Sunday, January 15, 2017

Blind Item #2

A Facebook thread from this week.

Unfortunately she was unbelievably rude. Of course I wouldn't allow my daughter to approach her and ask for autograph, selfie, etc. I respect people's private time. But she and her date were right in our sight of vision and foreign born A+ list singer asked the manager to come and tell us to stop looking at her and taking pictures (nobody was taking pictures - my daughter was texting her friends) because we were making her uncomfortable. It was beyond humiliating!
Thanks everyone. I was angry and disgusted last night. My daughter was embarrassed (got tears in her eyes) because the restaurant manager called her out in a very harsh, rude way - and she wasn't even doing anything - which I promptly explained to the manager. To which he replied "well she and her date feel uncomfortable." Seriously?!I explained to my daughter that she had done absolutely nothing wrong and this is a good lesson in life on how to treat people and that you should never forget where you come from. The singer's bodyguard was by the door when we left (which we left promptly because of the situation) and you know me - I said "I'm sorry you work for someone like that." He did actually follow us outside and asked what happened. He refused to believe that the singer would do that to a child and that the manager must have just been being rude. I say shame on her and the manager!!


  1. Derek Harvey1:41 AM


  2. GoTrollUrSelf2:05 AM

    In the words of the Biden family, "no one is better than you and are better than no one"

  3. RenShaw2:23 AM

    I like the Rihanna guess. But if the 'unbelievable rude and beyond humiliating' are not hyperbole, then this is Ia teachable moment and you don't teach your kid to acquiesce and leave even when you are in your rights. Screw that. I wish these things happen to me. I love a good bitchdown.

  4. French hoe3:12 AM

    Rihanna will not send a bodyguard for that coz she will tell you straight away and she is if it was her we would have found out

  5. Zilla13:19 AM

    Adele? Trying to think of another foreign born A plus female singer.

  6. Hommna Hommna3:23 AM

    I bet this is a "needed some comfortable distance" blind to protect his daughter (and also Enty's identity). This is Adele and it happened when she was touring and in LA last fall. She is notoriously prickly about "people looking at her."

  7. Such a weird situation.
    If this "Singer" doesn't want to be "stared at," then she shouldn't have become famous!

  8. Poop Says4:00 AM

    People who don't want to be seen should not be in public. Fuck them. Oooh...don't look at me waah, waaaah! Just go through the drive through for your trough of slop Tubby!!

  9. Oh please.4:40 AM

    And the other side of the story? What angle was the kid holding the phone at while texting? Were they staring? Making comments?

    It bugs me when someone points their phone camera directly at me, too, regardless of what they're doing on the phone.

  10. I agree.... Typical parent who's little precious can do no wrong.

  11. Yes, phones at tables are rude.

  12. Sorry Adele - you're an obese celebrity. Of course people will look at you times 2x. she's a whale. Same with husband. Child probably will have diabetes

  13. PEOverbrook1:18 PM

    "Oh Please", indeed...these poor actors, when someone has the gall to text that they see them, point their phone toward them and, oh horrors, look at them. And if they make eye contact! The someone, of course, is their customer, one of the group who lines their pockets. Without fame you make no money. You want money? Deal with the fans.

  14. Regina2:02 PM

    Oh my gosh gGhh! What an awful, cruel and thoughtless comment to make about a family And the child? You "profiled" the child on the basis of what? Your JUDGEMENT of these parents being overweight? I apologize, I just realized this must be an adolescent writing such things lol you had me goin there. Please tell your mother and father I said to please, please be better parents and I know of many free classes and courses that can help them with they're parenting skills okay? If you feel like you are a victim of emotional or physical abuse please call hotline. Comment back if you need the number. Or mine. I will help you. And yes sweetie it is wrong to call people fat whales okay??

  15. marlo4:54 PM

    Adele is a very talented, but rather nasty and insecure individual.
    She will get worse and worse, mark my words.

  16. Sarah4:09 AM

    Rihanna is known to actually be really nice and kind to fans and also open to taking photos with them, so this is not her. My guess is Adele.

  17. Brian1:07 PM

    Yeah, it should be pretty obvious whether somebody was taking a picture or texting, you definitely don't hold the phone the same way while doing them.

  18. Bubbles1:44 PM

    Did you really type " help them with they're parenting skills"?

  19. Adele. She has been a huge massive bitch since back in the day.
    The fame only made it worse. Fame is an addiction, the more awards/ records you get/ break the more addicting it becomes.
    All of that genuine down to earth stuff is bull s***. a lot of marketing like everyone else.
