes that Orange troll, deal with it.

  8. Shorny12:18 AM

    Trump's name is already worth piss, and we still have a few days before inaugeration. I truly hope he decides to divest himself from his companies, and reveals his tax returns. But I'm not holding my breath.

  9. Artists can perform at the inauguration if they want to, it's a free country, so YOU deal with it. Typical bullies when things don't go your way.

  10. austin12:53 AM

    Historic Low

    Poll: Trump Transition Approval Plummets

    "Donald Trump will take office Friday with the lowest approval ratings for any recent president and his transition efforts. The president-elect will be sworn in while his approval rating is 44 percentage points below outgoing President Barack Obama’s."

  11. Chello1:10 AM

    Hi Marlo

  12. Jodie1:12 AM

    One thing I don't like about this inauguration performance issue, is that artists are being singled out and pressured into putting their poiltical views into the public arena by being invited to perform. However they respond, they've effectively been forced to reveal their politics, which they have every right to keep private.

    Requests for performances at political events should be in the form of a general invite, and then selection made from who responds, not singling artists out for individual invites.

  13. GoTrollUrSelf1:32 AM

    I was surprised to see Elton John play for that wedding. I thought it was embarrassing.

  14. Do Tell1:49 AM

    @AY, Fuck people like you who assume to speak for everyone. It's an uninformed, arrogant thing to do. Deal with it.

  15. Noooobody wants to lol I hope the ratings are shit.

  16. Spectator2:24 AM

    Fuck orange hitler!!!

  17. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob3:38 AM

    Lots of artists performed before the castros (before the oldest asshole is happily dead) and all libtards loved it, yet nobody can perform before a democratically elected president who won the seats by a landslide.

    Fuck all libtards. I hope Trump does everything he said and even improves it. I hate libtards more and more everyday, as much as they hate the people´s will.

  18. Get lost you creepy troll. Lot's of people like him.

  19. Jodie, the left are filthy bullies and it is shameful what they are doing.

  20. kpist5:47 AM

    Except for the whole death threats thing. That is going too far, I don't know how anyone can condone that.

  21. kpist5:49 AM

    The death threats are going too far. How can anyone condone that?

  22. It is true- the liberals have exposed themselves as hateful, spoiled, democracy only counts when it turns into the way " they wanted". Everyone else is just too " ineducated". To this day, do not discuss the rampant corruption f the Clinton foundation- literally stealing salvataion from the people in Haiti and keeping 94% of the money for themselves acne Cheksea ( Anthony writer also on retainer

  23. Please Enty Please6:28 AM

    Please enty, reveal the mute button on CDAN. I can handle losing comment history in order to relieve myself of this drivel.

  24. And even more don't. Move along dearie.

  25. Try to stay on topic here, if you can. Go to breitbart for your circle jerk with fellow dogs.

  26. marlo7:05 PM

    Ay - "NO ONE" likes Trump?

    How did he become potus then? LOL, oh you poor pitiful inbred...

  27. marlo7:09 PM

    Chello - I'm right here, I don't post under different names, you see, I have a real life, with a real job, and a real family, and I come here during my lunch break.
    I don't need to pretend to be somebody I'm not, on a celebrity gossip site, so I can feel virtual support towards myself and my position, because in real life.... That's for losers such as yourself.

    Tell everybody here Chello what an amazing american you are, how you support and defend those who burn american flags, and chant 'death to america', while handing out candies to kids, after every terrorist attack on american soil.........

  28. Real-ity10:49 PM

    Alabama's Talladega College marching band accepts invitation to perform at the inauguration. Talladega is the oldest historically black college in Alabama. The president of the school goes on "The O'Reilly Factor' to talk about the harassment & threats he has received for accepting. This hero understands that these kids are not political. That this is a once in a lifetime experience for a bunch of kids - many of whom have never been out of Alabama! - to be part of history. He basically said fuck you, the kids are going.

    Almost as an after thought. A website was thrown up in the last 10 seconds of the segment to say, "It you want to help Talladega.. you can donate to..." Well, The "deplorable s"... the fucking "racists" that watch the O'Reilly factor donated over $500,000 immediately.. and more still coming in. Enough to pay for the trip, buy new instruments, and invest into the infrastructure projects at Talladega College.

    Threats? harassment? Who are the fucking deplorable's i ask?

  29. I get what you mean but the backlash from being seen to support Drumpf would be terrible! Like we talking massive boycotts. At least performing for dictators/mobsters/yachting etc is done in the shadows.

  30. They know who they are. And they are wearing some humble pie(or should be), but probably not because they are THAT SAD and pathetic
