Sunday, January 08, 2017

Blind Item #2

This creepy organization has blackmailed their PR person. They pay them practically nothing and don't realize there are tons of secret recordings the PR person has made. Literally thousands of hours to be released upon the death of the PR person.


sandybrook said...


S.D.AUNTIE said...

Well, i hope they dont sentence whoever it is to hard labor. North Korea has the same type of justice.

Laura Ramona said...

Agree sandy

KellyAnne C, Agent of P.U.T.I.N. said...

Trump University

Laura Ramona said...

Kelly grow up.

John said...


John said...

Upon the death... But yeah they would. It's called seaorg.

AppleTartin said...

If this is Monique Yinglang the Sci pit bull lawyer that would make sense. She put her 2.5 million beach house up for sale and she looked awful during her rebuttal interview on 20/20. She was also blinking a lot. Consensus is she was blinking SOS to the public. She isn't a Scieontologist either.

RenShaw said...

But why the blackmail. Is the PR person trying to move on from them. You heard of calling for Maury, well, she needs to call Leah who would welcome the new material. Problem fixed.

8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob said...

The clintons and some celebrity.

Sheepie said...

Please help Monique!!

Geto Ho' said...

And death of the PR person comes in...1..2..

honey bunny said...

LoL! That was funny! LoL!

Mazoo said...

Whoever this is, please release this stuff now! These criminals shouldn't get away with how they exploit people for even another day!

persiaa said...

Tommy Davis/$cientology

Malibuborebee said...

That's who I thought of too, he'd have been able to put together thousands of hours of tapes over the years.


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