Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Blind Item #1

This momager is so homophobic that she refuses to acknowledge her A list reality daughter with a side gig is gay. She keeps hoping it is a phase and will release story after story of her dating men in hopes they will come true.


  1. Tricia1310:51 PM

    Kris Jenner/Kendall

  2. RenShaw11:17 PM

    How is this a blind. Kendull has to pap walks with multiple men to please her fam. I hate the koven.

  3. Doesn't new season talk about someone coming out?

  4. I believe it. Took her 20 years to accept Bruce was a crossdresser.

  5. I would think pimp kris would want to make a storyline out of it. Plus she dated a gay man (Corey) for over 2 years.

  6. Laura Ramona11:50 PM

    Gay or model new IT trend?

  7. How many times are we going to see this blind, even if you write it a different way? We get it Kendall is gay, Kris is saying no way! This is the very least of Kris' problems with her children!

  8. Laura Ramona11:51 PM

    I really don t believe these little girls are truelly gay. Lets see in 10 years when they will be off the show. Mmm

  9. THANK YOU!!!, I keep saying the same damn thing!!, we get it already move on!!

  10. justwondering12:23 AM

    Isn't PMK's boyfriend Korey gay?

  11. Alice2:06 AM

    Kris's bf Corey is gay? Are they still together?

  12. Barbara RiceHand2:28 AM

    Kris thinks the sudden outing of her daughter and magazine covers and tv shows will grant her millions. So she's just biding her time. Waiting for the perfect moment, to once again, cash in on her child's actual life.

  13. Anderson Likes It In the Pooper2:55 AM

    Kendall is only gay because she hasn't had a real man yet.

  14. Alistdiva4:13 AM

    How do we know Kendal is full on gay? Maybe she is bi or just going through the I like girls for attention phase? I mean nobody in that family would ever pretend anything for attention though haha

  15. Somebody must be interested in this horrid family. Just nobody I know. They are horrid.

  16. Eh before a blind was suggesting that Kris was behind it and that will be the story for the new season. Struggle to keep up

  17. Wendy7:48 AM

    Meh, who knows what to believe because Blind Gossip has Kris not really caring if she's gay but wants to put it in the show for ratings....

  18. GoTrollUrSelf8:09 AM

    PMK's probably waiting for another Kanye meltdown or a Kourtney pregnancy or a stable-member having a cosmetic procedure so she can throw Kendall out as a smokescreen.
    They'll have an excuse to haul Caitlyn back into the storyline. She doesn't seem to get much work and Starbucks & golf are expensive.

  19. LucidDreams5:01 AM

    Last year either this site or blind gossip said that kris jenner was trying to convince one of her daughters to act like she wants to come out.
    I dont believe shes gay for one second

  20. BeenHereBefore3:02 PM

    I thought Kourtney was/is also gay and used to date chicks back in the day. Scott was a beard for her.

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