Sunday, January 08, 2017

Blind Item #1

That manager of the permanent A+ lister finally made a misstep and is crawling around on her knees apologizing to her client. No matter what the A+ lister says about her first ex, she still loves him and no one is allowed to talk smack about him except for her. Quickest way to lose your job is to say anything bad about him, let alone publicly.


S.D.AUNTIE said...

Mariah and Tommie Mottola?

Dtiny said...

Madonna/Sean Pen?

sandybrook said...


Zilla1 said...

I think it's Mariah and Mottola. There were blinds before about Mariah's manager.

sandybrook said...

You're right it's the top item if you google mariah\tommy mattola

Laura Ramona said...

Madonna. Tomny said lately something about Mariah s career and sounds like he cares for her. But I go with Madonna for this one. Even if Mottola is a good guessm love the guy

Laura Ramona said...

Changed my mind. Mottola.

Laura Ramona said...

Also sources coming from Mariah calling Mottola a "relique" of the history makes sense

Zilla1 said...

But the headlines have Mariah's manager taking a swipe at Tommy.

Laura Ramona said...

Exactly Zilla. Someone typed something Miss Diva disliked

david said... least Mariah knows who was responsible for her becoming famous!

Laura Ramona said...

I love Tony. Might be my italian gene but this is a good guy.

John said...

He's a gangster. One of the absolute worst of a life destroying, raping, mudering business. Maybe you can get your gene spliced.

Laura Ramona said...

John if you have infos.. im glad to read it and spilt my genes

Laura Ramona said...

That s interesting

Zilla1 said...

With that voice she would have become famous Tommy or no Tommy.

RenShaw said...

Isn't this the manager that MC kept after she fired her people. Mottola chimed in about MC in the last couple of days, kinda surprised me.

8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob said...

mottola is a disgusting asshole. He is the terry of music.
Example: An outside of the USA born singer wanted a record with his label. She is not exactly pretty, but this is another story. He told her that she had to give him a bj if she wanted a record. She refused and went back to her country. She said that he was not even interested in her sexually, he just wanted to show her who the boss was.

There are several examples like that.

I ate my own head said...

Tidbit: I spend New Year's eve 1990 10ft away from Mariah and Tommy. She wasn't famous yet so I had no idea who either of them were. Mariah looked skinny and gorgeous but was very stuck up, she literally walked with her nose in the air and wouldn't make eye contact with anyone. Tommy looked old enough to be her grandfather. He was very grey and wearing a cowboy hat. I thought she was an escort and he was the client.

Hortensia said...

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Girrrl... (Whoever you are.) Why would you be like this toward your ex? He's probably not worth it, he's probably your ex for a reason. I'd be more this way toward my family (like, I can bitch about my family, but nobody's allowed to talk smack about my family unless they legit wronged that person). But an ex? Come on.

Matt said...

That information about Tommy being scum isn't hard to find. Don't get mad now that you have proclaimed your love for him.

Cuntina said...

This might be about Maria making a power move against her manager to remind her who's boss. Lately there has been alot of talk about her manager having successfully separating her from everyone else who matters in her life so she might have gotten word of this and made a move to check that hungry Slav. The problem is, she made that slavic cur aware that her control over/of her is not what it should be so the slav will most likely take another route to finally harness and saddle her crazy ass.. Looking foward to see what happens next because now she's given the manager a reason to really come at her.

Malibuborebee said...

Look into what Mottola did to Hall & Oats.

Blind Items Revealed #2 – CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS said...

[…] January 8, 2017 […]


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