Blind Item #1
His family will never say so, but this embattled, closeted, super popular religious figure died of complications related to HIV. At my last count he was paying a handful of young men for infecting them with the virus.
His family will never say so, but this embattled, closeted, super popular religious figure died of complications related to HIV. At my last count he was paying a handful of young men for infecting them with the virus.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
"Bishop" Eddie Long
ReplyDeleteKirk Cameron is still alive so this must be another capitalisation on Prince's death. Ashes on your own grave.
ReplyDeleteBishop Eddie Long. Several young men that he groomed and took advantage of have come out after his death to tell their truth. Maybe this will finally help the black church face reality and the immense amount of "down low " behavior that permeates every aspect of the church. Especially the flashy, popular, money maker , television "churches ". Yes he infected some of these young men with HIV and paid large sums of hush money. May the truth be revealed and may these young men have continued courage to tell the truth.
ReplyDeleteLol, at there being "super popular religious figure". That's where I got lost. Real Housewives, Religious folk and disney stars are foreign to me.
ReplyDeletereligion is just glorified cults.
ReplyDeletenever trust religious people. If you're stupid enough to believe in some magic man in the sky...
That was quick.Most people don't even know he died.He was paying these guys for a while, how does Enty know the cause of death so quickly? He made statements about George Michael as well,but they still haven't released the cause of death, I think now it it drug related.
ReplyDeleteThe Christian like the would be resist temptation....However,.....
ReplyDeleteGo fuck yourself, you piece of shit racist.
You can't escape even in death. His victims will sue the estate so his relatives better forget about inheriting much.
ReplyDeleteKim Burrell was just talking about him being HIV positive a couple of weeks ago -
ReplyDelete""I've never seen anything as heartbreaking as watching Bishop Eddie Long go down to nothing. It is an embarrassment to the Church. 'Cause nobody would be making that you have AIDS unless a homosexual man didn't come out and reveal what you did behind closed doors ... they have yet to deny it," she said.
Bishop Eddie long. Go check out some of his last appearances.....
ReplyDeleteYes,story is it was "Cancer" ???? Nope. More Religious hypocrisy.
I agree that GM most likely died of drugs than AIDS. But with the stigma of AIDS, it's understandable they would announce cause death due to cancer or pneumocystic pneumonia or just pneumonia without being too specific. I don't think this is the case for GM.
ReplyDelete+10000 !!!!!
ReplyDeleteWTF? There's no racism here, you moron.
ReplyDeleteReligious folk are fine. When they start getting up on boxes and start preaching that's when suspicion enters...
ReplyDeleteHe was despicable as are the idiots who continued to support him after this became public about the boys. Flock still forking it over to him up to his death. Those poor boys. Awful. He was still saying recently he had been eating raw vegetables and lost weight.
ReplyDeleteBtw prince hated gays. He was very vocal about how God said it was wrong and he believes the Bible. Some that went to church with him blamed his gay Experiments in prince's past for the reason he had AIDS.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the payees will write book(s). Their income has stopped.
ReplyDeleteThis "man of God" raped young men who came to him for guidance. It makes me SICK to see all of the accolades and tributes to him saying what a perfect person he was. It's disgusting.
ReplyDeletePrince was afflicted with internalized homophobia also he was allegedly a opiate addict of many years. Opiates erase anxiety and pain so if you hate yourself for who you are they are a perfect choice. In my opinion Whitney Houston's career long closeting also contributed to her drug addiction. When will people understand that lying about who you are affects your mental and emotional health no matter how much money is stacked in your bank account?
ReplyDeleteWell saying death due to PCP is a dead (no punt intended) giveaway. PCP has been around forever, but otherwise healthy people who don't have HIV/AIDS don't die from it. If your death is announced being due to PCP it's a given the person was HIV pos or had an AIDS diagnosis.
ReplyDeleteAnd who are all of these guys that came out since Sunday? The boys he molested came out years ago when he paid those settlements.
Arafat also died of Aids. You know, the Palestinian PLO leader, whose people are currently enjoying such great american support by Hussein and his useful idiots. He is the one (because I know most of you have no clue) who looked like a walking haemorrhoid, and who praised 9/11 attackers, and made his people give out free candy to kids in the streets, while Amrican's were jumping, to escape from being asphyxiated! Then, while the world was crying and in shock, he called for nice big well-attended demonstrations, where they burnt american flags, and chanted 'death to america'.
ReplyDeleteHussein's friends.
A lot of so called 'religious leader', or political leaders/big figures, have foul secrets, especially when you venture beyond the western hemisphere. We just don't hear about the sickening shit Middle Eastern and African 'men of faith' get up to.
I still wonder who gave Hussein the name 'bathhouse Barry'...
The world is filled with lying, filthy hypocrites.
Hey dumbass
ReplyDeleteArafat died in 04 obama wasnt elected till 08
ReplyDeleteNice try troll
[…] January 16, 2017 […]