Monday, January 09, 2017

Blind Item #25 - Golden Globes

With the exception of a handful of people, this talk show host was ignored by the celebrities there who only like him enough to go on his show, but not hang out with him away from it. Plus, he was being monitored for his drinking by not only his wife, but also her long long time bff.


  1. Sarah6:01 AM

    Fallon. Hate him
    Nancy drew ha!

  2. Soapy6:01 AM

    Jimmy Fallon and Drew

  3. Tricia136:01 AM


  4. Tricia136:04 AM

    +1 Sarah!

  5. Patrick6:09 AM

    Lots of H-Wood Dems are still mad about Fallon's hair ruffle of Trump which seemed to really humanize him in the eyes of the electorate. He'll hear about that A LOT over the next 4 years.

  6. texasrose6:26 AM

    Speaking of Fallon. Fail on hosting GGs. Please God give us Ricky Gervais or someone else that is funny with an edge.

  7. Malibuborebee8:23 AM

    Nobody gives a fuck about that drunken fool Jimmy Fallon and nothing humanized that giant orange shit. We fully expect Putin's Whiny Little Bitch to stroke out soon. We'll deal with that homophobic little freak Pence later.

    In the meantime, we have a zero tolerance policy for Trumpanzees.

  8. Hot Cola10:07 AM

    Non of them is " funny with an edge"
    They all become teflon with time.

  9. Spectator11:28 AM

    Man fuck Trump, fuck white people. I still like jimmmy Fallon though

  10. I ate my own head11:30 AM

    Wow, how very tolerant of you ....asshole. I guess you only apply tolerance to things you like...kind of like how Neo-nazis only tolerate whites.

  11. I ate my own head11:31 AM

    "Fuck white people"? Really? Racist asshole. Don't you have some special needs kid to go torment?

  12. Sd Auntie12:18 PM

    Like your Texas football players who raped a disabled person with a hanger! and got away with it?? It goes both ways Sucker.

  13. I refuse to watch anything with this goofball in it.

  14. Simon1:41 PM

    I'm with you, Malibuborebee is an intolerant asshole. Half the country feels one way, and the other half another. How about respecting both sides? Neither party is the "good guys" or the "bad guys"

  15. Frank1:41 PM

    Why does Fallon drink so much?

    And fuck Trump. Love!

  16. marlo1:57 PM

    Oh dear......all these hissy fits and rants from the 'tolerant liberals''s gonna be a fun 8 years indeed...

    Malibuinbred - you are bloody deranged and your posts only have one effect: to demonstrate without a shadow of a doubt how vile, primitive and returded you lot are, intolerant of anybody with a different point of view or opinion, to the point of calling and inciting violence against them. That is called FASCISM, my dear Malibuinbred.

    At least I am honest when I say I hate Muslims - I'm no coward, I'm no liar, I admit it, I have very good reason to hate them, they don't make liking them very easy, while you are a spineless bottom-feeding coward, pretending to be open minded, while actually being a dishonest and intolerant hypocrite. Which is the ENTIRE REASON Trump won:
    you're just far too retarded to understand that the very reason he won, is the reason your side acts.

    Vilifying 'white people' while defending pedophile worshippers, who throw gays from roofs, hang them from cranes in public squares, mass rape young girls, disfigure them with acid, blow themselves up on 4 continents, and bring war and bloodshed anywhere they go, shows exactly which side you're on.

    You are the type of person who will scream bloody murder about Trump grabbing pussies, but slither away under a rock, like a snake, if asked to publicly defend a raped 12 year old, and forced into marriage with a 45 year old, unless they're white!! You are a coward and a hypocrite and the world is such of your kind, YOUR WORDS DON'T MATTER ANYMORE - THAT'S WHY TRUMP WON!

  17. IKilledJennySchecter4:07 PM

    soooo. you hate Muslims, but are upset that malibu is intolerant? Shouldn't you be asking for/giving/trading intolerance tips?

  18. marlo6:23 PM

    Sooooo, yes I do turd - whatya' gonna do about it?
    I'm honest, I am intolerant of Islam, I hate Muslims - but not nearly as much as Muslims hate everybody else including THEIR OWN!

    Call me crazy, but I will never be 'tolerant' of pedos, psychos and killers - that's your prerogative, oh tolerant one. And I don't pretend to be a phacking do-gooder, while supporting the cockroaches of humanity.

    I care about my family, my people, my country, my culture, if that makes me an asshole, then so be it. I don't give a shiite what useful idiots like you have to say, because you don't matter.
    It'd be a cold day in hell before you see me crying for an inbred pedo-worshipper who'd slit my throat and rape my daughters. You 'tolerant' one can cry for them: incapable of living in peace with anybody, including their own. I hope you'll have a nice big fat mosque next to your house soon....Enjoy them.

  19. You might be a racist if you voted for the same guy the KKK, David Duke and Richard Spencer campaigned for. You own it.

  20. longtimereader2:22 AM

    Trump hasn't killed a single muslim, hillary on the other hand...

  21. Malibuborebee6:48 AM

    Tolerant? When the fuck did I ever claim to be tolerant? When did I ever act as if I were a tolerant person?

    Answer: Never.

    I have no interest in tolerating dumb bigots in any arena, least of all in politics. This is especially true if they are traitors in league with a hostile foreign power who are all acting against the best interests of the United States.

    A mentally unstable, racist, sexist, religious bigot, a small group of like-minded individuals and Vladimir Putin have staged a coup in this country. Did they seriously think we weren't going to notice that shit? Okay, deeply stupid people - who evidently make up less than 25% of eligible voters - didn't notice what happened but everyone else did.

    Germany 1933 here we go, this time with more Russians. President Jefferson was right, as usual. If we want to save the country then the blood of patriots and of tyrants will probably be required before it's over.

  22. Malibuborebee7:04 AM

    Oh for fuck's sake. I don't know how some of you manage to put one foot in front of the other.

    In some exciting math news this week, we find fewer than 50% of Americans eligible to vote actually did so. Of those who did vote, fewer than half voted for Fuckface von Clownstick. Secretary had the majority of votes by several million.

    Here's a hint "Simon" honey - the racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, climate change deniers are actually in the "bad" party. It's why no one ever really invites them anywhere.

  23. Malibuborebee7:09 AM

    I'm not giving that c unt any of my intolerance tips. I'm just going to keep laughing at the fact that she thinks I was ever tolerant at all. She must be illiterate.

  24. Malibuborebee7:10 AM

    Call you crazy?

    Okay, you are out of your tiny little mind.

  25. Malibuborebee7:10 AM

    Yep. Funny how that works.

  26. Sheepie6:53 PM

    Team Marlo Y'all want to research Arkancide too, and then give thanks HRC didnt make it
    I hate Muslim terrorists- they are scum

  27. Sheepie6:55 PM

    Trump is a douche about some things, but hes also right about some things too.

  28. Simon9:17 PM

    Haha, soooo funny. When liberals have nothing to argue, they go straight for republicans are stupid. I bet Malibuborebee is a loser in real life. Sitting in mommy's basement with no job masturbating to Kim kardashian. Lol
