Monday, January 02, 2017

Blind Item #3

This a list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee better start being nice. This past weekend she called several fans bi**ches when they asked to take a photo with her. Our actress was drunk and just foul tempered to everyone.


  1. Tricia1311:01 PM

    Jennifer Lawrence-

  2. Tricia1311:03 PM

    I do think she has talent and charisma but not cool girl (if her)

  3. talent and charisma will only take you so far, if she doesn't start showing respect and integrity, her "star power" will fade a lot sooner.

  4. Joel Theriot11:52 PM

    I'm not sure it's Lawrence. Last week she was at a hospital visiting sick kids. I guess it could be for show but she was there and you can't take that away from her. Anyway, she strikes me as being a lost soul and not a dumb sh*t...which those comments would make her.

  5. Lawrence is A+ list so it's somebody lower on the scale. Maybe Michelle Williams?

  6. Salaam12:39 AM

    Lawrence has to be A+ currently, I would think - she's the #1 female box office draw.

    Jessica Chastain?.

  7. Charlotte1:25 AM

    Not Lawrence as she is A+ list and this BI item could refer to ANY A-List actress who also happens to be an academy award winner/nominee.

    It's obvious that someone wants people to think it's Lawrence though...probably the same person who made up the previous BI about the A-list actress and the studio stuff yet, neglected to mention academy award nominee/winning actress and not promoting her movies enough which ALL were contrary to the facts.

    It's as if the person(s) who made up the first BI item realized their mistakes in making up the previous BI and within 24 to 48 hours, made sure to include the academy award nominee/winner detail BUT still screwed up with the A-list, not A+ list!. This BI is using Lawrence out with Aronofsky in NYC as an opportunity to make up a BI...except, people would have mentioned interacting with Lawrence specifically, and would have done so on social media.

    Another attempt gone bust, folks. The BI is not about Jennifer Lawrence it is, and more than likely, not about anyone really as it's just completely made up.

  8. sandybrook1:27 AM

    Anna Kendrick

  9. It says "mostly movie" actress. Jennifer has done only movies right?

  10. Hothotheat1:50 AM

    I like the Michelle Williams guess. JLaw is definately A+ list.

  11. Zilla12:01 AM

    Emma Stone

  12. Felicity Jones

  13. GoTrollUrSelf2:15 AM

    Plus, she has a rep for being challenging to work with.
    Or maybe Helen Mirren. Ha!

  14. Natalie Portman is famously known for being cold to fans.

  15. PammieC2:40 AM

    Nicole Kidman was drunk at Keith Urban's concert last week.

  16. Charlotte3:23 AM

    Bullshit. Jennifer Lawrence does not have a rep for being challenging to work with at all.

    The evidence of Lawrence being one of nicest to work with (as well as professional) comes from reports from the crew, extras, etc.,... on her films up to and including Mother (Aronofsky film) who have actually worked with Lawrence and have mentioned on many occasions that she's great to work with.

  17. TiggyTea3:33 AM

    St. Angie. She was in Colorado skiing w/ 6 kids

  18. texasrose5:24 AM

    Weird description 'a' list instead of A list makes me think different enty or drunk one. Sometimes ratings are a little off. There has been alot of stuff lately about how Jlaw won't take selfies with and is sometimes rude to fans. She also likes to get hammered. My guess that this is probably about her. Maybe prompted because Passengers not well reviewed??

  19. Jasmine5:45 AM

    Lol at these Jlaw stans. Jlaw was quoted saying "I no longer take selfies with fans" recently during her press for that flop movie.

  20. chipolata5:57 AM

    Yes, they behave as if they know her and will go to great lengths to tell of things they haven't actually witnessed. LOL. I don't see the great acting at all. She's better than some and much worse than others but she is the 'it' girl so has been rammed down our throats for years. She was in several tv productions before being handed the 'it' girl status.

  21. She joined Snapchat this weekend & was at a friends apartment New Years Eve party the entire night. I think this is about someone that was out on New Years at nightclubs or the New Years Rocking Eve shows.

  22. TiggyTea6:22 AM

    Just read that Julia Roberts, while on a plane this last weekend, got upset and threw a pillow and yelled. Who knows? Mebbe she yelled "bitches!"

  23. Charlotte6:41 AM

    Christ, is the Lohan clan running amok on the BI boards again?.

    It's not Lawrence but someone wants people to believe it is, which is why it appeared.

    An interview in a tabloid like The Telegraph where she made a point about "personal space" nothing specific was cited. It's bull. Guess the BI they sent in a couple days ago didn't catch on so they gave it another shot.

    Still bullshit.

  24. JLaw is imploding coz Pratt is staying with Anna. Wise choice. JLaw is not the kind of girl a smart guy marries. Just bang and ghost.

  25. texasrose8:51 AM

    or as Sinatra would say 'pump and dump'. She does seem a mess. Big in the fappening so not shy, apparently likes banging favorite director as muse, not sure if she's still hanging with that other mess Schumer but doesn't say much about her when she did. I actually like her acting and think she's cute.

  26. Guesser9:54 AM

    @Tiggy Tea, that might be it. A lot of these blinds lately seem to point to JLaw because of recent events about her. Julia can be a mean drunk, there is nothing in the blind indicating that it's someone young. I think the reception is deliberately done to test reaction to JLaw and get hits. JLaw is also A+,, which is why everyone thinks of her.

  27. SnarkIsFun10:08 AM

    Not saying that I think this blind is about in particular, but I will say that a lot of people who are nice when sober, can be very mean & nasty when drunk.

  28. I believe @GoTroll was referring to Michelle Williams, per Sadie's guess. But by all means, don't let a little thing like lack of reading comprehension stop you from going off on someone.

  29. pregnant, drunk, cold to fans portman called a several fans bi-ches in hebrew & french...

  30. whut? I though Jennifer Lawrence was a great big fat junkie, not a drunk. I think most of our beloved celebs are junkies if only because they are sewn into those idiotic jumpsuits, like 'onesies' for adults, and undressing in the toilet to pee out beer,/wine/cocktails is too troublesome and time consuming.
