Sunday, January 15, 2017

Blind Item #3

The good news is that everyone is going to watch this pay cable show regardless of what happened at one of the biggest press ops of the year. However, perhaps it would be a good idea for the foreign born former A list mostly movie actor to lay off the coke before he does one of these huge press opportunities. Oh, and the press could have said he was wasted, but chose to focus on the show in their articles.


  1. Sunspirit1:47 AM

    Jude Law

  2. GoTrollUrSelf2:08 AM

    Pierce Brosnan was all cranky at a presser, but his show won't be watched by everyone.

  3. nancer4:32 AM

    if it's the pope thing, why would he say everyone will watch it?

  4. Tonika Johnson6:11 AM

    Nobody gonna watch the Pope show
    Just Hollywood snowflakes attacking Catholic Church
    Let them write a movie attacking Mohammed the child rapist
    Never gonna happen as Hollywood scared sh**less of Muslims

  5. Andrew Lincoln

  6. chopp6:54 AM

    Before it even aired, they announced that they got the greenlight for a season 2. I watched it and did not like it at all.

  7. texasrose8:31 AM

    So what happened at the presser???

  8. marlo4:51 PM

    Tonika - a gal after my own heart. Welcome to reality my friend: the left grovelling in front of the most primitive, savage and violent ideology on the planet, spineless and cowardly, sacrificing their own daughters, their own women, giving them their own countries, it's not gonna end well, is it? Islam isn't really known for gratitude and peace.

    Appeasement has worked so well with Hitler, right FRENCH GIRL?

  9. Laura Ramona12:28 AM

    And christianity was very peaceful when they slaughtered the american indians ha Marlo? Few milions of them

  10. marlo1:30 AM

    Laura, maybe you live in the Middle Ages, but I do not. Christianity went trough something called 'Enlightenment', hundreds of years ago.

    Today, it is not Christians who can't live in peace with anybody else in the world, including their own. It's muslims.
    It's not Christians who turn their own countries into unliveable cesspits, and then demand to be put up elsewhere, leech off hard working people, and then kill them as a thank you.
    It is not Christians today, who are responsible for 98% of all armed conflicts worldwide.

    You see the difference between my posts and yours: yours is 1 slogan, a soundbite, without any meaning, while I have COLD HARD FUCKING FACTS.

    Most obvious fact for somebody as dumb as you: it's 2017, not 1517 - so your comparison is completely and utterly and totally INSIGNIFICANT and only meaningful for somebody so stupid, who thinks that today is the same as 500 years ago!

  11. shakey3:01 AM

    Wow, that's mighty Christian of you, Marlo!

  12. numoon610:53 AM

    well just to throw some gas on a fire, seems to me that much of hollywood is jewish and we've all seen how kind they are to the palestinians re Gaza. It takes two to tango.

  13. marlo2:31 PM

    Oh you motherfucking ignorant inbreds, who have never left your village corners......if only all Christians and Jews were as kind, tolerant, non racist and peaceful as the muslims are, ey??? LMAO

  14. marlo2:34 PM

    numoon - fuck Gaza and the parasitic cockroaches there - they are lucky they still exist, Israelis could have annihilated them 100 times by now, but actually they show more compassion and humanity to their worst enemies, than muslims show each other

    Best Palestinian moment ever: when palestinians (Hamas and Fatah) where throwing each other off rooftops to decide who won the elections in 2005 (last elections they had - 12 years.....) - that was bloody marvellous , I wish they had new elections .... nothing like terrorist slaughtering one another, which fortunately, is the only thing muslims excel at

  15. Natacha Giger -Janski9:13 PM

    please you know nothing about history : that was Americans soldiers (rapist most of them) this is the biggest reason we asked you to go away asap Germans where not to busy fucking each other and stilling paints and houses

  16. connecticut9:26 PM

    @numoon - Are you speaking about the Palestinians who danced and cheered on the streets when 9/11 happened????
    The Palestinians who were handing out candies to children when 9/11 happened????
    The Palestinians who chant 'Death to America'????

    The Palestinians who put videos on youtube of all the things I mentioned above????

    You fucking anti American, terrorist islamist son of a cunt!!!

    Go fuck yourself with a large cactus!
    I can only hope your life is as miserable as you loyalties to your own people and your intellect.

  17. connecticut9:27 PM

    @numoon – Are you speaking about the Palestinians who danced and cheered on the streets when 9/11 happened????
    The Palestinians who were handing out candies to children when 9/11 happened????
    The Palestinians who chant ‘Death to America’????

    The Palestinians who put videos on youtube of all the things I mentioned above????

    You fucking anti American, terrorist islamist son of a cnut!!!
    I hope your life quality reflects your loyalties and intellect.

  18. marlo9:34 PM

    natasha, it'd help you if you were literate, my poor, clearly violently inbred friend.

    Connecticut: interesting irony isn't it, liberals will defend their own killers, and their worst enemies, and then they wonder why they are a laughing stock
