Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Blind Item #3

As is their annual custom, this pair of married A- list co-stars from a hit network show used one of the complimentary suites offered to them for an hour long assignation.


  1. MontanaMarriott11:02 PM

    Tony G and Kerry W?

  2. GoTrollUrSelf11:10 PM

    Are they married to each other or to other people?

  3. Gennifer Goodwin/Josh Dallas

  4. MontanaMarriott11:20 PM

    Oooooh I didn't even think about that and immediately thought they were married to other people and were cheating. I think Soapy's got it.

  5. GoTrollUrSelf11:27 PM

    @MontanaMarriot - I couldn't figure out why it would even be noted if they were married to each other. But this is Enty.

  6. Could be anybody

  7. Guesser12:07 AM

    Assignation means it's secret, spit would be an affair. Kerry and Tony if their spouses weren't there. Also,sounds like they were both offered suites.

  8. Because they're supposedly married to other people.

  9. Tony G and Kerry W, there have already been several BI on them, using hotel rooms for their horizontal practice

  10. RenShaw2:54 AM


  11. Cherry5:34 AM

    Why would we care if they were married? So what?

  12. Sensible One6:00 AM

    It's sad that part of Tony and Kerry's legacies will be tied to years long affair, children produced as a result of affair and hookups at luxury hotels. I'd hope they both were classier than that.

  13. Boldness7:54 AM

    This wouldn't make sense if it's Tony and Kerry…Why? Because they could f*ck at home and not risk being caught by nosy folks --especially if folks keep saying they are together and really don't have spouses or fake spouses, that means the fake spouses couldn't careless about them being together. So why risk f*cking at a hotel? By the way which one is it they have spouses or nah?

  14. Maybe they find it kinky and get a thrill out of possibly getting caught.
    Enty words the blinds about them interestingly. It can read that they are married to others OR married to each other. Since there are kids involved, I would say 'nah'.

  15. Hortensia8:09 AM

    This is an ancient plot line from Cheers when Sam hooked up with Agent 86 once a year in Vermont.

  16. Scandi Sanskrit11:26 AM

    Oh, look. I learned a new word today. "Assignation."

    Notes in vocabulary notebook.

    Thanks, Enty!

  17. Reagan1:35 AM

    Kerry is known to get dressed at the hotel. But, with a toddler and a newborn at home, an hour in a hotel room alone together is like heaven!

  18. It says a pair of A- list stars. Kerry is A list. Tony is maybe a B? If it is them is he using an average?

    This has to be about another couple. The OUAT couple or the leads from Americans?

  19. I'm now convinced it's Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell in one of the network hospitality suite before the Golden Globes reliving their secret hook-ups before they came out as a couple and got married.

    They were all over each other that night.

  20. It can not be Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell since the BI says, a Hit Network, not a Hit Cable

  21. FX is a network.

    Besides, they are the only A list costars (where they are both A-list) that are involved and would have a tradition of keeping things secret. And I want to say they live on the East Coast (?) which makes the suite even more of a departure from their normal lives.
