Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Blind Item #3

Something very fishy going on with the "pregnancy" of this foreign born singer/celebrity/reality star with the million last names. Lots of "leaks," to keep up the story, but also lots of reality that doesn't add up.


  1. Tricia1311:01 PM

    Cheryl Come Versini Fernandez rotini lol

  2. Tricia1311:02 PM


  3. GoTrollUrSelf12:04 AM

    In the DM, I think, with strangely blurry pics of her "bump" at some photo shoot. Cheryl Many Names.

  4. Violet12:15 AM

    Ah the 1d tweener fans sending in blinds again? In the fuzzy photo in the DM she looks pregnant enough. Perhaps it's 1d fake baby mark 2.
    As an aside, the shaming of someone who has had the temerity to have been married twice is quite irksome.

  5. Wendell12:35 AM

    NeNe Leakes !!

  6. D.R.B1:10 AM

    Cheryl Ann Fernandez-Versini

    *fake pregnancy*

  7. longtimereader2:14 AM

    Well she is gay and a cowell product so a fake baby for publicity would make more sense than being knocked up by her p.r stunt of a b.f.

  8. RenShaw6:30 AM

    Part of the debate with Cheryl is that supposedly she has not confirm her pregnancy. I didn't know that a requirement to make it true although people usually wait until their second trimester to say they are preggos. How long has she been pregnant? And so what if she's gay. I'm sure they sell turkey basters in the UK.

  9. TiggyTea6:32 AM

    Think she's stuffing just like Beyonce did. Maybe she needs to upgrade her bump pad?

  10. Same diff. :)

  11. Benny's Wool Coat3:12 PM

    Well anyone remotely connected to X Factor and or Simon Cowbell needs a mandatory question mark.

    Cheryl is clearly playing the old bait and switch teasing with her fans. IMO its another pregnancy that came about in peculiar circumstances and was always far too media driven imo. But hey, its her life...

  12. Lalaland12:24 AM

    Cheryl is going to be a very happy GAY mam.

  13. […] but no one’s said anything about that. Well, none of the primary actors. Crazy Days and Nights says this: “Something very fishy going on with the ‘pregnancy’ of this foreign born […]
